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Everything posted by Zero_Infiniti

  1. next time the clan is in a match, those with a mic need to sing it (or play it, but the compression quality from the mic is sorta poor though) edit btw, why does the clan badge have a SNES controller, wouldn't it be more appropriate with an xbox controller?
  2. hahaha, this game was fun as hell, my teammates left in the last 5 minutes of the match and i managed two or three more kills after they left. jokers thought i was cheap for hiding, well lets see them manage 4 on 1 when the enemy has sniper, shotgun, sword and rockets...
  3. Okay it works, my roommates put in wrong numbers in the network settings...now i'm at lvl 13 in rumble pit...working my way through there...i guess i'll have to go into the team slayer as well since my roommates are lvl 22 and 26 in there.
  4. i'll probably be on sometime soon i hope, our connection was working great for the past two weeks, then last night it stops allowing us to connect to xbox live...it'll connect then boot us or it won't find it...its really really annoying...but as soon as we get it fixed i'll be around in the evenings
  5. i messaged you WesPip, gamertag: "Zero Infiniti"
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