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Posts posted by MaliceX

  1. Offtopic: I'd actually laugh if I heard a Hard Trance/techno/gabber/etc. version of Green Hill, in the style of Balla Nation. (The melodic part for the FFFFFFFFEEEEECDE loop, with INSTANT HARDCORE BASS PUMPED THROUGH A MAXIMIZER!!!11)

    Catchy yet so freaking easy to do, just gotta know how to impress. (And yes, it'd be more bouncy than the Euro 96 mix by Rayza...)

    Ontopic: Well, I have a big suspicion you haven't heard Redlox's, DragonXVI's, or ztrop's remix of this song. (Same key, different interpretation). Uhm...it's definetly 'attractive' to the ear, and it IS a tad more creative than many Ice Cap remixes here. I hear you used the actual sound of the bass. But I think from between sections of the song, the leads seem a bit 'sudden' from out of nowhere. It doesn't quite fit.. Perhaps louden the bass with a bit more EQ on the lows, add a compressor on the track, a bit of reverb on the percussion, a degrading echo filter on the leads, and perhaps an evolving distortion+cutoff filter on something. The kicks well, should be emphasized a little more with a bit of extra virtuosity rather than the straight 4/4, because not only the kick right now isn't attractive enough, but yes it is repetitive. Add a distortion filter and use some offtime beats that make sense..? Perhaps listen to some of the more recent tracks of songs on this type of genre (Pavo, Zany, or even a different genre) for some ideas...

    Ending needs work. That's all I'm going to say.

  2. When i found this site, i had never used forums before.

    When i figured out how to use forums, I still didn't see a use for joining the forum, because of how quickly it was updated. I'm not bitching about the quality of the music, i'm just stating my opinion. don't cry.

    It's called web-socializing in a semi-live form. Also, wasn't bitching about the quality your original post was about? Perhaps I should iterate that...

    IMHO, in the past few months, some of the remixes t hat come out on the front page are just horrible. I thought they were supposed to be the cream of the crop remixes? I'm open to all sorts of music, slow, smooth, jazzy, metal, electronic (which has been pretty adequately fulfilled by megeaman remixes alone), even some of the vocal stuff on here. But man, i don't know if its a general decline in quality, but some of the stuff is at the very least, undeserving of the front page. I think the last remix i heard and didn't delete was th iMushroom one, and the last really good one i heard was the cave moon rhapsody one.

    I don't know how you define bitching, but this sounds a lot like it. No one's forcing you to like the music or not, but the fact you generalized your opinion about the recent remixes is just ridiculous really.

  3. Amen Jaroban. Amen.

    Zutnunzor: Stroll yourself to a nightclub and you got yourself unlimited hardcore techno pumped through a maximizer on speakers 200dB too high. :D

    *ahem* Well as long it doesn't sound 'typical' and 'uninspired' I'm all for it personally, otherwise I'll stick with IDM/Other Electronica for alternatives. (And more...perplexing to say the least.)

    And I still haven't heard a 'Progressive Rock-like' remix of anything yet. Something flashy, with limping timesigs. :D


    I'm probably going to get shot now...

  4. Somehow I feel the song and your added sound seems to be...clashing with each other a bit too much it doesn't make too much sense. Almost like playing bits of two different songs. Though I like the idea given here, it's a little too repetitive; the background melodies aren't too prominent.

    Otherwise, it's pretty good but could be better. There's just too much 'oomph' and not enough 'virtuoso' in the sentence, in my opinion. And Good'o on trying with ACID.

  5. I actually enjoyed the likes of Children of the Monkey Machine (that collab metroid arrangement thing), LastUnicron (Halls of Abandonment, Alisia Dragoon), J:/Drive (A World Awaits Chrono, Chrono Trigger), the guy who did the Mario Dirty Mix remix (awesome), Kaijin, and various others back in the day. I remember the remixes that came up around when this site first opened (and those pretzel comic things, YONKS ago but I still remember them!)

    I wouldn't necessarily say there's a decline in quality, moreso the decline of what's old news. With technology increasingly improving, and the versatility and availability of computer music workstation software continuously growing larger exponentially, one has to draw the line somewhere where, it shouldn't be a complete luxury to create amazing arrangements of our favourite video game tunes, reimagined, otherwise every remix would end up being some death metal version of the Mario Theme with absolute cliche chords, or even moreso, HARDCORE GABBER TECHNO of almost every battle theme of the Final Fantasy series. Surely we don't want that; in my opinion that's almost as bad as mainstream radio today.

    But quite frankly, some of us want to make something completely different too, it's still a challenge because we don't want to sound like everything/everyone else, at the same time we don't want to have the judges end up throwing our remix piece away simply because it's too avant-garde to their taste, or, in their opinion it just sounds BAD. (Rhetorically, Progressive music, IDM/Glitch/Breakcore Electronica, A Capella (someone correct me?))

    Anyway, that's my two cents. Question, can someone refer me the last remix that made it into the archives that was wholly made up of similar to a chiptune but a bit more sophisticated? (ie: sound-processing/added effects and whatnot)

  6. The main issue we have with the said 'amount' of remixes in the site library, it's mainly like at least 3 renditions of one song, and we all know Terra's theme has been over-done.

    But then again, there's the whole deal with the other FF games having pretty damned good songs yet no one wants to remix or reimagine those songs. (I bet Uematsu didn't have that much time to think about each song, yet capable of coming up with something grandiose straight out of his ass at the time..)

    Which comes to my conclusion, if not FFVI, how about a Noob Umetsu, I mean, Nobuo Uematsu tribute project instead?

  7. Last decade (1990-1999) - Plonking on a Toy Piano, or CTK-501

    1999-2000 - Introduced to MIDI.

    2001 - First touched a MIDI sequencer program (WinJammer Shareware 3)

    2002-2004 - Submitting MIDI's to VGMusic (WinJammer Professional 5.06)

    2004-2005 - Introduced to Audio Production, refining technique on use of XG MIDI. Considering to purchase new equipment.

    2006 (now) - Don't know for sure. I think I took a slump and decided to hell with everything and do things when asked, only by my agreement though. Otherwise it's not worth doing. :\ First introduced to FamiTracker. (And boy do I suck at that.) :S

    I'm more focused on computer technicalities, but music caught my interest during the process. Mind you, besides the sound card and computer itself, all my audio software is, by definition, technically illegal, however I am not too sure on legalities on XG synth and a now-defunct piece of software known as WinJammer Pro. (Web archive didn't get the final page on the author's website.)

  8. I just upgraded to ACID Pro 6, but now I'm facing certain problems with stuff that used to work.

    1. Hypersonic 2, and FM7 VSTi's no longer output sound. (It works, but it acts as if it's on mute. In HS2 however, the keyboard thingy is like...jammed. Can't press anything. I can use HS2 as a ReWire, but i find it a bit annoying to work with it that way.

    2. Prosounds/DASHSig PS-1 (Performance synthesizer) works, but the sound is crackled, stuffed up. VU Peak meters clip 300+dB PAST the limit.

    3. VST Plugins options listing pages auto refresh when I didn't press the refresh button. (I just go into it, then into next tab, it re-lists as if I pressed it! It takes AGES. >_<)

    On the upside, this is definetly more innovative than the previous version. The implementation of layering crossfaded events, more control with automation in terms of MIDI/VSTi, Multichannel MIDI splitting (Though how to turn it off if i want it as one file like in version 5? Anyone know?), multitrack recording (Though i won't be able to use this anyway. soundcard doesn't exactly have that kind of ability.) and optimized performance. (ASIO low latency no longer crackles or lags as much.)

    This is great stuff, but the leftover bugs kind of make me wonder if there's gonna be a patch NOW. (it just came out like last week)

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