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Posts posted by Gollgagh

  1. Though I have to say, I'm very much biased in favor of Miku in trance music.

    My preferences lean in that direction as well.

    Livetune's stuff is just so catchy, though; I've found myself humming Yellow for days at a time.

  2. This legendary series by the Coles is finally up for sale again for the reasonable price of $9.99 for all five games.

    I cannot overstate how ecstatic I am for this to happen. Having started as a computer gamer, this series is for me as Super Mario Brothers was to many of you. For any of you that have an interest in retro gaming, I wanted to share this with you as it was one of the greatest gaming joys of my childhood.

  3. Probably the most difficult thing for me was working out lyrics that fit the tone of the writing. For example I'll have a melody I like that has a haunting gloomy feel, but it'd be attached to a placeholder line like "I don't know how that chicken got in here". :lmassoff: At the very least I try to keep the early WIP versions to myself until I have a suitable lyric.

    man, I would love to hear those

  4. Yeah, if you only consider the official kana as right, then you are right. However レヴィ could be an alternate form.

    Hang on dude, you're making so many assumptions and running with them, it's hard to catch up. The exact pronunciation of レヴィ is Re-Vui. Now I haven't seen any of Fairy Tale, but in most cases, Japanese will use Bi (ビ) to approximate a Vi sound because Vui (ヴィ) produces a very distinct dipthong, such as in DVD (ヂヴィヂ). I have the feeling you just used the katakana keyboard and typed in Re Vi and wanted to check that you were aware that the ヴ is really a U with a dakuten and not a true Vi sound.

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