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Posts posted by Gollgagh

  1. Secondly, in terms of us not thinking it through enough - hindsight is always 20/20, we did think a lot of it through, this is our first go-round, we've all got full-time jobs, etc. I don't feel like there was a significant failure or inexplicable lack of foresight on our part, but what do I know.


    Sorry, I didn't mean to imply that you guys didn't think it through at all; just that a single aspect slipped by you. I know how hard it is to get every single detail right on something the first time despite one's best efforts. I readily believe that quite a lot of thought was put into this, and I think it shows in the amount of support that it has received.

  2. wait before you go, Foxx, lemme see if I got this right

    basically what happened was that staff were so focused on setting up different rewards for the various contribution levels that they totally failed to consider (or, considering what zircon said, dismissed entirely) that THE selling point of all of the rewards would a copy of the physical CD itself and thus set its price level above what you would consider sane

  3. Now remember that I am hardly staff when I say this, but I think what happened is that they vastly underestimated the draw-power of having a physical album. Perhaps they saw $50 as a pricepoint that would allow them to recoup costs without being too outrageous.

    Obviously six hundred some odd people didn't think it was too outrageous.

    Perhaps though, in hindsight, the staff will fully agree that $20 would more than sufficiently cover multiple copies for future distribution.

  4. here, read Darke's response on the $50 level again

    Remember, you're not paying $50 to purchase your own copy of the 4-disc print. You're donating $50 towards funding a very large print run.

    Think of it this way: you're not paying for one copy. You're paying for a bunch of copies, and we toss one of them your way as a thanks.

    When all is said and done and we've sent out all of the backers' rewards, we still need to have copies of the album left over for promotional stuff.

    Kickstarter isn't a store, and people shouldn't think of backer rewards as purchases, even in the not-for-profit way. The situations are not really the same at all.

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