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Posts posted by Gollgagh

  1. but pretty recently Sony made it MUCH MUCH better.

    I'm not that impressed by it

    they went from a buggy piece of shit to a laggy piece of shit

  2. <i>If I'm playing in some sandbox wonderland, I'd like to play Elder Scrolls where my character's gender is about as relevant as their hair color.</i>

    I'd have to disagree on this point. Part of the fun of made-up worlds and cultures lies in learning and navigating the way they handle various social issues and constructs. I see no reason why every fictional world has to conform to the attitudes of the 21st century Western nations of Earth with regards to gender equality.

    The Elder Scrolls series would be more interesting if gender/race/other elements of identity played a more significant role in the way that social interactions and quests play out, and provide a much more interesting reason to play different characters than just "Now I want to play a guy who kills stuff with fireballs instead of with swords."

    this; absolutely fucking this

  3. I thought world population was closer to 6 or 7 billion.

    You'll notice that he's missing all of Africa, South America, and most of Asia in those numbers.

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