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Posts posted by Gollgagh

  1. No, if you just keep turning it counter-clockwise it will eventually begin to bounce back and forth between getting quieter and louder until you reach a satisfying volume.

    You might blow out your ear drums before it starts to actually drop in volume though.

    that sounds genuinely terrifying

  2. I like that infographic but I'm curious how they define a mile of code. I assume it's supposed to be "if printed out in one continuous line" but at what size? What's the kerning like? How much space between lines?

    10 point, fixed-width Courier New or nothing

  3. I used to love my pair of Sennheiser PX100s, until I loaned them to a friend and got them back blown out and with some added duct tape...

    I've used the Sennheiser PX series for close to eight years now; pretty sure I've owned every single variant and I still love them.

    how about sound cards

    I've been curious about getting a dedicated sound card but wouldn't know where to start

  4. http://www.greenmangaming.com/

    For anything you could buy on Steam, but for at least 20% cheaper

    That's not a specific deal. Read the guidelines.

    Let me help him out then; the current deal is if you Preorder Bioshock Infinite, you get everything that Steam is offering (Bioshock 1, XCOM) and a third free game from this list:

    Spec Ops: The Line

    Civilization V

    BioShock 2

    Mafia II

    The Darkness II.

    also you can get $14 back on this same order

    That's four games for what comes out to be ~$45

  5. I'm with AoJ; but additionally for me it's very similar to the experience of going over to a friend's place and playing video games whilst shooting the shit, basically. Their reactions may be exaggerated compared to a single person playing a game, but put several friends together to play a game, and I'd bet a decent amount of money that you would have a similar experience.

    people tend to exaggerate stuff when they're around other people anyway

  6. well count me excited as fuck

    I'm always interested in stuff that involves the identity of the soul of a cyborg.

    Tangentially, I've been reading Battle Angel Alita recently (and the Last Order series after that) and it deals with similar themes of existence.

    (also Gally is pretty cute)


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