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Posts posted by DjSammyG

  1. Sorry for the long post. The guy emailed me back. I'm okay giving him the benefit of the doubt, maybe because I'm a pushover. He seems totally willing to remove the plaigiarized songs, at least. Anyway.

    For your reading pleasure:

    1337n00bpwner said:

    "I know. 1337n00bpwner used to be two people. Me, and my friend Matt. Matt uploaded a few songs, and I thought he knew you couldn't plagiarize. Apparently he didn't. Me and him used to respond to different reviews we got for our own songs. No one could really tell until I had a phrase and my pen name (eldavarr) under my reviews and responses. But only on long ones. Matt stopped going on NG a while ago, and I was recently informed that he stole the songs. I deleted all of his songs except for one. Metroid brinstar remix cannot be removed like the other ones. I have no idea why. I would prefer it if Tom was not contacted about this unless he can delete the song. If you can help, I would appreciate it. I am not bullshitting you, I am entirely serious. I am sorry about what my friend did. I don't even know what Over Clocked Remix is, anyways. I am appalled at what Matt did.

    Spread the good word, friend.



    At 12/15/07 2:06 PM, DjSammyG wrote: Hey. Maybe stop plagiarizing. I'm a member of Overclocked ReMix, where you got those songs you posted on the audio portal from. Delete them. NOW. We are contacting Tom Fulp now to discuss a possible ban for your actions if you do not delete all of the songs you plagiarized."

  2. You do realize that Revolution X was pretty much an Aerosmith game, right? They were prominently featured many times in cutscenes and in-game.

    That said, I don't recognize any similarities between those two songs and the Aerosmith songs I know.

    EDIT: Wikipedia says:

    "The soundtrack consists of several Aerosmith songs continuously looped, including "Eat The Rich", "Sweet Emotion", "Toys in the Attic" and "Walk This Way"."

  3. The self-proclaimed king of Dream Land formally joins the brawl! Mechanizing his wooden mallet, he delivers a mighty, earth-shaking blow!

    He joins as a member of the heavyweight class alongside Bowser and Donkey Kong. Can he defeat Kirby?!



  4. Don't put your guns down yet, folks. After some snooping, I found that the songs and album are still on his site- in addition to this.


    Seems like he's claiming to be close with Goat, and that he has some Sonic mixes on the way. I'll bet a shiny nickel that nothing on this website is originally his.

    Oh, and for the curious-


    EDIT: Check this out too, the gerudo song sounds...familiar...


    Also, he deleted most of the stuff on his music pages. Lol.

    Damn, he's covered his ass. he's deleted all the music on the site, cept for the Smashing Live! mp3s he has. If anyone wants them, feel free to grab them. IN BULK.

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