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Everything posted by Zeiram_

  1. On a more serious note, I am working my way through video uploads. I took a couple of photos and a video on my phone, but somehow they got deleted. Which was disappointing since the video was a panel room greeting a friend who couldn't make it to this MAGFest.
  2. Man, the things I miss by not going to the chiptune show... I didn't know A_Rival had a set until after I was home!
  3. I can second all of his recommendations.
  4. I just wanted to give everyone a heads-up that we are doing another pre-MAGFest contest for Name That Tune 7. Same type as last year, go to http://magfest.org/contests#namethattune for the rules and MP3.
  5. I'll be at a wedding in NY, so I'll have to pass.
  6. Hi everyone. Getting the word out before the contest closes in a week. Tim & I will be running the 6th Annual Name That Tune game show at MAGFest. Typically, the contestants are selected randomly from the entrants, but we wanted to do a pre-convention contest based on skill this year. We've put together this compilation (http://gn.zort.net/namethattune/M6-snips.mp3) of twelve songs. Send an E-mail here (namethattune@magfest.org) by Dec. 18th with your name and the specific twelve games you think we used. The attendee with the most correct answers will automatically become a contestant in the game show. In the event of a tie, the first email received will be the tiebreaker.
  7. I was going to get directions for the BBQ and meet up with folks there, but then some stuff went down that I had to take care of for work. Glad you folks had fun.
  8. Good show. Too tired to comment much on it. Wish I had put on WTOP on the ride home so I could have avoided the hour-long backup on the Beltway.
  9. I don't pop in here very often, but congratulations on the engagement and happy birthday djp!
  10. I don't have MAGFest 5 media up, but I do have a few video clips from Shael's most recent show in NYC from when I was up there before Christmas. http://gn.zort.net/pics/nyc-061221/ Didn't have my camera at the convention until Friday, so I won't have any from Shael's Thursday concert, but do have some from the A_Rival/Shael Rap Battle.
  11. I will be attendance. Not surprising considering I'm on the staff.
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