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    Chicago. Illinois

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Newbie (1/14)

  1. has the lag issues that have plagued us in the past cleared up by now? I haven't played on the new server enough to notice one way or the other. Also keep your eyes peeled for more 9v9 tourneys ToE can get in on. If you see any out there, send a link to GameMaster or Myself and we'll see what we can do with it oh also also is there a reserve slot system in place still?
  2. I'd be down for some prophunt. when are we going to do this? this actually sounds REALLY fun
  3. yeah that's what I figured bummer
  4. does anyone know if the Steam launch options work on this game? I just want to run it windowed with no borders.
  5. Does anyone have a DualShock 3 controller they'd be willing to sell?
  6. makes sense to me!
  7. whoops forget it, count me out
  8. i'd do that maybe though. that kinda sounds fun
  9. yeah, FFTA was a pretty good game. I completed 290/300 missions but I didn't have a black thread somehow so I could never get 100%
  10. uh no. i've been using this avatar since '05. probably before you were even born.
  11. Hi my name is Jaswald and this is my first time posting on the OverClock Remix forums!
  12. that's strange. free keys!
  13. well it was 20 minutes before all the keys returned to normal. or it might have even been after
  14. ah phew! plus yesterday was my first time playing so I still suck
  15. was that me? i wasn't griefing I promise! my key binds got messed up and there was no more button for "shoot" or "pause" so I couldn't shoot OR pause the game to fix the keybinds
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