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Everything posted by Kholdstare

  1. yea i'm in. sn is the same.
  2. I'm writing something now. I'll edit when done. Edit: It's kinda a different style for me. I just wanted to try it out. I kninda just threw it together. Let me know what you think of it. Just Peachy “Aye, I write in verse. It comes naturally.” “It?” you ask. “What is it?” “It is amorphous, changing, wild, like an orchard.” “How’s that?” you further inquire. “I tend each bush each branch looking for the ripest words or phrases. And place them, plucked fresh, into my basket.” “Well what next? Don’t stop there!” you implore. “I like to take each piece of fruit and line them up accordingly. Making each piece flow into the next; occasionally festooning a line of fruits with a Flourish of flavor. In the end I leave myself with a piece of beauty, of deliciousness, of fortitude, of emotion. Aye. I write in verse.”
  3. now? maybe? EDIT: I won against Goll 5-3.
  4. goll: im on tonight and tomarrow later if you want to play it out.
  5. I hope to write something for this. no gaurentees though.
  6. cool i made the playoffs. thats a new one
  7. WhooHOoo Thanks! I'll try my best.
  8. I lost 5-4 to kamoh.
  9. I really hadn't heard of him till this year either. but Canucks??? naw. Go Sabres!
  10. problem me dpal and sologamer all had blank screen problems. anyone else?
  11. /salute Way to go!
  12. That video was very well done. And it was made possible through awesomness. Awesomeness can be found in many states. Awesome ideas are found through people such as djpretzel and ocr. Awesome music comes from people such as the wingless. Awesome is in everyone you just have to find it. /endcheesyspeech
  13. bring it on! I'm in i guess.
  14. Congrats to the winners. I can't wait for the poetry contest.
  15. Agreed. /points to signature quote.
  16. Wasn't there something about results or somesuch?
  17. Ya, your probably right /homestar. I was just splitting hairs.
  18. Do lightsabres actually ignite? I didn't think there was any flame going on...
  19. Holy hell. I actually did something. Here is my submission. Title: Reverb http://www.deviantart.com/deviation/51266444/
  20. I might enter. No gaurentees.
  21. Nothing but the best you know.
  22. its in the faq under submission standards.
  23. that's complete BS. if we look at the faq... each mixer has from putting a track on ocr ... "Fame, glory, and a lifetime supply of the ability to say "I helped djpretzel!" . . . you just can't set a monetary value on those, now can you??" so then each of the mixes is thus, priceless. since ocremix is the sum of its parts, the mixes alone deem it to be priceless.
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