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Posts posted by Vivi22

  1. I've only had the chance to play TF2 a bit the past few days but it's amazing so far. Everything is balanced fairly well, though I have some issues with it (mostly changes from TFC). I don't care for the Heavy. He seems too easy to kill right now and his mini gun is horribly innacurate. I tried taking down a sentry gun as one and was killed from full health in about two seconds. Just about any other class would have faired better. I also don't like the lack of off hand grenades for every class, though I'm sure I'll get used to it, even if the Scouts double jump has nothing on Conc jumping.

    Thankfully there are a lot of good changes though. Infections are gone, Pyro's are actually useful, Medics are more useful and Spies have the nifty ability to take down sentries. Through it all though, I think my fvourite part is that Snipers are largely untouched. Taking head shots with the old red dot was like coming home for me.

  2. If SE wants to make money off FFXIII, they're going to have to make it multiplatform, unless Sony pays the difference. The PS3 and 360 having FFXIII would make a lot of sense financially for SE.

    Not necessarily. Final Fantasy is one of the few game series you can pretty much count on selling consoles. In the long run they will make money off of it, if not right away. Heck, the install base for the PS3 in the US is already about half of what FFX sold in the US. How much you want to bet most of those early adopters have their sites set on FFXIII? And it's not coming out until 2008, so there's more than a year (if we're lucky) for those sales to grow, and for a price drop to take place.

  3. Wow, were you high while making that comment? So I guess stuff like Eternal Darkness and all those great Rareware games in Nintendo's past were not credible Nintendo games at all then?

    And no matter how you can spin it, God of War, Sly, Ratchet & Clank , Shadow of the Colossus and a lot of Sony 1st party games have been almost flawless examples of pure gaming in recent memory. Just because Nintendo has the more marketable names doesn't necessarily make them the only 1st parties around. But I would have to agree with the notion that Sony 1st parties tends to be ignored because they don't strut around their big buttocks of it being a Sony property unlike how Nintendo does it, shoving their franchise names up everyones' throats.

    Agreed. Frankly, I haven't seen Nintendo make anything that tops Sony titles for creativity/fun factor in years. Sony is the best first party developer as far as I'm concerned, and one of the best developers overall, but no one really realizes it since it's usually their second parties with their names slapped on the titles.

    And anyone who claims that God of War 1 or 2 aren't remarkable either hasn't played them, is high/brain damaged, or both (I suppose they could just be crazy too).

  4. And psh to this whole topic. The PS3 is not innovative. It's a monster of a machine capable of churning out amazing graphics and processing power, but ... it's not innovative. Nintendo is innovative. It's two completely different ways of thinking and I just... meh, I don't like the comparison to begin with. The Wiimote popularized motion sensitivity, the sixaxis controller is just a gamble response to the Wii's early success at trade shows. It's not really innovative; its more of smart business decision by Sony to use what Nintendo is doing...

    The wii controller is innovative in and of itself, but all the innovative controllers in the world don't amount to much when your games still rely on the same old tired gameplay mechanics. The real irony is, I've seen more gameplay innovation coming out of the Sony camp than from Nintendo in recent years (Little Big Planet alone is a more innovative take on platformers than anything Nintendo has managed since Mario 64). When more developers start using the wiimote in cool and unique ways to make great games, then I'll probably jump on the Wii bandwagon, but as long as the majority of the good games would work just as well with a traditional controller, the Wii doesn't appeal to me or strike me as overly innovative.

  5. August, I think. It will probably be use Live too.

    Not for online play though (most likely anyway). The developers have said they probably won't do a fighting game unless it's something other than VF. They said they tried some stuff to compensate for the lag that could crop up in an online game (even if it's only periodic) and it was like it wasn't even the same game anymore.

  6. In response to the person who said pyramid head looked too green: I disagree. Looks more red than green to me.

    His skin colour looks pretty grey to me. I'm thinking part of why that person thinks he looks grey might just be monitor settings or something. Pyramid Head looks pretty normal (well...) to me.

  7. I wasn't sure what to think of the trailer at first. It definitely had the fog and ash and just the general look of SH down in the beginning, but once I saw some of the more surreal areas and creatures I was pretty much sold. It's going to be one hell (no pun intended) of a tough wait for me.

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