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Posts posted by Vivi22

  1. Now... should I do the cardio before or after the weight training?

    It's never too late to join something like this. I'd definitely recommend you keep doing cardio before weights since it helps to warm up the muscles and prevent injury, and the best workout is an injury free one.

    And congratulations on quitting smoking. I'm sure it's not an easy habit to kick, but keep at it.

  2. A good way to work a tucked front lever is to start from an inverted tuck and work your way down. In an inverted tuck, your hips are almost right above your shoulders; when you find the balance point, it takes very little strength at all to hold it there. You can then start lowering your hips towards a tucked front lever. As you get stronger, you can hold the potition with your hips lower and lower until they reach the same height as your shoulders -- a true tucked front lever.

    Thanks, I'll try that. I know I can do an inverted tuck, but I hadn't thought about building up to the tucked front lever from that.

  3. Well, other people are posting what they did today, so why not me. I went for about an hour long bike ride today. I would normally go longer, but my ass is still getting reaquainted with riding a bike, and since I never really broke in my new bike properly in the fall. I stopped at a playground as well and did the frogstance and attempted the tuck front lever. I doubt it will be too long before I can move on from the frogstance, but I can't even properly do the tuck front lever. It'll take a while before I work up the strength to pull it off.

    This evening I also went to a climbing wall at the University. We got there 20 minutes before closing so that's all the climbing we got in, but it was still a great upper body workout.

    On the schedule for tomorrow is a good run during the day, and Brazillian Jiu Jutsu in the evening.

  4. Two pages, and no mention of Tony Jay? For shame.

    Agreed. Truly a great voice actor. His voice was just so distinctive. I'd put his performance of parts like Megabyte up there with James Earl Jones Darth Vader as being integral to my childhood as well as absolutely amazing. I was truly sad when Tony passed away.

  5. Goal: I was 207 lbs. back in October when I was putting on a Spandex unitard and a cape to be Superman for Halloween. I'm 6'2" and at 231 lbs. right now, so I want to lose the 24 lbs. I've gained by the end of the summer at least; anything else is icing on the cake.

    The Plan:


    I'll be following the ab diet that Mens Health seems to be all about and has published a few books on. I was following it at the end of last summer straight through the fall and felt great. I fell off the wagon a bit when I was super busy this past semester, but since I actually enjoyed everything I was eating I'm going to start it up again. I'll also be dropping sweets and chips from my diet almost completely. I can go a long time without buying them, but other people were buying them and had them around me the last few months. That shouldn't be a problem now though.


    I'll be alternating running and biking 6 days a week to start getting my cardio back to where it was. Once I've improved that a bit, I'll switch the running to interval training (alternating a short sprint with a minute or two of jogging). I'll also be continuing to train in Brazilian Jiu Jutsu two days a week, and I'll be getting to the gym two or three days a week as well and doing workout routines with more compound movements as opposed to isolating specific muscles, as well as changing up those workouts frequently. I saw far better results from those kind of workouts last summer than more traditional weight training. I also plan on adding some of the planches and other exercises that GT linked us to on my biking days.

  6. Just grabbed my copy with the daily mail. I know people have mentioned the included note is nice before, but I feel the need to say it again. It's just a nice personal touch and shows you really care about your fans and supporters. Either that or you just have too much time on your hands (I kid :D).

    Anyway, I'll be waiting to listen to it, but not for too long. It'll be my driving music for the trip to the theater in about 10 minutes.

  7. Hadoken. I'd much rather engage from a distance than up close. Plus you can just throw one down a street and see if anyone walks in front of it. Then laugh hysterically when it hits a car, elderly person, small child, or group of drunken fools outside a bar.

  8. There have only been a handful of good comic book based movies:

    Superman I & II (Reeves)

    Batman (1989 Burton, the best) and Batman Begins (I think it's overrated, but still good)

    Spiderman 2 -- I hate 1 but many critics and fans like it, 3 is merely ok

    Forget about the rest. After the bullshit that is the X-Men series, Daredevil / Elektra, Fantastic 4 / Silver Surfer, I've decided to watch every superhero movie with abysmal expectations and the faint hope that it might actually be decent.

    Tim Burton's Batman makes me want to punch him with how little he understood any of the characters in it. Also, The first two X-Men movies were great thank you.

    I'm going to see Iron Man tonight. Unlike the Fantastic Four, Ghost Rider, Elektra, or The Punisher, this one actually looks good from the trailers. I think it may have to do with the fact that Robert Downey Jr. is probably the perfect choice to play Tony Stark.

  9. I havent tried anything yet but the GC controller. I don't see the wheel as being fun.

    It wasn't when I tried it. It worked about as well as I expected, but it's not as accurate as an analog stick, especially for quick changes in direction. That didn't surprise me though knowing how the Wii's motion sensing works, but the wheel is definitely the worst option for controlling the game. Maybe it's winning people over who want to feel like they're actually steering a kart, but the analog sticks are a much better control option if you ask me.

  10. Count me in. I spent the last 8 months of last year getting back in shape after letting myself go a bit. Ironically, I've let myself go again in the last 4 months, but even worse than last time. I'm 6'2" right now, and did weigh about 207lbs. back in December. I'm now up to 231, so I want to see that weight gone as quickly as possible. I know my body though, and I know that when I'm working out regularly I'll drop it fast, but I think this is a good motivator.

    I'm planning on starting to run and bike again today. I hope to be hitting the gym again soon and I also do Brazillian Jiu Jutsu. Ironically, I hurt my hand there Thursday which is what will be keeping me from the gym for a little while. Oh well, cardio is what I really need right now.

  11. Furthermore, he played it with the completely wrong crowd. They all had never played a Smash game before? How could they properly appreciate the game, when they had no nostalgia nor past love for the characters and settings? That's SSB's prime point of interest! That's like me going to the Superbowl, and I've never played a game of football in my life! What good is that?

    I personally think his criticism of the game was dead on, particularly when he complained about the gameplay. I'm convinced to this day that people only care about playing Smash Bros. because they want to live out a fanboy wet dream to see Mario beat down Link and Sonic at the same time. The gameplay isn't that deep, or entertaining for me, and I have trouble getting past that to enjoy the gimmick of characters that should never meet, fight each other.

    That out of the way, I find your comment here puzzling. Not being able to properly enjoy SSBB because they hadn't played a Smash game before? If anything, the nostalgia would come from having played the Mario, Zelda, Sonic, etc. games of yore, not playing a prior Smash game. If the game required you to have nostalgic feelings about prior Smash games to enjoy it then something is very wrong with it.

  12. Just gave it a listen and I still love it. Did you do much to the snare? It sounds to me like the slight sharpness that was bothering me before is reduced to a more pleasant level. The difference is so subtle though that I'm not sure if it's actually the snare you changed or something else. Hopefully my ears aren't just playing tricks on me.

  13. Even if he's dissapointed that he could pull off everything he wanted, I'm willing to bet Kojima's partially realized vision is a more innovative game, jam packed with more cool things to do and try out than almost any other developer could pull off. As long as he managed the stuff with gameplay that he wanted, which he even says he did, then I'm sold.

  14. Would explain some of my relatives moving out of quebec, and their bashing it lol... Also I recall on a BBC special there were alot of french nationalism to where it forced every sign to be written in French, no english writ on the signs... Quebec's multicultural my ass >:/

    The French women are fine though... :)!!

    Actually, signs can have english writing, it just has to be smaller than the french writing. I've seen at least one news story where a store owner didn't abide by that law and had both sets of writing the same size in an english community no less, and when he refused to pay the fine of something like $1,000 or $2,000 dollars the Quebec government seized his truck, a couple of ATV's and a snowmobile. All of which had a value well in excess of the fine, and when the story aired he still hadn't gotten them back, despite changing his signs and paying the fine I believe. I think his community even banded together to raise enough money to get him a truck to replace the one he had seized. I recall another time where I read that they wanted to pass a law forcing flights passing over Quebec to use French as well, even if the flight wasn't landing anywhere near Quebec or something like that.

    I have nothing against French-Canadians, or the people of Quebec, but some things the Quebec government tries to pull are ridiculous and even border on discrimination some of the time.

    Also, agreed on French women.

  15. This is the best I could find: http://www.free-news-release.com/The-burning-issue-of-Quebec-s-exclusion-from-North-American-contests--Detail_1302.html

    From what I can gather, Quebec contest laws are different than everywhere else, and requires the contest promoters go through an approval process and pay the Quebec government to run it. Basically, the Quebec government wants to make things more difficult than they have to be as usual.

    Anywho, looks like a cool contest. If I could still draw worth a damn I'd probably enter.

  16. So in Theory, they are contradicing themselves???

    No, because they make the distinction that kids who play violent video games a certain amount are more at risk for getting in trouble, but most don't get in trouble. Video games aren't the causal factor. Which means their research actually supports something that I, and I'm sure others have suspected for a long time; that video games don't cause people to be violent, but violent games do attract people with violent tendencies. I may read this book actually, since they seem to be some of the few people out there who have actually been concerned with how people actually react to violent games.

  17. Transferring into the PhD program in my department (Mathematics) at University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (also known as Illinois to sports buffs, or U of I). When I got my petition acceptance email, I almost cried, I was incredibly close to getting kicked out at one point due to GPA, literally getting saved by my final in one class, and then raising my GPA high enough to almost meet the PhD program minimum GPA.

    Damn that's rough. Congrats on getting in though. I'm sure you must have been busting your ass to meet the requirements.

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