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Sole Signal

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Posts posted by Sole Signal

  1. I've used the EMU 0404 internal card for years, but after building my new Windows 7 machine I've had nothing but problems with it. I'd like to buy a new soundcard.

    I don't need anything too fancy, because I have a Mackie 1202 VLZ Pro mixer that I do all my recording through. Most important point for me is low latency. Just need basic in/outs for recording and running through the mixer. Any suggestions?

  2. Hey guys, I remixed Switchfoot's (Dare You to Move, Meant to Live, etc) new single "Afterlife" for a contest over at Talenthouse. Winner gets placement on their upcoming remix album. I've been a big fan of them for years and I'd appreciate any votes to help!

    Listen (and vote) here:


    EDIT: Not a winner, but pick up the download here:


  3. I was fortunate enough to see a large return from my end-year Pump Audio royalties. I'm looking to pick up some nice plugins with that. :)

    I need a good virtual guitar amp package. I'm looking at Guitar Rig 5 Pro. Can anyone vouch for it or something similar? http://www.native-instruments.com/#/products/producer/guitar-rig-5-pro/?page=2517&content=1672

    Also, the ubiquitous Omnisphere that looks fantastic...is it worth $500? I write a lot of electronic stuff, but certainly am looking to do cinematic/electro-orchestral work. Same with Stylus RMX...I love the idea of customizable and adjustable grooves with different kits. Is it as "endless" as the promotional info suggests? Worth the price?


  4. Responding per your twitter comment...:)

    Sounds like you're using FL. This is quite good for a first piece. I hear some dynamics and a sense of instrumentation. The samples are a bit bland and generic, but layering, sound design, and better samples will come with time.

    It's a fairly simple melody, which suffers a little from the slow pace of the song. Certainly serviceable, though, and much better than anything I put together on my first track. Might want to look into Nutritious's free FL orchestral template, too. The best advice I have is to keep practicing and producing. The best way to learn is by digging in and writing tons of tracks. Good luck! :)


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