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Sole Signal

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Posts posted by Sole Signal

  1. ...and will be replaced by the persona "Sole Signal." Here's a promo video for the change with new music:

    The reason? I'll say legal issues and leave it at that. I'll be working with Larry and djp to make the transition here at OCR, so consider this your warning. This makes my physical CD release at Protagonist Records, "One Day Millennium," very much of a limited edition. Pick it up here, where it will be available for a short time.

    Don't worry, the remixes here at OCR won't cease, as I have several submitted now and more on the way.

    Updated Sole Signal links: (would love any new subscribers or "fans")

    Sole Signal home page

    Facebook page

    Youtube channel



  2. Thanks guys!

    Audix, any chance you'll be working on another album soon? One Day Millennium was excellent, and I'd love to hear more where that came from.

    It's a future goal, but not as near to being completed as I would like. I'm thinking more along the lines of an EP at first, but we shall see. Music is just about the furthest thing that I've had time for nowadays. :(
  3. Okay, I have a decent little song going, and in one part, there's some kick drums in the background. Well...they're supposed to be in the background. The problem is, I'm using a pattern from earlier in the song, and it needed to be loud at that part. Now I need it to be quieter so that you can hear the rest of the music. Is there any way to make just THAT instance of the pattern quieter?

    There are a lot of ways to do that. One way is to make an exact copy of the pattern (ctrl+shift+C), and edit your kick drums in the new pattern to be quieter. Then use the new pattern instead of the old pattern.

    Also, is there any way to put effects on stuff without having it on that instrument/mixer track through the entire song? Thank you for your help, and I'm sorry my question is so...oddly worded. I don't know what other words to use than the ones I did...
    Again, many ways to do this. You can duplicate the instrument you want to use (ctrl+shift+C), and then change the new instrument's mixer route to "--". Then you can use that instrument wherever you want it used without FX.

    Another way is to automate the mixer knob to the right of your (for example) delay FX. Right click on that knob and select "edit events." In there you can adjust how much of the FX you want applied to your instrument throughout the pattern.

    Or you can create an automation clip. Again, right click that mixer knob as above and select "create automation clip." Then adjust the clip in the playlist to turn that effect up or down on that instrument throughout the song.

  4. Someone I had lined up to record a voiceover for a video project isn't going to be able to follow through. Is there anyone here who has the vocal cords to fit the job? I'm looking for the movie trailer guy feel.

    It will be a very quick project, which will require about six phrases of five or so words apiece (will probably you take 5 minutes to record). This needs to be done by Monday at the latest, so please PM, e-mail, or AIM me if you'll be able to help out! Thanks!

    Oh yes; this is an unpaid project, both for me and you. :)

  5. Audix also did an amazing job with his track! The pacing and energy is spot-on... "really fantastic" is all I can muster.

    Also... the minute and a half portion... is that part of Audix's song, or is that part of another song? I ask only because the melody doesn't jog my memory.

    Thank you! Great to hear it's enjoyed!

    Yes, that minute and a half section is still my track. If you listen closely to that section, the background synths and bass are playing the original lines. The string melody in the original is really just straight staccato hits, so I embellished it a bit. :)

  6. Simply, a great selection of tracks from a great selection of artists. As for the arrangement critiques (applied to my track by way of sweeping generalizations), it would have been very easy to just plug a midi into a sequencer and update the sounds. Where's the enjoyment in that? The artists here did a fantastic job of balancing each source with a fresh new feel.

    Let's do it all again sometime.:tomatoface:

  7. At least now we can hopefully stop hearing stupid jokes about him all the time.

    Eh, your decisions in life shape your legacy. The way it is (and should be).

    Good musician, but I'd surmise that there were a lot more people that died today having done better things for the world. We'll never hear a word about them. *shrugs*

  8. For a web project I'm doing, I need to know how to take a jpg and create separate clickable or scroll-over objects from their proximity on the screen. It would be similar to facebook's scroll-over tags with names, except I would like to load a small image along with more detailed information about the component. Would this be a flash function? Java? Can it be done in HTML?


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