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Everything posted by JackKieser
I think that the idea of having a new Snoop-written DK Rap is a good one, provided whatever stage it plays in has Snoop in the background shooting Kremlins. --Jack Kieser
Oh, that sucks, man. Yay for college; mine is so crazy intense, they tell incoming students that they are almost prohibited from getting a job. But, the school hosts launch parties for major games and systems, so it's all good as far as we're concerned. I've pulled double shifts on launch days before, so I feel for you. --Jack Kieser
Haha, Atma... Very funny. Although, I will admit, I saw my Trainer Card and was very, very confused for about 1/2 a second. --Jack Kieser
Wow, really?? That's really cool! Kind of like... Oh, wait. That's sarcasm, isn't it? I'm just happy we have that damn date, although I didn't realize that it is going to release on the same day as Melee. My friends and I had a bet going on it, and I had money on the anniversary of the Wii itself, so at least I got the "anniversary" part right, kinda. And to whoever said it would be unacceptable to have this game on any other day than launch... my school is next door to NOA. That place is gonna be flooded. I shudder to think of the hijinks that will ensue... --Jack Kieser
Easy, for the same reason none of us can... ...because Sakurai has an iron grip on our souls at this point. --Jack Kieser
Ouch. Here's some aloe vera for that nasty burn. *hands anne some creme* Really, though... eight years old? I fail to see the accuracy of that statement. I, for one, have not known for eight years that Brawl would contain that particular item. Oh, you mean we knew about the ITEM for eight years. Right. Still, I don't see how that's pointless information, especially how the bumper, in my opinion, is way better than the spinny Melee bumper-thing. Or, at least, more useful. And controllable. --Jack Kieser
As much as that would be nice... I really can't find it in myself to have the hope that Nintendo will give us a release date, even at minE3. Maybe a new trailer or something, but I just have this sneaking suspicion that Nintendo will give Brawl's release date separately, maybe when there isn't anything else to take away attention. ...even though all focus would be on that anyway. Meh. --Jack Kieser
Wow, never actually thought I'd ever get into a forum debate like this... If you read (and quoted) on, you would have noticed that I said I carried it over from everything I write. I do it off this board, as well, like in e-mails. So... if you're willing to disregard everyone who knows me personally in real life, then yes, you're right. You would all determine whether it is a character trait or not. But you don't, so... yeah. This is a Smash Bros. thread. Next time you guys want to complain to me, do it in a PM. I do believe the current subject is the good Dr.? --Jack Kieser PS... There, I'm sorry I made a mistake in the choosing of my words; I changed it. It's a Smash Bros. THREAD. Doesn't change the fact that you don't rule the Internet. And Sir_NutS... I'm glad you heeded my request. Your respect really means a lot. [/sarcasm]
Ok, so, I hate to respond to this here, but oh well. 1) I totally understand that everyone is entitled to an opinion. That's cool. What I was referring to in my post was that someone had flamed that dude for ctrl-c/ctrl-v'ing his exact post from the Gamefaqs boards, which I think is kind of a dumb thing to do. At least re-form your sentences, if not your thoughts. So, when I read the same post I had read on GF's, I lol'ed. Unfortunately, the person's post I was referring to has since been removed. 2) Why does anyone care about me signing my posts? It's an endearing character trait; I do it everywhere, not just on these boards. Like you said, it's a free world, so deal with it. As for Dr. Wright... I wonder if he'll always pop up the same set of skyscrapers, or if it will be different each time. I think it'd be cool to see an office building one time and a business district another. Maybe they could do differing amounts of knockback and damage; the taller the building the more damage it does, but the shorter the building, the more ground it covers. --Jack Kieser
Hah... I thought that post looked familiar. Seriously, man... pwned. Find something new to complain about. Personally, I don't find it insignificant at all. Especially if he can aim the skyscrapers at multiple people. Even if it's a one-shot, though... you get caught in that, and you're gonna feel it, from the looks of it. --Jack Kieser PS... Aww, the post flaming anne amère for posting the exact same thing on the Gamefaqs boards is gone... it doesn't feel so scathing in here anymore.
It's official. Anything and everything is fair game for Smash Bros. from now on. Thank you, Mr. Sakurai, for blowing the lid off of all of our preconceived notions about who is viable to be included. Whoever first suggested the disembodied head of Dr. Kawashima might not be that far off... --Jack Kieser
Man, it's already ten after... what's keeping Sakurai? --Jack Kieser
You... *points at friendly hunter* you're good you! [/sarcasm] (Just in case...) --Jack Kieser
Can't say it doesn't look gorgeous, though... --Jack Kieser
Hah. That convo made me lol. Easy P was all going crazy... but I guess that's to be expected... --Jack Kieser
That's actually really brilliant. Now, there is a virtually unlimited number of "characters" they can add to the game. All the people we thought could never make it in a Smash game... now have a chance. Now that I think about it... to please those who have lost characters (i.e., cut clones), they could just be put into the capsules, thus making more people happy. --Jack Kieser P.S.: Damn, some people just can't be pleased. Yeah, they are like Pokeballs. Only, you know, Pokemon just sit there and attack. It looks like these guys will be A.I. controlled, from the looks of the jumping Hammer Bro.
Wow, this latest update is damn tasty... So not only will we have 4 types of control... but we'll also be able to personalize the button layouts on each as well?? ... damn. Sakurai is really pulling out the stops. You would think another control update would come later, too. It is cool how he blurred the character select screen, though. The fact that they have it could say that they have already finalized the character list... [/speculation] --Jack Kieser
Hey guys, just wanted to stop by and say we're rooting for you. Can't wait to hear whatever demo you decide on. You know, along with the rest of the album... ^^ --Jack Kieser
Damn... that physics breakdown was thorough. I think I actually learned something from that post. ... Nice job. ^^ --Jack Kieser
Dear lord, Sakurai is a godsend, IMHO. The Ridley arrangement he just put up sounds amazing, and I can't wait to hear the rest of it, along with the rest of the soundtrack. Man, more games should do this. Then again, not many more games have loads of content like Brawl will... --Jack Kieser
I didn't get the game early, but I just finished it, and I have to say... wow. Just wow. The Paper Mario series has always been amazing, but this game sets a new standard. The mesh of platforming and RPG is masterful, and it rarely if ever feels unevolving. The balance is great, the dynamic is great... everything just feels so fluid and natural. The 2D and 3D elements blend surprisingly nicely; the only caveat I had in this aspect was that the 3D level design, at least early on, was a bit lacking. Once in 3D, most times the player could simply walk / jump past all of the intended obstacles, as 3D rarely gave new ones in their place. Collision with enemies in 3D could have been a little looser, as well, as many times you would jump either just past or just short of an enemy because of Mario's altered (and admittedly very slow) movement speed, and would be a sitting duck. Just as in previous PM games, the story is superb. I'll admit, I called the main (I think) plot twist pretty early on, but the story really didn't suffer from it; the writing was witty and funny, as always, and the ending is really quite worth it. All in all, a wonderful game. If you haven't bought it already, do so now. --Jack Kieser
Man, Gecko, I have no clue what you are talking about... C&C3 is great; not RA2 great, but great, nonetheless. I haven't gotten ahold of the Scrin yet, as I'm still on the GDI missions, but so far, the units seem well balanced and they all have uses; sure, once you get the mammoths, you're pretty much done, but you still need Pitbulls to detect stealth units that can attach bombs and such, so not all units are useless late-game. I wish that A) they would have kept but re-worked some of the TS era units (where the crap did the Wolverines go? they reworked the Titans, why not the Wolves?) for continuity's sake, and that the air battles would be a little more diversified. Having to pay for individual airdrops instead of being able to make dedicated air transport is not only annoying, but gets REALLY costly. Really, the only FMV complaint I have so far is Jennifer Morrison's work; don't get me wrong, she is hot and is dedicated to her character, but it seems a little forced. I would expect a little more playfulness out of my EVA-type intelligence officers, but she comes across as way too much of a hard-ass. Micheal Ironside has that side covered. Really, I haven't paid much attention to the music that much, so I can't say if it sucks or not (the AI is a much more pressing concern...). I figured it wouldn't be as memorable as TS or RA/2's tunes, though. Those were some good soundtracks. --Jack Kieser
Hey guys, it looks like the project is coming along well, so nice work with that. Can't wait until the album releases so we can shower you with appropriate praise. Sorry if I seem impatient by asking, but I have to: you guys think you'll be on track for a D/P simul. release? I ask because DigiPen has a campus Pkmn club, and we're having a launch party on Apr. 18 (I know, D/P comes out on the 22nd, but we are getting one of the professors to take us over to Nintendo to get it early... muhaha.), and it would be cool to have some Pokemon jams to play to. Regards, --Jack Kieser
Man, I've just read some of the past few pages and, I've got to say, I really am sad to hear so many of you guys arguing about how to play Smash and what is or isn't fun. I got to the Digipen Institute of Technology in Redmond, WA. About 850 gamers (a good portion of which consider themselves "hardcore") under one roof. You wanna talk competitive? MLG has nothing on these people; they play for money, while some of these guys play for limbs. Every Friday some of the Seniors host Smash Club, where, as I'm sure you can guess, people get together to play Melee. About 35 - 40 people every week cram into a small classroom made to hold about 25 people, just to play Smash. You wanna know how they play? Every way conceivable. The casual guys play all sorts of crazy themed matches. The hardcore competitive players play no items on a few select stages. We make up event matches and time each other. We play in no specific way. Whatever floats our boats at the time, that's how we play. There is NO right way to play Smash; that's not how the game was made. You wanna know the truth? When it comes to pure skill, if you REALLY want to find out who is the most skilled at their character, you CAN'T have items on, because items interfere with your display of mastery of a character's moveset and how well you can utilize those moves to counter any other player. You want to have fun? Play any way you want. Items are there to make things chaotic. That's their function. Not to make the fighting engine any deeper, not to provide complements to fighting styles; they exist for pure randomness. That's it. End of story. --Jack Kieser
Oh my God... this demo, quite frankly, is amazing. I just got finished playing through both the tutorial and the (rather limited) GDI Prologue, and I must say, it is looking like it will be one of the finest RTS' in a long time. It's very refreshing that EA has taken us back with the return of FMV cutscenes and story sections, and it is only amplified by the marvelous job they have done thus far; giving us such quality cutscenes and such a well thought-out story (even if it is small) for a lowly demo is quite the job well done. It looks, even from here, that the cast is set to do an amazing job. The redesigned HUD looks amazing, as I would expect. I'm really loving some of the commands and buttons that they have implemented this time around; being able to look at the specific number of each type of unit currently selected is a great help when building tactical squads. I wasn't really expecting unit buildings to be separate al-la Generals, but the more I play it, the less I miss the shared "primary building" style of the older games. It threw me off a little to be left-selecting / right-commanding in a C&C game, but it's something I can get used to. And, of course, the game looks beautiful. I got a little slowdown on the higher settings (my computer has overkill power on it, so it was definitely not a lack of tech), but I'm sure that was getting hammered out for the final release. The laser effects are really impressive, especially the ION Cannon strike (personally, my favorite strike was in Renegade, but this blast comes damn near close to the epic look of RG's Cannon). Altogether, a very well put together demo, one that makes me quite excited for C&C 3's March release. --Jack Kieser