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Posts posted by KeeganTheFox

  1. Einhänder, the Suikoden soundtracks (all of them), Orge Battle 64, Dark Cloud 2 gets another vote. Awesome OST on that one. Brave Fencer Musashi (the first one) is one of my all time favorites. One of my favorite ReMixers (beatdrop) even did a mix, but I still say it needs more. More love from me for the SaGa games as well. I'm more partial to Saga Frontier 2 meself. Chaos Legion has an excellent soundtrack as well.

  2. I've been playing Tetris DS all week. Lets do this.

    EDIT: My AIM is on that helpfull little AIM man dude thing right there. If you can't see it or whatever then it's GlitchyKeegan.

    PS, if anyone needs to be evicted from the Hamachi server for space (you never know) let me know (admin powers lol)

  3. I won, and I drawed.

    Great games Rau!

    On a side note, the first game was the fastest I've played yet. I had like 13 mins+ on my clock. I'm pretty proud of myself.

    ;Title: Yahoo! Chess Game
    ;White: keegan_the_fox
    ;Black: xtreme_player25
    ;Date: Wed Oct 03 04:11:59 GMT 2007

    1. c2-c4 g8-f6
    2. b1-c3 e7-e6
    3. e2-e4 c7-c5
    4. e4-e5 f6-g8
    5. g1-f3 b8-c6
    6. d2-d4 c5xd4
    7. f3xd4 c6xe5
    8. d4-b5 d7-d6
    9. c3-e4 d6-d5
    10. c1-f4 f8-b4+
    11. e4-c3 d8-f6
    12. f4-g3 e8-f8
    13. c4xd5 e6xd5
    14. d1xd5 c8-g4
    15. f1-e2 g4xe2
    16. g3xe5 e2-f3
    17. g2xf3 a8-e8
    18. o-o-o f6xe5
    19. d5xb7 g8-f6
    20. b5-c7 e5-e7
    21. b7-c6 e8-d8
    22. d1xd8+ e7xd8
    23. h1-d1 d8-b8
    24. c7-a6 b8-f4+
    25. c1-b1 b4-e7
    26. c6-c8+ f6-e8
    27. a6-b8 g7-g6
    28. d1-e1 f4xh2
    29. b8-d7+ f8-g7
    30. e1xe7 h2-g1+
    31. b1-c2 g1xf2+
    32. e7-e2 f2xf3
    33. e2xe8 f3-f5+
    34. c2-b3 h8xe8
    35. c8xe8 h7-h5
    36. e8-f8+ g7-h7
    37. f8-e7 f5-e6+
    38. e7xe6 f7xe6
    39. c3-b5 g6-g5
    40. d7-f8+ h7-g7
    41. f8xe6+ g7-f6
    42. e6-c5 a7-a5
    43. b3-a4 g5-g4
    44. a4xa5 h5-h4
    45. b2-b4 g4-g3
    46. c5-e4+ f6-f5
    47. e4xg3+ h4xg3
    48. b5-d4+ f5-e4
    49. d4-e2 g3-g2
    50. b4-b5 e4-e3
    51. e2-g1 e3-f2
    52. b5-b6 f2xg1
    53. b6-b7 g1-f2
    54. b7-b8 f2-e2
    55. b8-b2+ e2-f3
    56. b2xg2+ f3xg2
    57. a2-a4 g2-h3
    58. a5-b5 h3-g2
    59. a4-a5 g2-h3
    60. a5-a6 h3-g2
    61. a6-a7 g2-h3
    62. a7-a8 h3-g4
    63. a8-e4+ g4-g5
    64. b5-c5 g5-f6
    65. c5-d6 f6-f7
    66. e4-e6+ f7-f8
    67. e6-e7+ f8-g8
    68. d6-e5 g8-h8
    69. e5-f6 h8-g8
    70. e7-g7++

    ;Title: Yahoo! Chess Game
    ;White: xtreme_player25
    ;Black: keegan_the_fox
    ;Date: Wed Oct 03 04:37:17 GMT 2007

    1. g1-f3 d7-d5
    2. g2-g3 g7-g6
    3. f1-g2 f8-g7
    4. d2-d4 g8-f6
    5. o-o o-o
    6. c1-f4 c7-c6
    7. d1-c1 c8-f5
    8. c2-c4 d5xc4
    9. c1xc4 f6-d5
    10. f4-d2 d8-b6
    11. b1-c3 d5xc3
    12. d2xc3 b8-d7
    13. f3-g5 e7-e5
    14. d4xe5 d7xe5
    15. c4-f4 a8-e8
    16. e2-e4 f5-c8
    17. a1-d1 f7-f5
    18. e4xf5 c8xf5
    19. f4-a4 h7-h6
    20. g5-e4 e5-f7
    21. e4-f6+ g7xf6
    22. c3xf6 f7-e5
    23. f6xe5 e8xe5
    24. a4-c4+ g8-h7
    25. d1-d2 b6-c7
    26. f2-f4 c7-b6+
    27. g1-h1 e5-e7
    28. d2-e2 f8-e8
    29. f1-e1 e7xe2
    30. e1xe2 e8xe2
    31. c4xe2 b6-d4
    32. h2-h4 h6-h5
    33. h1-h2 d4-f6
    34. b2-b3 f6-d4
    35. e2-e7+ d4-g7
    36. e7-e8 g7-b2
    37. e8-f7+ b2-g7
    38. f7-c4 g7-b2

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