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Posts posted by KeeganTheFox

  1. I adore just about every form of instrumental music, and even though it only accounts for around 33% of my total music library on my computer - (1321 items, 91+ hours, 4.2 GB) it is a solid 75% of the music I listen to regularly, and I have to scroll down 70 tracks, (38 of which are OCR tunes)

    If we're going with computer libraries right now, I have like 40GB+, 6771 songs on my WinAmp right now, 362:41 hours. It's constantly growing.

  2. this bi weekly set of questions are:

    What is your background with music?

    Do you play or just listen?

    If you play, then what instrument(s) do you play? What style(s) do you play?

    What are you favorite types of music?

    Who are your favorite artists?

    My general background is new wave and videogame stuff. I grew up listening to my parents' 80s tapes/CDs and, being the nerd I am, a hefty amount of VG mixes and rips.

    I both play and listen. I've been playing Bass Clarinet for nine years, and the bass guitar for two. I play a ton of stuff, and I've transposed a ton of VG music for band.

    My favorite types of music are Alternative, Indie and Techno, but I listen to everything except for most Rap and Country & Western.

    My favorite Artists right now are Radiohead, Daft Punk, Deathcab for Cutie, Infected Mushroom, and anyone who's composed a videogame soundtrack. (Nobou Uemastu, Yasunori Mitsuda, Koji Kondo... etc.)

  3. So yeah, I feel like we should all get to know each other. So in that I think it would be a good idea to have a weekly discussion and also just to talk about what we do and who we are in the real world. I understand that most of us are students and whatnot, but hey it's nice to know a little about the people you are playing. I feel that I am making friends on here so it's nice to get to know those people. So if you have any suggestions on where to start, feel free to. I'm just throwing this out as an idea to create more conversation unrelated to chess in this thread. We can all make this a dual thread between current events and sports and lives and also above all the current dealing with our OCR chess tournament.


    Excelent idea. It'll bring us together in ways other than just chess.

  4. good game keegan. he ran out of time.

    ;Title: Yahoo! Chess Game

    ;White: keegan_the_fox

    ;Black: chessmaster_1313

    ;Date: Thu Oct 12 17:31:59 GMT 2006

    1. e2-e4 e7-e5

    2. g1-f3 b8-c6

    3. f1-b5 a7-a6

    4. b5-a4 g8-f6

    5. d2-d4 b7-b5

    6. d4xe5 f6xe4

    7. a4-b3 f8-c5

    8. d1-d5 c5xf2+

    9. e1-e2 o-o

    10. d5xe4 f2-c5

    11. c1-g5 d8-e8

    12. b1-d2 d7-d6

    13. b3-d5 c8-d7

    14. d2-b3 c5-b6

    15. g5-e3 b6xe3

    16. e2xe3 a8-d8

    17. e5xd6 c6-b4

    18. e3-d4 d7-f5

    19. e4xf5 b4xd5

    What, on a 19 move game???

    I took WAY to long thinking out some of my moves. We're talking like 2 minutes moves here =\

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