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Posts posted by KeeganTheFox

  1. won both fairly short games against Bahamut.

    oooooh. Is that... is that a slight? Did Bahamut just get dissed?

    I think Bahamut just got dissed. Whatcha gonna do about it, B?

    I was actually pretty upset =(

    I like having nice games that are around 30 moves. One of ours was barely 13. =(

  2. I had my two optionals against Keegan. He was bloody efficient, to say the least. I wasn't expecting the games to be over that quickly. Two wins for him, and some ineffectual attempts at defending myself which he batted away like the blows of an infant.

    Very graphic way to explain it, but thats about how it happened. I was just really on the ball yesterday.

    Great games anyhow.

    EDIT: Happy belated Thanksgiving! Mine was waaayyy back in October, so I'm kinda jealous. I enjoy my turkey.

  3. Well as promised, I have come up with another topic for the next couple of weeks.

    So I guess this one most of us could have seen coming a mile away. Well it has to do with Halloween. Here we go.

    What did you do for the weekend preceding Halloween?

    What are you doing for Halloween?

    Dressing up?

    How about some stories from previous years?

    What are you planning on doing for next year if you know?

    What's you favorite Halloween activity?

    Tricks or treats, which do you like better and are there stories attached?

    This should be a fun one. Have fun with it and I will post my stuff later. I have work in a few hours and I must got to sleep. Good night everyone. Good luck with your games this week!

    Last Saturday I had a Halloween party =D

    For Halloween I'm prolly going to do what I did last year and take my bike around (unless it rains) I got crazy amounts of candy =D

    This year I'm dressing up as Pants man from VGCats.

    Last year we made a pumpkin diorama of brain surgery. I'll try posting some pics once I find my scanner. We went all out on it =D

    Next year I'd like to do something I've been planning for a while. Get a bunch of life-sized dolls or scarecrows or something, put them in a wheel barrow, then wander the streets saying "Bring out your dead!"

    I love Monty Python.

    My favorite Halloween activity is definitely dressing up. If you put even a little thought into it (unlike the lazy kids who go as 'students' and the like) your costume usually gets quite a few comments as you go door to door.

    And I definitely like treats. There's no story here, I just like candy a lot.

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