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Everything posted by Benzo

  1. woot! I got my time off approved, and I'm registered. I have no idea when I'm showing up or If I'll have anywhere to stay. But I'll try and get that figured out soon. Anyone else coming from Pittsburgh that want's to carpool?
  2. I'll probably be out of the area by then, I might be able to do a road trip for it. It's kind of hard to say.
  3. I'll be there On Friday Evening. I don't have a room so I probably won't be around on Saturday. Well, unless I find someone who's got a room available (for just Friday night), I have cash but did not plan for Magfest at all this year. UPDATE: It looks like I've got a room for Friday.
  4. Yeah, I'll be there too!
  5. I found that my local library has a decent selection of books on learning to play piano or music theory. They may even have some songbooks with sheet music as well. It might be worth checking out. Most piano teaching software just sucks. That could just be the luddite in me talking.
  6. My favorite desk has always been the cheap standard 6 to 8 foot long folding banquet table. They can be had for 50 to 100 bucks, have a lot of surface area, and can be re-used for lots of stuff if you decide to upgrade your desk. Staples has these things pretty cheap.
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