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Everything posted by Pi_R_Squared
Its gonna take another 1 H, 10 M. Dial-up sucks hard...
Im getting that your not signed on... add me to your buddy list, or something... Edit: wait, is Kanjika your AIM? cause mine isnt Pi_r_[]ed, but you already know that...
Im using AOL, how am i not on? just send an IM!
Well, it might be awhile before we get a final track list up... we dont even have a large enough number of bosses up, let alone the time it will take to vote on the entries...
No, I see what your saying. I just got a little excited. Arek, friends? Its good to have so much experience on this project, You guys (and girls[and, uhh... "other", if any are here]) have been a big help. So, whats the next step to take? Would we need a go-ahead from an admin, or mod, or something? Should we go to them, or wait for them to come to us?
All right, I was trying to be enthusiastic, way to kill a mood... And no reason to get cocky either... "Best Project" is a title reserved by the users of OCR to decide for themsleves. Honestly, I'd rather just drop it here. I don't want to end up losing a good addition to the team by ending up getting someone mad... Not saying anyone here has a short temper, or anything.
There you have it, folks. A project name, coordinator, co-coordinator, and track selection in the works! So, remember, we all want this to pull through. A first for OCR, a first for any of us. Instead of fighting about trivial details (Arek, Dedede is in. If you want to make sure that track is good, reserve it for yourself!), we should be focusing on making this the highest quality project possible. So, keep sending in bosses, and when we hit that magic number (~60), we'll start the voting, and the most popular bosses will be used in tracks. So, good luck to all, and here's to the best damn project, ever! *cheers!*
Epic. One little thing like that, exploded. Well, like it or not, Dedede is going to be on the project. In fact, I'm lockin' it! Ha! No, seriously, no offense meant. On another note (and Nineko, sorry, but theres no way Im gonna tango with DarkeSword this early in the project): Kanjika is my Co-coordinator, and will remain so until the end of the project, or flakes out, and lets us all down. Lets hope this was a good choice. As such, he (he, right? Don't want to confuse something like that...) will now speak, so DONT POST TILL KANJIKA DOES!
Rexy, if you didn't realise. I already have Lavos/Magus, and Andross, but I'll add Starwolf, Kefka, Atma, and Dracula. Arek, why cant I use any Kirby villians? Are you saying not to use Lavos/Magus, Mother Brain, Robotnik, or whoever else? Im sorry, but just beacause Dedede was in an album already, doesnt mean I can't use him in this one. ...unless, there is an official policy against it. And I don't beleive there is one.
Im not sure yet. We aren't even sure on what tracks are going to make it into the album yet...
Jeez, Advance Wars, Golden Sun, 2 games I MUST ADD RIGHT NOW!!! Arek, I still need to know the name of the boss being fought during "the dreadful fight" before I can add it. Is it just "The Elements"?
Great to see more interest, but remember, Giygas may not make the final cut. If you really want to work on this project, I reccomend just hoping for that theme, for now, but choose another (preferably one definatley ending up in the album), and keep it in the back of your mind. I really should be more carefull when it comes to assigning tracks this early, but if they are certain finalists (Is that even what to call them?) I see no damage.
How would someone even end up banned? What could you have done that's that bad? Or, maybe you just pissed off the wrong guy... So, can you have any title, or even a presence in special thanks? Maybe Ill whip out a thesaurus and make up a title for you: Associative Correlative Technical Assistant? Or, whatever. It's not the title thats important. The help from you is more than enough. And, I assume this means you are taking Robotnik? If I can ask this early, is it from one game or a medley? I wouldn't be able to pick that out immediately. The genre would be obvious. IMPORTANT!!! Robotnik, Bowser, Sephiroth, are all definatley on the album! Others (Gary Oak, Capt. Syrup, Gruntilda) will be decided once 30~40 bosses are ammased as candidates! DO NOT pick a track without posting your choice, and waiting for confirmation, no matter how sure you are that they will be on the album!!
Ok, Im gonna make this quick. Arek - Im putting "/culex" onto the list, but should I do that, or keep FF4's soundtrack? They are both the same music, so, which boss (culex or the FF4 guy) is more "badass"? ocremixfan - Those 3 are on the list. Quizzledorf - I already answered that. If it's the same boss, yes, a medley can be done. If the gradius games have different bosses each time, then no. Claado Shou - Sorry about the confusion. You just freaked me out. Rexy - Thanks for posting like I asked. Now do you see why I asked no one reserve N. Cortex? Nineko - Thanks anyway. If you dont wish be a co-coordinator, but still hang around and help, I'd be happy for the assistance. myf - Big help. That sums up a lot of what I need to know. Dedication is important, I know that. Along with "Make it look Good", I ask: Does anyone here (or anyone you know) have any connections at deviantArt, or a similar site that could set up the album covers and website when the time comes? And, everyone whos been a big help, thanks. Im glad to see that everyone posting is as enthusiastic about this project as I am. If theres anything not covered here, tell me. Otherwise, lets get back to work hammering out the details. C'mon, I need more Remixers! Also, PM me if you have a boss you want to see in the game. I think what Ill do is get a list of 40-60 bosses, have people rank them, and the top 25~35 will make it into the album. What do you think?
See? Thats what I mean! If there's a request, how can it be made without flooding the thread? Id be more than happy to take a look at ff4s music, if I ever played it. Ive played 1,2, 7, and 10. and i dont remember most of the first two...
What? "For right now"? Don't tell me you're serious. Is there really a possibility of me losing out to someone else on my own project? That aside, I must bring up a point previously made. I haven't played every game ever. I am not familiar with every boss. If left to me, the tracks in this album would end up being centered on Nintendo, limiting other companies and platforms. I would need more suggestions to get into this project, somehow. But I don't want this thread ending up flooded with dozens of people going "53p1r07h 15 73h H4x00r", or whatever, but I don't want to miss out on any overlooked bosses, either. How should I go about getting worthwhile input? Another idea I had a short while ago, is that the album could contain multiple disks, like so: mini-bosses -> (Koopalings) Less known final bosses -> (Baby Bowser) Well known final bosses -> (Bowser) Famous hidden bosses -> (Culex) Just an example Of course, 4 disks is WAY too much, and I'm not sure I want to fully implement this idea. But, I thought I might as well post it to see what kind of feedback I get. Besides, I'd rather have this based on famous bosses, and not bother with minibosses EDIT: Btw, no one reserve K. Rool or Neo Cortex just yet. Hopefully this will pull through, so I'll explain why when the time comes.
Claado, I think I like that second idea of yours. So, how would we go about putting things to a vote? If I'm not mistaken, isn't there a way to make a new thread into a poll? Because asking for posts here might get a little messy. Not saying your first idea wasn't good, but things ordering by date would throw off the balance. Ending with Bowser, Sephiroth, etc. would really be exciting. Listening from small bosses, bigger...bigger, then HUGE bosses, known worldwide. Thats the meaning of the title of this album.
alright, I dont mean to pressure you into anything. But, I hope you'll stick around to help out when it's needed?
Ok, now I'm freaked out. Those pages are way cleaner and more official than this, and now I'm not sure waht I'm doing. Arek, KyleJCrb, is it just me, or did you both just request a co-coordinator status? I'd have no problem giving the title away, you both seem to know what you're doing to a much higher degree than I do. But I can't decide. Arek, you have posted here more, and you're working on another project already, so there's some experience, but I don't want to overwork you from working on two projects at once. If you're up for it, the positions yours. So, if you accept, maybe you can start guiding us along, so I can remove myself from the corner in my room, rocking myself back into sanity...
Arek, you keep stressing that I should research other site projects. Since you already are in the "special thanks" section, maybe you could help out some more, and PM me what I need to know. Short of downloading most of the currently available projects, reading some of the Site Project forums, and checking the Wikipedia entries, I'm not sure where else to get help.
So, Kanjika, I can assume you want the Robotnik/Eggman theme? And what is this "Unmod R Bad Men" Iv'e heard about? send me the details personally, I don't wan't to clutter this forum.
Heres a list of considered bosses. Of course, it's not like I've plyed every game in existence, so any new boss themes that I have missed would be welcome: Andross Ansem Bowser/Bowser Jr/Koopalings. Captain Syrup Dr. Eggman/Robotnik Dr. Neo Cortex/Uka Uka Ganon(dorf)/Agahnim/Majora's Mask Gary Oak Gruntilda/Klungo King Boo/Petey Piranha King DeDeDe/Dark Matter King K. Rool Lavos Master Hand Mother Brain/Kraid/Ridley Sephiroth Again, I play video games I like playing. If I missed a great game with an amazing final boss, or secret boss, or whatever, post it! On the other hand, if anyone is stongly opposed to a boss listed, bring up a good point as to why they shouldn't be used, and maybe they will be removed. One or two of these bosses may be using generic battle music without me realising it, so tell me if they are. This is in no way a final list. I would like around 20-30 tracks in this album, so more will be added. Now that I think about it, hidden bosses would make good bonus tracks, wouldn't they...
Yeah. For now, anyone concerned enough to bother can call me Frank S. I'm really excited to see such enthusiasm for this project. Again, in case you didn't read the edits I made to the first post, if you are interested in joining, post the piece you think would most express why you would be a good artist for this album. If you haven't made a piece on OCR yet, tell me where to find your music, or, if you are a complete n00b, I'll give you the oppertunity to work on the project, just don't screw us over by delaying, and delaying, and delaying... Another thing, and it is probably way too early to start thinking about this, but is there anyone that wishes to do the album art?
I would want to limit only one track to a boss. however... If you want to, you and another artist, or just yourself, can get together to mix 2 themes for the same boss into one. Just as long as they fit. As a side note, if anyone wishes to get into contact with a big name here at OCR, and see if they would want to help out, that'd be great. A big name might really help the quality, and popularity, of the album.
Crescendo to Chaos? I like it! Thanks. By the way, the alliteration was for some humor. I did expect to change it some time during the course of a project. Now, this is a recruitment page, so, isn't there anyone out there interested in joining? If someone reading this thinks they, or an artist they are familiar with would like to work on this project, don't hesitate to post yourself. For selecting the music from which game they want to choose, I will leave that to be decided between me and the Remixer, unless there is a public demand for a specific one. Arek, you wan't a spot in the special thanks? You got it.