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Everything posted by Pi_R_Squared

  1. Yes, I suppose it is time for an Official Announcement *Trumpet Fanfare* All mixers with works in progress, please place a copy of your current version on the "wip: oc remixes" forum here at OCR. That does not mean stop updating at our other site, but it is to be done, to collect feedback from the community. Also, a note to mixers on the project, that have not yet completed a WIP: "What'ja waitin' for? Get goin', ya lazy punks!". No, relax. I just want to remind everybody that procrastination is one of the worst habits possible. I realise I gave you a while, and some of you gave "no problems". Well, then, get moving!
  2. I think, even from just having a project for a few months, that isn't even done yet, I have enough experience to have an idea of where to go with this thing. Dix, if you really are interested in making this thing work, I could definitely be your co-coordinator. I'm on several times a day, and could help you with whatever questions you have, besides going off and doing what's needed, like PMs, or whatever. What do you think? I can start whenever you think is a good time.
  3. Alright, I guess that can be expected from only WIPs. I was just expressing concern, some of them just sound a little slapped together, you know what I'm saying? Maybe if someone who wasn't on the project ever bothered to comment, and we got a few different opinions, maybe we could know what we needed to fix, on a wider scale.
  4. As extremely unwuse as it is to be running two projects at once, I have no problem running this one. Im that close. Think I should? I mean, CtC isn't eating up my time nearly as much as I thought it would. I could easily get away with a second one. Should I? I think I am.
  5. Way, way, WAY back from the first page of this thread. Just thought, y'know, maybe something to think about. I have to ask, is it just me, or does something seem... wrong? For some of the WIPs, it seems like you know where you want to go, but are having trouble accomplishing that task. I don't want to name names, so I won't mention which. But go listen to a few (not just applying to my mixers, but everybody that reads this), and tell me what you think. Know, it may just be me, and it may just be because they are WIPs. Then again, I might just be completely paranoid...
  6. Why not start one yourslef? As long as it's an idea yuou think people would like, and it is proporly executed, it shouldn't be a problem, especially for such a good game, and doubly so for following in the footsteps of a hit like KiC.
  7. I take back what I said, I fixed my laptop. Very, very relieved. Alright, then. Back to work. Maybe now I can really try that program out. I'lll let you know if anything happens.
  8. Yes, I have heard the orchestral version, which is absolutely beautiful. But... how am I supposed to check VGMix? Is there a databank of all the mixes they have somewhere? Because as far as I know, I can't get any of them till they're back up in january...
  9. Well, it has to be the majority. I think, if you are really worried about it, you can do 40% Andross, 35% Starwolf, 25% Sector X. Well, my laptop just died. Sad, really, as my uncle gave it to me, and now I don't know what to do. That was where I did all my work, and now I have to stay anchored to my home computer. Besides that, my laptop ran on a wireless connection, so after three months of high-speed bliss, I'm back down to dial-up. Damn. Besides that, my laptop was unusually better than my home computer. So besides a huge download time, you may have to wait for any kind of mixing prowess on my behalf. To be honest, I was more interested in regualer mixing, rather than for the project. Anyone who checked the ReQuests forum recently (I still like to go back, it feels like home, thats where it all started, isn't it? Well, no, that was in the site guidelines page...) will know I like the Harvest Moon series, I was thinking of trying the Winter theme from 64. Either way, mlo, I'm checking out Buzzmachines, I just hope the peice of junk I'm working on now can handle it.
  10. Thanks for the support, everybody. I honestly don't think I'd be up to par on a mix, either, but after a while, it's not like I couldn't be a prominant mixer on OCR itself (I hate emoticons... grr...). Oh, well. Like mlo said, . And, what, you think after me carrying on about this project kicking ass, I'd let my own crap filter through?
  11. Well, the wait is worth it. I'll repeat myself, that even if "B" does hold up the line, that allows time for art, website design, and a whole mess of other stuff. About Fruity Loops, I just downloaded it, and am going to try to get permission to run it on my school computers, cause my home one sucks. I guess we can always see where things go from there.
  12. Oath to Order, now that was a perfect example of a track in that game that totally kicked ass.
  13. Well, then, we have the time, don't we? Besides, nothing is ever not worth trying. Just running through it for a few minutes, I can tell it isn't the best. But like I said, I wanted to work with what I have. Then again, I also said I would be willing to go out and buy a new program, if need be. Well, if mixer "A" is done, and mixer "B" isn't, the judging panel delay gives "B" a period to catch up, without worrying about dragging behind the whole project. And, doesn't a rave describe itself? Think of it as an intro into the volume 2, which I plan to do around that genre, more industrial techno, rave, and electronica. A 15-20 minute long mix, but full-on quality, so that only a video game fan would be able to tell the source music. Not everyone can recognize a song from Mario 64, but everyone knows SMB, see?
  14. You know, my fellow project-mates, I all of you, and have a personal request, that just came up at the perfect time. I recently found a box, while rummaging through my room, that my uncle gave me 2 years ago. It's a music program, "Magix Music Maker". Now, if it's a piece of crap waste of time, tell me. But otherwise, I would appreciate the opportunity to help, besides the fact that it is my project, and it feels weird not doing anything to help. It's the 2004 deluxe version, and has three extra discs with audio samples for "techno/trance", "hiphop", "nu rock", "disco house", "strictly 80's", "easy listening/nu jazz", "oneshot samples", "electro lounge", "film music & classic", and "world music". I hate to be pushy, or rude, but I really would like to be a part of my own project, and something tells me taking advantage of a whole program would be more beneficial than downloading the trial version of FL, or something... that, and now I feel guilty about not using this program for a whole two years. So, if its not worth it, just forget I brought it up, and maybe I can go see if my school has any proffesional tools, or maybe I can go buy some good software. But, I've only tried mixing once before, with the FL demo, and, Ill tell you, I really crapped that one up... but I do want to help, and not just supervise. I feel... lazy. You understand? I want to leave my mark, not just have people say "Who directed that one, now?", but rather, help out, and maybe go on to later mixing. In short, can anyone tutor me in mixing, for my own project? Someone who knows this program, prefferably, but I'd be willing to spend a small amount of money on another program... the holidays are right around the corner, and everything else I want is already saved up for. Get it?
  15. Well, it reduces a huge problem I was thinking of. The time spent to judge a few mixes might give the other mixers time to finish, as well as completing the website, art, etc... Of course, it would be rave/techno. No orchestra, no Rock. The whole thing would be underground lasers, smoke machines, and moshing. That would be awesome. Besides a total departure from our basic design, but leads into volume II, "Haywire Harmonics", which I was thinking of basing in techno and rave, rather than orch/rock. Still dark themes, though.
  16. By the way, I have to say, cause I've been asked quite a bit recently, I made an MSN name thingy... "Frank.14159". So, go ahead and ask any questions... LIVE!! The torrent, when the project is done, will be two torrents. A FLAC torrent, and an MP3 torrent. I HATE when the project torrents take hours to load, just because some people need a FLAC. I just dont get it. The judges? Ill think about it. I just want to ensure quality, like all major food corporations (Crescendo to Cooking 4 ever!). About the Andross theme, just a personal request from me, I've always been a big fan of 64's "Sector X" theme (who isn't?), and hearing a bit of a cameo would make my day, seriously. Now, pu made a good point, in a PM to me. I AM NOT ENFORCING OCREMIX'S BITRATE OR SIZE RESTRICTIONS. As long as you dont make a three hour mix, it's fine. Well, even a 10 minute mix is pushing it, unless you have a kick-ass 5 minute guitar solo in there. So that leaves it open for as much detail as you want, as long as you dont clutter the thing. Another thing in that PM, the idea of a mega-mix at the end of the album, or possibly as a bonus track off of the website. I say, let's wait for everything else to fall into place before we worry about that.
  17. While maybe a bit too much information, still, disaster averted. Nothing like a scare like that to make you realise what you have can't be taken for granted. Wait... what? Whatever... But, yeah. Its hard to lose someone, especially if they were close to you. Thanks. It means a lot.
  18. Yes, its so sad. My grandmother to lung cancer {But she smoked... heavily}, a friend's father to... something cancer, I'm not sure, maybe colon cancer, and a few years ago, a 2nd or 3rd cousin, to something that I have no idea what it was. At any rate, though, at least we can say we're doing something about it. It's what brings mankind together as a civilization, not just a species. Advancement, and improving the quality of life is what defines us from the animals, and anyone who refuses to be a part of the process is no better. ...Pick-up line? Never thought about it that way. I was just bragging to my friends!
  19. I think I know what the problem is. I don't have even have one WU done yet. I think it only puts me on the list once I have at least one completed. I have it running on two computers at once, so I'm sure one will finish up soon enough. On a more educational note, I have convinced my school to run folding@home to help the cause. I recently lost someone to cancer, and a friend of mine's father was just diagnosed with Alzheimer's. I'm glad to say I'm a part of the solution.That, and I can ask my friends the following qustion: "Hey, whats your computer doing right now? Downloading porn? 'Cause mine is curing cancer".
  20. Great do far. At 1:00, I think the original SMB's castle theme might make a good bass, and at 2:50, it sounds a little like the endless staircase, and maybe something can be fitted in? Otherwise, great work. If thats the "skeleton" of the track so far, I can't wait for the rest (as usual...). I feel like the guitar can get way sicker, but I guess if (and when) you get a live guitarist, some improve can be done.
  21. Great, we wanted evil music, not angry music. No, thats fine. I think it's great to see this project considered an escape, or recreation, rather than actual work. Keep up the good work.
  22. Hey! Dont look at me, I only know what I pu said. Not my fault! Not my fault! Seriously, what'ja think?
  23. Christian Rap? Oh, god no... (Get it? Christian Rap? God? HAHaha...). Anyway, does anyone want to a few questions? - Why do the Torrents have FLAC files? What are they for? - Can anyone provide their services to master tracks, with better quality samples, and mad expensive programs no all of us have? (Don't answer if you already did) - How many judges need to OK a track for it to get through? 'Cause I was thinking, what if, instead of deciding ourselves, or leaving it up to the regualr judge amount, what if ALL judges needed to OK a track? Because I know that Summoning of Spirits is using the judges to decide what gets on (Thanks, pu). But, what if, instead of the norm, we used ALL of the judges, and needed a full, (if not missing one) to give a "yes"? It would ensure track quality, and make sure anything we might miss gets caught.
  24. Interesting. I like the direction you're taking, it's different than the other WIPs so far. Its a little messy and needs work, but otherwise runs smooth. Of course, don't take it too harshly. Its a work-in-progress, or course it isn't going to be the best. Nice!
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