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Posts posted by RedFusion

  1. Chuck Norris driving a truck full of rescued musical notes would be something...

    I realized this is basically a favorites thread, but if it has any use otherwise I guess it's ok.

    But .. it's only about music that's not featured in an official soundtrack, nor does the music necessarily have to be your favourite track. So I think it would be pushing it to say that it was a favourites thread. lol.

    Hm.. OMG POCKET TANKS ! Trust this forum to bring back more random memories from the past.

    PS: lol @ Atma's post.

  2. Excellent mixes, as usual, though I haven't finished listening yet (I prefer listening on long train rides - all your other mixes are on my iPod too!)

    What did everyone think of the remix of Breathing You In on 003, by the way?

    The track really sits well with all the other mainstream trance out there, I digged it!

    The discontinuous 'broken' effect at 27:37 was a highlight, for me. It helped in terms of piquing listener interest.

  3. Not too sure what the effect is...

    But I'll gladly link you to two awesome remixes that have this effect; near the ends of the song too, so that just as you think the song is dying down... it hits you in the face with another bout of awesomeness! Just before it winds down again. =(

    Anyway, there's:

    Sephfire, SGX - Mario Party Intense Color



    Big Giant Circles - Eastern Ice Field


    There might be more out there.. but these are the only two OCReMixes that I can think of with this effect.. And thanks for pointing out Distant J's track, haven't heard it before either.

    Cheers. =]

  4. Interesting to hear some OCR-related stuff in the mixes. Keep up the good work, GT!

    Not to steal G-T's thunder or anything, but if anyone's interested, Sly One has some mixes available. link

    Yes! Slyone has released a new set as well! After 2007 passed and with no mix released, I thought that he had stopped releasing mixes, to my dismay. =(

    His mixes are amongst my favourite, alongside G-T's, I didn't know anyone else really knew of him.

    (Again, sorry for stealing G-T's thunder, but, hey, it's just all the more love for tranceheads out there. And it's not like ya'll won't be listening to G-T's mixes anyway).

    Hooray, this is a great day for Trance and DJing!! Well, at least, in my household at least...

    I absolutely loved Thoughts on a Shoreline, (as well as your House Mixes), and I'll eagerly wait to listen to this new glorious set of music. =D

    (And I haven't listened to AvB's ASoT in a while, so it'll be good to see what new tunes have been circulating the scene recently)

  5. Don't bet on it for awhile. According to one of his jokes at the end credits recently, Brawl doesn't even have a confirmed Australian release date yet. Going right along with the "arbitrarily tacking months onto release dates."

    Anyway, the Zack and Wiki review was a little ho-hum, though it did get me to smile a bit. Though I dunno what problems he was having. A friend of mine owns Zack and Wiki and had no trouble with the motion controls. *Shrugs*

    To be honest, I hope he DOES review SSBB when it ACTUALLY comes out down here in Australia.

    Then everyone in the rest of the world can go "WTF!?" at how ridiculously long it's taking for it to get released over here.

    Aww, don't hate me. Heck, at least you guys CAN play the game.

  6. Eh?

    Wasn't this the same guy who got shot down for being found guilty for ripping off midi samples and just replacing the instruments with his own garritan samples?

    There was a whole debacle of it on the forum of another site who I think used to host the website.

    Oh yeah, now I remember -- he had a donations link on his website, which had him taking credit for the work of the midi writers. There was quite large ruckus over the net as well.

    Anyone else remember this?

  7. ANYway:

    For a 'somewhat' more official source:


    Fans have been congratulating him on being reunited with his daughter.

    Nothing 100% official from him there, but, I guess that if the news is widespread amongst his fans then likely it's true.

    Unless they ALL heard from TMZ, but I doubt it.

    And don't ask me on the authenticity of the site lol, I had never heard of it before. But it looks reputable enough.

  8. Seeing as no-one has updated this thread, I thought people might want to know that Kaia has been found. All's well, for the father and daughter at least...


    A team of U.S. Marshals, two private investigation teams and the Santa Monica P.D. had been searching for Kaia since December, finally locating her last night.

    Well, thankfully there was no shortage of manpower in the investigation.


    All the best for BT.

  9. I don't know if it's just me.. but... flOw. What the...!?

    Am I missing out on something?

    He says it's a "landmark experiment in game development", with the "dynamic difficulty adjustment ("DDA")", but.. uh.

    Yeah, so, I'm a worm thing that can run around eating these marine organisms that appear to have different effects on my growth, but basically make me have a longer tail. And then I can eat these special 'red cross' organisms that take me deeper into the oceans to eat more organisms, or 'blue cross' organisms that take me back closer to the surface. Sure, I can get deeper and find these huge stingray organism things, but, I still don't get how this flash game is worth mentioning along with any other flash game out there. Hooray, I can go BACKWARDS in a difficulty setting by following the blue ping. Or choose to *gasp* go FORWARDS in a difficulty setting by eating a red floaty thing. DDA just doesn't seem so exciting. Sorry Jenova.

    I understand the appeal of Cave Story, along with any other video game aficionado, but, I just don't seem to get flOw. And it's also on available on some form, on the PS3. Right.

    Disclaimer: I'm not trying to put down flOw, I'm just desparately wanting to know what the heck the game is about and why it's good.

  10. The Chzo Mythos (FREE)

    The Chzo Mythos is a quadrilogy of adventure games by Ben "Yahtzee" Croshaw that revolves around the mysterious, malevolent spirit of John DeFoe. Beginning with 5 Days a Stranger, where you play a cat burglar trapped in the haunted house of John DeFoe, and ending with 6 Days a Sacrifice, which takes place in the headquarters of a fad cult, the Chzo games span hundreds of years, three different protagonists, and plenty of horrific mysteries. Each game is unique, but you'll want to play them in order to get the full impact of this excellent series.

    They mentioned the DeFoe series.


    One day, I will join their ranks in the great pantheon of Indie Developers. This I swear, thereby, I foreswear

    Mmmm. Judging by the material on your Wingless sites, especially 'Allegiance', I'm sure as hell would be excited to play anything whatever you could professional contrive.

    And it would have kickass music too, woo!

    Great link and thread.

  11. Also, for fans of 5 Days, there's actually a Source mod adaptation of it currently under development (and Yahtzee's involved with it, so it probably won't be totally bastardized). According to their FAQ, they're hoping to have it out before the end of 2008 (and for the artistically inclined, they're currently looking for a concept artist, character modeller/animator, item modeller, and texture artist)

    Wow, that front page is more exciting that Fallout 3's ever was. And that game is a cult classic.

    What's so cool is that Yahtzee's so popular now that he could pimp his own projects -- and they'd be very well worth the pimpage. I mean, if they managed to convert the game's to 3D, then oh ho ho. That'd be mindblowing.

    Lol, the Bioshock review was brilliantly accurate in a twisted kind of way. I loved it, although I had to quit it when he started talking about the endings. Spoilers or not, I don't want to know anything about them.

  12. This guy's also made some pretty decent adventure games.

    The 5 Days a Stranger series is particularly good.

    O. M. G. THE ZERO PUNCTUATION REVIEWER DUDE IS THE GUY WHO MADE THE John DeFoe '5 Days A Stranger' SERIES!?!?#?!$?!@%$!#@^@#?&$#@*&?@!!


    Yeah, pimping up the thread with this cool game (the first in the series), but, I think that link is a pretty good summary for a great game that the guy made. I can't believe that it's the same person...

    And it's also very much worth checking out, along with his ZERO PUNCT. reviews.

    WOW. This is like realising that two internet celebrities are actually the same person. Except that one internet celebrity isn't as popular as the other one.

    Which is still cool.

    And, agreed. His Adventure freeware games are amazing. Not to mention scary, as crazy as that sounds.

  13. I would use Winamp more if it had the good library settings that Windows Media Player has. I also like the functionality with Windows Messenger, telling my friends what I am listening to. If Winamp had those, I would use it way more than I already do.


    A Plug-In that does exactly that.

    Works for me with Windows Live Messenger and the latest version of Winamp.

    <3 Winamp. Oh, and, the plug-in can also let you show your songs in the NORMAL


    labelling convention, not like some retarded SONG and THEN ARTIST display that shows on everyone else using media players, thought up only by some microsoft fool.

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