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Posts posted by Vidilian

  1. Yeah ok, I haven't sorted out the off-keys yet, but I tried to spice it up a bit. Now theres hopefully less boring...ness, and more variety. The late notes were kinda done on purpose to give a jazzy feel but I'll also fix that later aswell. This song may take a while may take a while to get decent since I'm just a beginner but I'm sure it'll get somewhere. My other mix started out crap but got alot better.

    Click here to listen!

  2. Hmm, when I took the track you're talking about out of the song towards the end, it seemed to make it really "empty". That track is what completes the song imo. I'll get a version of it without it anyway.

    Edit: OK here it is and I've slightly changed my mind about the change. I'd like to know which version people prefer.


  3. I'm very much a newb to making music (other than playin the piano), so I was just wondering if the psr- 550 is a keyboard capable of making remixes that are of this sites standards? If not, are there any sample based keyboards like this within the same price range that are good enough. Its the quality of the samples I'm most worried about. The features on the psr 550 are good enough for me.

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