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Everything posted by Wideruled

  1. just because YOU happened to be one of the pokemon, doesnt mean it was abuse. it was an epic poke-battle after all! hay coop, a lot has been going actually. EDIT: i also just read this entire thread. Do i get a cookie?
  2. oh hai gias. wuts goin on in here?
  3. The reward is all of the mixes you have currently housed in your computer. The reward is being able to come to this site because it is still running because YOU helped take some of the bandwidth load. Children geez..
  4. Actually thats a good idea, im gonna change the process on the one im currently seeding to low. Thanks Aubrey.
  5. Ill bee seeding as much as possible, i might have to take em down every once in a while but my bandwidth is yours.
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