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Hardbeat Acolyte

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Posts posted by Hardbeat Acolyte

  1. A while ago there were a couple of mixes submitted for ESIII: Morrowind but they weren't accepted by the judges. Is there anywhere that they can still be downloaded? I'd like to give them a listen myself. Also does anyone have an MIDI of the Morrowind main theme, or even any song from it for that matter (I particularly like Explore 3 as well) since they would help me a bit with my WIP mixes. Thanks in advance ^^

  2. Totally. I'd love to hear a good trance mix of the recruiting theme from FE1/7/8. Also a mix of the main theme would be good too of course.

    Actually, before I read this I was about to post a thread requesting a remix of Levin's theme from FE4 (I think it's FE4 it's in right?). That song sounds rather versatile; it could be a rock mix, a trance mix or an orchestral mix and each would sound agreeable IMO.

  3. Quite a while ago I was making a remix of "Together We Ride" from FE7 but it died for 3 reasons:

    1. I got bored with it

    2. I wasn't an experienced enough remixer

    3. I needed some better soundfonts

    But it's back from the dead now that I've resolved (to a certain extent anyway) the above problems. Note that this WiP is still just a rough draft of what I hope to achieve.


    I was thinking that maybe it would be cool to have some female vocals instead of the main moog lead. Would that be a good idea? I'd need someone to write the lyrics and someone to sing and record the lyrics though. Maybe some male rapping to the hiphop-esque part as well.

    Also, can anyone suggest a less crummy name for the piece than "Dancing Flames"? It would be greatly appreciated :lol:

  4. Recently I've been working on a Morrowind remix and I thought that maybe it'd be good to include some of the various voice clips from the game in it but so far I haven't found a site with them. Can somebody please help me?

  5. http://media10.filewind.com/g.php?filepath=5236

    I've been trying to make several FE mixes but this one is the one I'm having the most success with I think. It's an electronic remix of several songs from Fire Emblem for the NES; the ones that are also in FE7 called Together We Ride and A Knight's Oath and one slow, sorta sad one that I've only heard in FE1. Sorry that I can't say what moments in FE1 they're from, but I can't read Japanese and so can't actually play through FE1.

    A cookie to whoever can tell me where I got the vocal clip from XD

  6. Thanks for the tips Thylacine; I'll remember them for the next WIP. The vocal clips are from the english commercial for Fire Emblem 7. You're right, it doesn't really suit the song and I'll take it out or find a suitable replacement. The instruments are pretty much placeholders until I find some that will suit the song better. You're right about the melody too; it needs to me changed more.

    Here's the latest one, but I made it before I read your post.


  7. Eh, I'm not a great remixer but I thought I'd submit two of my WIPs here, both from the awesome Advance Wars series :)

    http://ul44.rapidshare.com/files/9992623/AW2_Ending_Remix_WIP.mp3 - AW2 ending. More acoustic-sounding than most of my other stuff. It's short but I'll extend it for the final version. Lyrics would be nice in it but since I don't have someone to write, perform or record lyrics for me I'll just use the lead guitar.

  8. Woo I second that! I'm a n00b at mixing (most of my stuff is just FL presets x_x) but I could lend a hand with the Black Hole themes perhaps...

    Oh and on BHHQ I'm pretty much just a normal member but you could contact XanderX about it. I'm sure he'd be interested in hosting it and maybe some of the members could lend a hand :) We were hosting Custom Wars but that never progressed much so we dropped our affilation with them. But your idea sounds quite promising :D I'll PM you XanderX's email adress.

    And not to brag but BHHQ has the best quality soundtracks of AW2 and AWDS so if you would like to hear them I recommend you go there. The soundtracks from competitor's sites have beeping noises at the start and everything. However, the volume in Drake's theme in the AWDS soundtrack is wrong but the rest are fine.

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