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Hardbeat Acolyte

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Everything posted by Hardbeat Acolyte

  1. Meh, didn't get far with it, but maybe I'll keep an eye out for future rounds ^__^
  2. Huh, possibly, I might just have a crack at this =P
  3. Interesting song.. It's quite nice. I'll see what I can do =P EDIT: Arg, couldn't work on this nearly as much as I wanted (actually, virtually all of this mix was made on the first day) so it sounds more of a WiP, lacking the subtle details like crash ccymbals and snare rolls and stuff. Hopefully you'll enjoy it nonetheless *Submits*
  4. Congratulations Hylian Lemon, I look forward to hearing the source you choose =D
  5. Ah, I got absolutely fed up with the mix I was making so started a completely different one yesterday. However, I underestimated how hard it was to make this source into trance... But after working hard on it for a good portion of the day I've finished it =D
  6. Mm, personally, I agree. Although many songs may be a bit hard to classify.
  7. Arg, dunno whether I'll have anything legible (yes, I did mean legible, before anyone asks) before tomorrow, which is when I'd have to submit. I may have to sit this round out unfortunately. Mm, I'll try to fix it up before tomorrow...
  8. Good luck everybody! =D Here's what I wrote last year of the short story featuring the character Codus (haven't added to it since then) if you'd like to know a tiny bit about the character. http://www.megaupload.com/?d=V7FXQS4B
  9. The source sounds challenging but i may see what i can do =D
  10. Nice round guys! =D Congrats Binweasel, i look forward to hearing the source for PRC128 =D
  11. Woot! =D I'll see what kind of source I can come up with... I've never completed many songs, maybe I'll have to work on one some more, lol =p EDIT: Should have it finished and submitted by 16 hours from now at the most ^__^
  12. Haha, yeah, that's it Anyways, good luck Bundeslang! =D I hope we get a good number of voters here this round =)
  13. Okay, here's my entry... setokaibarocket Vs just64helpin - Another Day, Another Contract
  14. Wooot! =D I've sent my source for next round; hopefully there'll be more entries so Rexy won't consider making a closing thread, hehe..
  15. Hehe, you don't have to be so modest Chickenwarlord; whichever of us comes first, I get the feeling the votes will be rather close (as in, you have good interpretation, not as a pun that there's only 1st and 2nd place, lol) (Anyways, enough of me making quality-related comments now, lol)
  16. Happy birthday man; I've only heard the Street Fighter mixes you did for the album but I love them heaps! =D
  17. Hmmm, supposing I won, is it possible to select just an MIDI as the source without an MP3? No matter how hard I look, I can't find an MP3 of a particular old PC game song. The MIDI is ripped from the game though so it's perfectly accurate. That is, if I was even to choose that song; I don't know.
  18. Very cool! Love the Morrowind songs ^___^ Some of the vocals are out of tune at times in the songs, but that's nothing too major. By the way, I'm against having the vocals vocoded - unless they turn out very high quality like Daft Punks', which I wouldn't expect from most - since most vocoded vocals I've heard are very hard to hear/understand/distinguish/whatever in a song. Anyways, keep up the good work
  19. *Goes to submit entry* I didn't really have a great deal of time this week to work on it, so it's a bit short and repetitive... Hopefully you'll still enjoy it
  20. I'll possibly see what I can do ^__^
  21. Congrats just64helpin! =D
  22. Happy birthday, you pretzel you!
  23. Hmm, so the mix doesn't have to be a song from this game eh? I'll maybe give it a shot =D
  24. Shisen, I hope I can make it by the deadline... Have to work on it tonight and upload tomorrow morning. EDIT: Meh, here it is... DJ Sekairo Vs Zephyr Tread - Overdrive
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