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Hardbeat Acolyte

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Everything posted by Hardbeat Acolyte

  1. Congrats Sir Nuts! I wasn't here to vote but I don't think my vote would have really changed the outcome. Anyways, I look forward to the next PRC, and hopefully I won't be too busy to enter this time, hehe.
  2. I'll give it a shot prolly... And yeah, my inbox says the same thing =S
  3. Hey OneUp, was that a PRC voting comment there or just something someone said about your mix when you asked them? I didn't know you could read comments made on your mixes... Could you? =S
  4. Hehe, congrats OneUp! =D *Looks forward to hearing source tune, hehe*
  5. Hehe thanks man, yeah the bass is synthesized with Sytrus =D Oh and I'm from Geelong btw.
  6. My remix is pretty much done, just have to finish it off before tomorrow after school when I submit (after Thursday the library's shut till Tuesday, so I won't be online). I couldn't use as much of the source tune in the mix as I would've liked but I think it'll sound nice =P
  7. Hmm, I had a listen to it, and I think I'll give it a shot if I'm not too busy at school this week. Oh, and it seems that you've accidentally linked to PRC114 on ThaSauce instead of 116
  8. Hmm, I don't think I'll be able to finish mine in time (and it's not really a WiP at the moment anyway, just a bunch of stuff thrown together) but maybe I could give one final shot at it tonight or tomorrow to piece something half-decent together. I doubt I can get it done in timet hough, and that's only if I find a way to be online Sunday anyways.
  9. Hrmm, yes, I admit it. I usually get cracks of programs (in regards to remixing I mean) and not think twice about it. I know it's the "wrong thing to do" but I would prefer not to pay for anything unless I actually have a chance in future to become an actual producer. Then I would pay for my stuff I think.
  10. I haven't heard the sourcetune yet since I only just downloaded it to my USB disc now at the library but I'll try and come up with something =D
  11. Hehe, getting Retsej to enter was my doing He's the guy who inspired me to start remixing in the first place a couple of years back, when he was posting his mixes on the Advance Wars forum Black Hole Headquarters, which coincidentally we both still visit regularly
  12. Hehe, i might make a bonus entry, i'm not sure yet... I'm absolutely looking forward to hearing everybody's entries!
  13. Well, actually it was around 7:30 PM on Monday but I'm glad I made it nonetheless
  14. Oh *Insert german swear word here*!! It's not lunch time yet is it? I wasn't online for the weekend because of the library being closed. Well please forgive me, cos i didn't know when it had to be submitted by... i'll get right on it now!
  15. Omg! w00t! Thanks everyone!! =D This really means a lot to me, getting my name on the list of all the great past PRC winners and all =D *Goes to ponder over source tune for PRC114* Wow, I'm just so ecstatic, hehe!!
  16. Hmm, my mix is almost done I reckon but it need to be made less repetitive with more original material by Saturday I think... Plus I need to think of a good name for the title
  17. *Signs up to ThaSauce* This'll be my first entry in a remixing competition ever; I'm excited
  18. Haha this is nice man ;P It's come a long way since you got the idea and some of the altering melody from me Don't get me wrong; 'cos that was a long time ago and my latest FE mix is different from that one I'm totally backing you on this =D
  19. Hehe, I second this. Actually, a little known fact about me is that the "rocket" in my name is derived from Team Rocket, back years ago when i made this name, lolz.
  20. I can tell from the general idea of this mix that I'm going to enjoy hearing it, but sadly I can't download it from there. Would you please be able to upload to another site as well, eg MegaUpload?
  21. Hehe, I wholeheartedly agree with the guy who recommended a Fire Emblem: Sacred Stones remix (points to sig), but to choose one from your list I'd absolutely love to hear a remix of Passion/Sanctuary from KH2
  22. Hah, I was contemplating remixing a song from a strange japanese game called Telefang which is probably the most obscure game in existence (some know it as Pokemon Diamond and Jade when some video game piraters got hold of it and started selling an extremely poorly translated version of the games in English-speaking countries). Could I perhaps submit it despite it's obscurity if I include the original song ripped from the game?
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