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Posts posted by OneUp

  1. Interesting point. I might consider to give you the option to not pick a source, but let someone else (or me) do it (I could look in the Requests Forum to pick a source if I'm out of inspiration), resulting in that you are allowed the round after the round you won. Of course you are still allowed to pick a source (and submit a bonus mix in that round). The risk of this is that nobody wants to pick a source anymore and I get to pick a source every time.

    I'll think about this for the coming day and let it know when voting starts. OneUp, if I would implement such a thing, does your entry still counts as a bonus mix?

    I kinda like the idea that a composer can't win more than one competition in a row (except for in special occasions like this round), isn't that encouraging for people to participate? I don't know. Also I've found some sweet new VGM when I've been forced to find new sources.

    What do other people think about this?

    Since people seem to encourage it and that it's eligible (which I didn't know), I'll make it a normal entry. Regardless of what you choose to do with the rules Bunde :) So you can change the description of my entry, since I can't delete or edit, to "Such ambient. Much soft. Wow.

    I've incorporated a bit of my own source in this."

  2. Yay, thanks everybody :)

    Played OneUp's track on last night's SEGA Mixer Drive Season 2 premiere. Congratulations on the win - your track got a great response from the IRC audience last night :)

    Wow, great show and thanks for including my track! Didn't know you had a show, I'll download and listen to them at work for sure :)

    One thing though, if I'm not wrong you seem to have a limiter on which make more or less poor mixed tracks like mine to sound overcompressed.

  3. If anyone has problems with signing-up or posting remixes on ThaSauce, it also allowed to upload the song somewhere else and post a download link in this thread.

    Two songs already, but of course: the more the better. If OneUp manages to win this round, he is the new recordist with 18 wins.

    If you don't want that to happen: make a good remix and make sure that it beats OneUps song in the voting stage.

    Currently OneUp and Rexy both are recordist with 17 wins.

    Wow, huge thanks to everybody who likes what I do and vote for me! If it wasn't for PRC I would've never put in as much time in doing music, Bundeslang and the previous PRC managers has actually changed my life <3

    Oh gods please don't tell me you've sampled that cocking song??

    I had actually never heard the song before I did that :D

  4. I've totally forgot about this, thanks for the votes! The problem is that I didn't have time to look at the votes and now I can't find the contest on ThaSauce! Only Mnp02 is shown in the list.

    EDIT: Damn, I need to pay attention :D

    Too bad I didn't get to see your votes and comments, but shit happens HoboKa :)

  5. So I started working on something for this, and loaded fruity loops to be able to use my favorite retro VSTs cuz i didnt feel like building stuff from scratch on Reason. I had almost a complete song and was just writing the outro when FL crashed on me. Reloaded the project (after several tries because it kept crashing) and had only half a song. Then i remembered why I love Reason so much.

    Yeah sorry I had something awesome going for this, I may upload the half-song I managed to save later, when I don't feel like bashing my head against the wall anymore.

    There's an auto save function in FL, unfortunately I don't think it's on at default.

    Also, doesn't Reason have VST support nowadays? Too bad Reason doesn't come with life-time free upgrades like FL.

  6. I think the pads have a weird dissonance at the beginning. But from a glance, it seems like the primary chord used is E, G, B So I'm guessing it's mostly in E and occasionally switches to G (such as 0:33 to 0:53).


    Seeing that C, E, G, B, D# all can work together tone-wise and are seen primarily through the chords (maybe the main melody is dissonant??), the composition seems to interchange between them throughout. NVM checked it out, the notes are prettty dissonant when lumped together and yet you see them playing together in the song at parts - this is confusing!

    That was pretty much what I figured as well :)

  7. The beat need to be much bigger and more hiphop, maybe something like this:

    . 1:29 and forward you really have something going, it actually sounds like hiphop :) I think you should repeat those strings to create something more flowing (like in the Jedi Mind Tricks song). The rap could be more flowing as well, focus on the snare (and emphasize the snare drum a lot more) and align the rhymes with it. As for the rap itself, I like your voice but I'd like more attitude, you should sound pissed not happy. Don't smile when you record. These aren't goofy lines, you're dead serious and you mean everything you say! You don't have to try to sound black though :D I don't like the singing part at 1:14 btw, it sounds to goofy, at least add some harmonies.

    Listen to hiphop and imitate.

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