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Posts posted by OneUp

  1. I actually voted, but I don't suppose anyone's going to read that, so I'm posting it here too:

    "The exact kind of submission I was hoping for - taking the source, changing the style and running with it. I have thought before that this piece would sound great even if it was done on the NES sound chip. Thus, this remix was absolutely thrilling to hear. It's a keeper!"


    Thx for the kind words, makes me feel more worthy the win :)

  2. Nice remix, OneUp. It sounds a lot like Edvard Grieg, the Norwegian Composer (although not Russian, despite your remix title; although I have to admit the remix sounds quite like Russian music). I was expecting some trance after your comment, although it was probably sarcastic. Sorry, I haven't been around this site in a while.


    I found this source quite similar to a number of songs, and In the Hall of the Mountain King by Grieg is one of them. I even threw in a part of it in my remix :)

    Sarcastic? Me? ;)

    I didn't want the deadline to be extended, just asked if I could have my remix as a bonus on Thasauce.

  3. the queen/sorcerer from battletoads. just try and beat her...:oops:

    I recall that I couldn't beat that thing, EVEN WITH AN EMULATOR! You just couldn't run any faster how hard you tried. I heard that the only thing possible is some sort of bug that let you fall trough the floors, but that might be BS. Anyone who made it?

  4. I'm not able to upload it now because I have to change the voting deadline and I don't know that's a good idea because I already have some votes. Doing something with other rounds and contest isn't a good idea as well.

    I guess I'll try to upload it to the next round and then edit the tags.

    Ok, it's cool, just thought you hade divine powers :P

  5. oh also, I didn't get a chance to vote, but OneUp's mix was certainly original, and entertaining to listen to, lol. Even though it couldn't be called trance or 'clubber' music of any description, hah ;p

    Same here, with full time studies and a job, I didn't have time to vote. Must say that you've improved your hardstyle making quite a bit :) Still a little blurry in the low register, but you would've gotten a vote from me.

  6. So people don't want to pick the next song? Because if that's the case, maybe we should turn back the clock and just let the person running the contest do it, like the old IMC contest.

    Maybe I should just stop voting if it doesn't matter.

    Like evktalo said, it does matter. It's an indicator on that you did something good. The only bad thing about winning is that you can't enter that PRC :)

  7. I thought the point of the contest was to win. Isn't it then important to know what the steady voters (like myself) like and don't like (as in genres, etc.)? Then you can tailor your mixes to achieve an optimal chance of winning.

    You say you want to be original, and that's fine. But you don't need to do this contest to do that. You can do that all by yourself. People are doing it all the time.

    Winning is nice, but that's not why I enter these competitions. It's to learn, therefore I try various genres all the time. If it were money involved, then I might "sell out".

    Wouldn't it be boring if all remixes sounded the same?

    EDIT: And what evktalo said down below.

  8. Once again people are using this contest not to show originality or skill but to put their favourite genre (dance or trance or whatever rubbish "clubbing" music they come up with next) onto a good song and ruin it.

    The only two "normal" entries which take the song and run with it to produce something beautiful and original are my top two, with We Form In Star Bits being more technically impressive so it's on top.

    And I picked a random one with bad vocals for third because it didn't mention the word "trance" anywhere in the description.

    Once again people are using this contest to discourage musicians and stating that their favourite genre (piano ballads, orchestrations or whatever self proclaimed "1337" music they prefer) is the only worthy, and therefore ruins the contest.

    "Normal" is exactly what I don't want a remix to be. Rexy is really skilled and I want him in my closet so he could help me once in a while, but... that kind of music is kind of boring to me. Few surprises or experimenting, too mellow and nothing special to remember. Don't misunderstand, his remix were truly professional and beautiful, absolutely nothing I could've done, but not original at all IMO.

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