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Posts posted by Tensei

  1. A friend of mine is under the impression that they may release Diablo 3 for PS3. I HOPE that's the case. Then I'll finally be able to play it, too!

    This is about as likely as League of Legends getting ported to a handheld.

  2. I don't know, I liked the game throughout but I just stopped playing it in favor of Dota 2 and I recently uninstalled since I wasn't playing it anyway.

    I might return to it once it has had some content patches (in a few years maybe) but I don't see me getting back into it anytime soon. This is kinda how I played Diablo 2 as well though, I only played it every couple of years but I would play it very intensively for short periods of time.

  3. Nyx Assassin, Keeper of the Light, and Visage are out. Those are apparently the last heroes to be released before the International though, so no new heroes until September, ah well. :<

    There's also this:

  4. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Securom

    Should give a good enough synopsis in this case. I've dealt with earlier forms of SecuROM in the past, and the hassle it gave me was not pretty. Some have had far worse experiences, running through all their activations quickly due to errors caused by SecuROM itself. It all depends on the version of SecuROM on the game as well - there are various degrees of it, partly in response to how terrible the experience was earlier with the DRM software. From a quick Google search, it appears that there is an install limit of 5 copies per purchase of this copy of Borderlands.

    To be honest, you probably won't run into issues - there's a possibility since the software has known issues, but that's my guess. It's your call of course. I personally try to avoid crappy DRM like that, especially since Steam is DRM in itself.

    Just fyi, the Wiki article you quoted says that Securom has been removed from most of those games it lists as examples (or at least the limited activations). Other sites mention that the core Borderlands game and the 2 newest DLC don't use Securom, and it's quite possible that the GOTY edition doesn't have Securom whatsoever. I've played through Borderlands multiple times and haven't run into any issues, so as far as I'm concerned it's certainly preferable to always online-style DRM like Ubisoft or Blizzard like to use.

    If you wanna be completely safe, though, just buy the game by itself and make sure not to get the Mad Moxxi's Underdome or Ned's Zombie Island DLC.

  5. There was some bug with Decay that caused it to actually heal enemies over time because of the strength gain at the end of the duration, and the zombies from the tombstone didn't properly enrage when enemies got below a certain health threshold. Thanks for the summer sale gift by the way!

  6. Jesus fuck Undying is fun now that he's been fixed.

    I got ganked by a Lion, Alchemist and Lanaya at the same time, my lane buddy Rubick died almost instantly, but somehow I managed to not only survive (after eating a Lion ult) but also grab two kills. I just kept waddling around juking their stuns, draining their strength while an ever increasing army of zombies was spawning on top of them.

  7. Oh boy.

    We’ve enhanced Eve’s mobility: instead of just having a movement speed steroid on a long-cooldown ult, one of Eve’s new base abilities passively grants her stacking movement speed on spell hits, as well as an active sprint on a short cooldown. These effects can stack.

    Hate Spike is getting a significantly longer range and the ability to hit more targets.

    Eve’s getting a new ultimate -- a ranged AoE that damages and slows enemies while granting her some increased durability based on how successful she is at landing it.

    Gap closer, check. AoE ult, check. She's just missing an on-hit effect skill now.

  8. Yeah, that is right. I haven't played them. I'm going by images and videos I find online. I look at them and I watch them and I don't see the difference.

    Then there is no point in you arguing about the graphical quality of ANY game since you're evidently unable to recognize it.

    It's like arguing that there's no real graphical difference between New Super Mario Bros. and NES Mario games, because hey, all I see is the same fat plumber stomping on turtles!

    You should also probably stop trolling.

  9. Models? Texture quality? Shaders?

    How about the fact that the BF3 pic has actual shadows?

    You can argue that the graphical STYLE is the same (gritty realistic bloomy 'brown'), but to claim that the actual technological quality is the same is pretty damn ignorant.

  10. getting people to try something once isn't impressive, tournaments almost universally do not allow items even while stage lists are frequently different, ledge grab limits are debated, and even the legality of meta knight is much more contended. items are the one thing that basically everyone agrees have no place in competitive smash

    in any case, I'm hoping namco's involvement is indicative of more sensitivity towards the competitive scene. if the primary purpose of the game is all items free for alls still that's fine, but -some- attempt at balance would be nice as opposed to brawl which was basically a giant middle finger to us.

    Who's 'us'? I'm not going to pretend that Smash Bros is anything but a party game (let alone a competitive game or an esport), because again, the developer shows absolutely zero interest in fostering a scene. Any game headed by Nintendo is simply not going to have baseline features required for competitive gaming like matchmaking, spectating, sponsorships or even balance patches.

  11. I always thought this franchise was one of the weirdest games to get a competitive scene, considering Nintendo has no experience nor apparent interest in catering to competitive gamers (In fact, the idea of Nintendo releasing something like a balance patch is downright hilarious to me), and the existing community has to jump through massive hoops (= 90% of the stages and items being banned, only a handful of viable ´top tier´ characters) to create something that has any semblance of balance whatsoever.

    What's next, competitive Mario Party?

  12. Diamond Skin absorbs only a certain amount of damage, and can be glyphed to absorb a higher amount.

    This is mostly theorycraft as I don't have an Inferno Wizard, but the way it is with the other two ranged classes is that at some point it's just not really feasible anymore to sacrifice any DPS in favor of survivability because you really need obscene amounts of resists, armor and HP to be able to tank anything.

    Typically you just want to kite and avoid everything while hopefully dealing enough damage to kill of your enemies before you run out of resources/cooldowns for your defensive skills.

  13. If I had to guess it's because the damage block on Diamond Skin eventually can't keep up with the damage scaling from monsters so you get oneshot with or without it.

    It used to be exploitable with the Force Armor rune that reduced damage from every hit to 35% of your max HP at most, which, in combination with deliberately low vitality would let you shrug off a lot of damage. Of course, now Force Armor won't work if a single hit would take off more than 100% of your HP, so that doesn't really fly anymore.

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