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Posts posted by Tensei

  1. Hmm, that's kinda neat, tensai. Crappy mixing, but nice arrangement...you know constrictions I've put on style and mood, though?

    Yeah, I hear that a lot, nice arrangement but crappy mixing :roll:

    yes, I'm aware of the style constrictions, I'll definitely be able to abide by them, and I'll pay particular attention to the mixing now :P

    I was planning on doing something slow and melancholic, partially orchestral, partially slow rock, with some real solo guitar.

  2. Erm..I'm not completely sure about the phase this project is in right now, but I just wanted to say that in case a song is still open, I'd love to do that. I'd prefer to do Tal Tal Mountain Range (if it's still open), but any other track is fine with me. :)

    This is my latest WIP/ Remix. There's a couple more of them somewhere around here, but IMO this is the best one. It's an arrangement of 3 zelda-tracks ( from OOT), but it's rather controversive in terms of style, so see for yourself. :roll:


    (the guitar part is still mostly missing though)

  3. This is a really stupid question, so excuse me for that, but I just can't seem to find where you can up the bitrate for encoding in Adobe Audition 2.0. It encodes MP3s at 128 kbps, but I need them at 192 kbps at least.

    Sorry for asking such a seemingly trivial question, but it just bothers the hell out of me. :roll:

  4. Reverb( if you didn't know about it) is the adding of an echo to the sample, which makes it sound as if it were played in, for example, a big hall. It can be done with a number of programs.

    I don't know what program you used to create this piece, but I'm pretty sure it has some kind of reverb plugin or something, given it's a really popular effect. Otherwise you could use some wave editing program like Adobe Audition (or Audacity if you're looking for a freeware one) to add some artificial reverb, but I'm not very sure about the quality you get from it.

    I suggest you take a look at the remixing subforums, and read the stickies to learn about the different effects, and how to effectively implement them into your mix, since the correct use of effects is an absolute requisite for making a remix that doesn't sound stale and boring. :wink:

  5. Well I like the intro, with the arpeggio's and stuff, but I think you should work on the transition between the intro and the second part, because the intro kind of just 'dies out'. The synth that comes in at 00:31 is VERY loud and VERY annoying, so definitely cut the volume down on it, and put some effect on it so it doesn't stand out that much (some reverb for example).

    As for drums, I really only heard the kick drums, but I suppose this whole piece was just an 'intro', so I can't comment on the drums until you've made a steady beat for the rest of the piece.

    Also, the synth that comes in somewhere around 1:00 sounds rather out of context because of the lack of reference to the previous sequence, i.e. you should retain the chords you were using, or add a bassline on both parts which connects them, so this sequence doesn't sound out of place.

    that's pretty much all, the samples sounded like they were of decent quality, so have fun working on this, and I hope my advice was useful.


  6. DEFINITELY submit this, the arrangement is amazing, and I'm not totally sure about the production since I haven't used my earphones, but it should be all fine if you're playing three of the instruments yourself.

    It actually reminds me of Carlos Santana quite a lot, which is a GOOD thing. :lol:

    As for the original melody, excellent job transposing it, it takes some attention to recognize it, but it's definitely in there. If you extend it to somewhere like three minutes, this could become one helluva arrangement, and definitely one that merits a place on my mp3 player. :wink::lol:

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