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Everything posted by Ryze

  1. Not posting here so often but I had to because of this remix. Best Chrono Trigger remix in years and since DreamofZeal (Which is btw one of my all time favorite remixes on this entire site).... by ofcourse the same mixer... Love it!
  2. WOW! I maybe a little late but damn this is a good remix, probably one of my top 10 of all the remixes. 5 minutes and 11 seconds of pure audio joy for me! GREAT WORK
  3. Rofl Okay I'm guessing that I didn't get it right this time either.. But anyway I just gotta say that the more I listen to this song the better it gets! Once again great work Shnu *checks winamp*...... Shnabubula! Hah!
  4. This remix is very cool, although it's not exactly my style. So all I can say is that this remix is very very well made, keep up the good work shuballbaa (I hope I got that right now..)
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