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Everything posted by Kirie

  1. *squees* Thank you all so much, for your hard work and dedication! This is so awesome~
  2. Happy belated Birthday!
  3. *nods* Now that you meantion those, yeah they did lag a teeny bit. P:
  4. Don't recall it ever lagging on any system, except maybe the anthologies verson.
  5. A calm and relaxing remix, I really enjoyed listening to it.
  6. So gorgeous, a very beautiful remix.
  7. I'm really enjoying FFVI Advance so far, lot's of great memories. And it makes me really happy to see it portable~ As many have said, the slight script/name changes are kind of weird, but are not distracting. I've also had no expirences of lagging, what parts have been claimed too?
  8. I my pin a few days ago, thank you both so much! My message was pretty amusing. XD "OMG a girl on the internet!"
  9. Awww, medium sweatshirts are gone already? But it's so awesome to see merchandise up! I'll be sure to buy as soon as they get in stock again.~
  10. Female sizes would be nice, but small in guys would be fine too. Small in sweatshirts as well, please.
  11. I think this song is well done, and I enjoyed the drum solo. It's nice to hear different styles then what this theme is usally done in. A very nice remix. ^^
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