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Posts posted by Platonist

  1. I can't not like this. Hysteria just LEAKS out of this mix's pores. Each well-defined section boasts a level of tension to be reckoned with, never feeling out of place. And the way the synths are processed, you'd think they lost their minds or something (which can only be a good thing).

    Electrically charged synths enter the woodwork as if to signal approaching danger, and the 4-note arpeggio entering at 0:29 seems to say, "I'm the boss and don't you forget it!" as evidenced by its beefiness and the way its DnB underlings support it. 2:35+ extrapolates both the arrangement and the mood automatically and in a fitting way. The piano chords playing the second half of the source at 3:20 direct the mix into a whole new direction, more focused and foreboding than before, soon joined by the mainstay synths and percussion.

    And then 4:30 strikes. While the eponymous hysteria dominates, the background synth playing around with the melody is a subtle but interesting touch. Then at 6:00... silence? A bird chirping, maybe? (I like how that lingering synth gives that impression.) Everything seems tranquil, unperturbed. Maybe I'M crazy for imagining the hysteria, ha ha. :-P


    that's the nicest review i've gotten so far. you realized exactly (in every detail) what i was trying to capture in this one... and the noisy feel didn't even start to distract you even once, thank you and thanx for listening ^^

  2. April Is Protagonist Month! Another Protagonist track sees the light of day on reunion. This time we continue to release Siamey's third single, "Suspicion", from his latest album/fictional game soundtrack at Protagonist. (http://www.protagonistrecords.net)

    Other than this great tunage, I'm also happy to announce that zircon has been kind enough to perm-link to us at his SoundTEMPEST. Hopefully, this will give us some more trafic! Thanks man! (http://www.soundtempest.net)

    Siamey's Track:


    Our site:



  3. Protagonist Extravaganza!

    Here we go! We're taking our co-operation with SGX and his http://www.protagonistrecords.net retailer site even further, giving zircon's two singles more attention. Full CD is available for purchase through Protagonist!

    Watch out for evil beats and even eviler sounds scapes when zircon takes his approach towards tech step-ish drum & bass! These tracks are Gold and has to be downloaded NOW! -->

    I dislike calling it a guest-release, but at this point, I have to. The artist system will change with 2.0!

    Look forward to that and stay tuned for more action here soon!








  4. Chaotic Will Power Platonist is back again with a weird, semi-chaotic electronic rock/chip fusion without guitars; that's how it'd be best described anyway. Mr Loman tells you that he wrote this "riff" on his guitar but thought it would destroy the feel of his work if it was recorded that way.

    Instead he gives us an instrumental, electronic version of what might be a heavy progressive rock track in the future. The Song is called I Will and there are originally some lyrics written for it so there's a purpose behind the title (for once)



  5. The longest not-inactive-on-purpose wait in RN history is finally over.

    I've now relocated to a new apartment, which gives me the opportunity to act as reunion web master once again.. With that said i present to you the return of our favorite Binster!

    MidWinter starts out with drama; strings and raising atmosphere, a slick and smooth turn to drums and bass in perfect binster-electro manner - a smooth and melodic-harmonic way to start off the new Reunion era!

    MidWinter Direct Download




    001-100 torrent:



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