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Posts posted by Anorak

  1. ...

    He's not trolling. As was already said, this is a line spoken by Timbaland in the video linked, followed by "Wow. Just wow." to show his amazement toward the stupidity of this claim. It would have been nice of you guys to actually click the link before resorting to name calling.

    Sorry to lecture, but calling someone 'idiot' because you didn't read their post right drives me crazy.

  2. The date is cool with me. Do we have the ability to change topic titles yet?:rolleyes: It'd be nice to get the new date up there. Anyway-

    Anyone heard from Tensei San lately? He's been suspiciously not here for a while.

    And it's nice to see Kanjika's list added to the first post, but serveral mixers for whatever reason are not on it. Just slap 'em on the bottom, and...


  3. Well, I suppose you mean well. Other than implying that a project member should be banned...:confused:

    I have no idea of the validity of any of the statements you - or by proxy, Wikipedia made, since I really have no interest in law, unfortunately. Nor do I really want to derail a project thread into an argument over the legality of video game emulation. It does occur to me to be though, this may be a cumbersome way to extract a single music file. An mp3 of Golden Silver's theme can be found here.

  4. That's a pretty awesome goal you've achieved-getting an entire orchestra together! I've done orchestration etc. before, but I'm afraid I'm a little confused as to what you're asking. Do you need arrangers to help orchestrate the MIDIs and such that people will be sending in, or are you talking about looking for material to play? I would like to give it a shot either way, but I'm pretty busy co-coordinating a project at the moment. Would any commitments need to be made right now, and could you answer my question as well? Thanks.

  5. You got it working?

    Umm, I'm not sure what to download. You'll probably want the update pack, but I can't be certain what the difference between the other two files is.

    I found a less confusing mirror if you want to check that out: http://www.buzzmusic.de/. Go to Buzz tab, click buzz packs. Some great packs there that are very up to date. Hopefully that page will work, and if it doesn't, check the BuzzWiki for Buzzpacks. It has a list of mirrors.

  6. I could see how there could be confusion, with -what, four chocobo themes? The Waltz definately has some similarities to Racing though (the way the melodies resolve).

    I'm assuming you linked to your chocobo mix, bgc- I can only access the forums from, uh, work.If so, I can't tell if you are supporting me or mocking me. :lol:

    I might toss my mix in the thread after the entry deadline has passed as a bonus/joke mix, if it's allowed. For curiosity's sake, or whyever people submit bonus mixes. I have to admit though; it is fairly funny to hear the track progress and hear it grow more bizarre and less coherent as I loss patience with the theme... :P

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