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Posts posted by Anorak

  1. What game are you using for reference? The N64? Hmm...yeah, the composers are doing this dramatic thing in three, trying to emulate a film score. A bit awkward to remix. Do you have MSN or something? I could help you out while you mix if you want.

    Also, Andross' brain has a seperate theme, which might be easier to do. He's in the SNES version too, I think. (never beat that one...)

  2. The list is now up at the forum, under News/Announcements. Avaris, I just listed you as "Orc/Tech/Rock", but I can change it if you want. Anyway, keep the info coming so I can keep it updated.

    I actually tried to put together a sig a day or two ago. I had trouble finding pictures of a lot of the bosses though, and there was an overabundance of...strange... fanart for many. (Never google image search Bowser. I cannot stress this enough).

    I'm sorta curious. One of the only tracks that no one has said anything about is Eve, from Parasite Eve. You think I could take a stab at it? I just listened to it and have some neat ideas I'd like to try. If someone else wants to do it that's cool though.

  3. Hey PI...could we add a column to the table in your first post that says what general style/genre each remixer is doing? That way new folks can help keep/add to the balance and we don't end up with too much of one style. Unless we like that sort of thing...

    That sounds like a good idea. As official project PDA, I volenteer to set this up. PM me or post your mix style and I'll list 'em.

  4. Dang, I can't even score "official schedule-planner-coordinator-thing-person" !? :lol:...I'm a thing!

    But seriously, if you are already mixing on this project there is a calendar set up on our forums that is similar to the list on the first page, but shows your WIP due dates. This is particularly important if you've recently signed on, because the November 19th deadline does not apply to you. So there is no need to rush your tracks!

    That's all I have.

  5. Correct me if I'm way out in left field here, but are you implying you want to skip General altogether and go straight to WIPs? There's a large chance I'm misinterpreting here...

    Maybe you should just PM Darkesword. He is site projects coordinator, and probably has the best advice out of anyone on what to do in this situation. He can probably answer your questions a lot better than me, anyway. :?

  6. ed]Well, Rexy said wait until 20, and I don't want to argue about it with someone who has had MUCH more experience than myself, unless she wants to step forward and green light the get-go herself. Other wise, yeah, I completely agree. The fact that we are moving along much faster than the other projects stuck here in requests can only mean that we will have a very positive reaction with anyone that doesn't normally check this section of the forums.

    So, what does everyone else think?

    And, one more thing. Like I said before, +10,000 page views doesn't happen on it's own. Do we have fans out there, or what? Please, step forward. Knowing that there are people looking forward to this is exciting!

    Sorry, I must have missed that post. And I, too, am relatively new at this, but here's my two cents:

    One of the reasons for having a General Discussion thread is to attract remixers who don't browse the Request forum. My only concern would be how many people don't know about this, and would be interested. There are, if I remember correctly, twenty-six tracks on the project, and starting a new thread inviting mixers with only six positions open seems like a strange idea to me. Of course, if there is a history of projects not getting many mixers in G. D., then Rexy's point is more than valid. Like I said, I don't claim to be an expert in these matters. I just write the music :)

    On a completely unrelated sidenote: thank you for your feedback James (and Pi)! Mucho appreciated. I'm gonna try some filter tricks on the samples to warm them up.

  7. Well, it was a bit longer. I cut it from this file. The music makes it hard to use though.

    I'll file through Mario Golf and etc. quick and see if there's anything useable.


    Some Mario Golf ones here.They're more like animal roars though.

    Mario Kart's are pretty much the same...

    I don't think there are any other games where he laughs, at least that I can find.

  8. Maybe. I'm not sure how good the quality would be due to my microphone. I'll have to test and see. I could play tenor sax, clarinet, soprano recorder, keyboards and accordion (haha!) at various degrees of difficulty; of course this is useless if you don't have a good mike.

    Also, I'm PMing Pi and Kanjika an updated WIP. So watch out for that in the near future, and send me any comments.

    No lunch again... this topic has really opened my eyes: I never eat lunch.

  9. I didn't have lunch today. And I was really hungry around lunchtime, so I was working with a growling stomach. That is never fun.

    Anyway, some people have WIPs in the forum. Although no one except me seems to use it, haha. I do need to get a new WIP up there though, and I'll certainly hook you up with one when I do.

  10. They never actually referred to him as Bush though, did they? The episode will hold up better in the future if they don't mention exactly which president they're referring to, and if the character is just a symbol. I'm positive they've broken this 'rule' in the past though.

  11. Hmm. Okay. I'll get going on the rest; I definately have my ideas sorted out.

    So, in a sense this is like writing a character's theme for a movie. Remixing a theme, whichever. Writing for their character. I sorta just did it without even thinking about it.

    But more importantly: I had crackers for lunch.

    I know, I know. It was one of those days where there's nothing to make a sandwich with, I don't feel like making anything...so I start snacking and eventually just wander away from the kitchen in dismay.

  12. ed]
    Everyone remembers "Zero Wing"? In fact, OCR was the first place to rediscover it, I think. Did CATS have a theme? You know where I'm going with this...

    Comments? Did CATS even have a theme?

    I downloaded the game's GYMs. It doesn't look like CATS had a theme, no. If someone who actually played the game can confirm this, that'd be nice.

    Suppose someone could do the Intro. Would that be a statement of CATS' theme? I dunno.

  13. First of all, I like what you've done with this. Martin had some good comments though. The detuned pad at 0:46 is awesome, as was said. The parts in the upper registers give the piece more of a rave-y feel. Was that you were going for? The guitar sound at 2:17 could be a bit more distorted to keep in style with the similar sound much lower at 0:15. Finally, the decrescendo at the end was a bit...disappointing. If anything, I would suggest a crescendo; maybe ending on a short chord of that instrument that starts at 0:15.

    Anyway, this is great. I don't think you need any additional instruments and its only minor modifications from this to a submit.

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