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Legion Kreinak

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Posts posted by Legion Kreinak

  1. Looks redundant. Seems to be a tool for ppl who have a collection or badly mastered low-quality mp3s. It would be much better to get higher-quality versions of the songs needed for whatever than to try to retouch a photocopy for "perfect" visuals.

    It could have some use for bad recordings, but in those cases it'd probably be easier to re-record.

    It's not the magic tool that humanizes and mixes and masters everything like a pro. :P

    Aww damn, I was hoping it would be. When can we expect that one!? =P

    I have some old sketchy recordings of my father's voice (cell phone voicemails and such) that I want to touch up, so would it be good for that?

    Obviously, if the implication wasn't understood, my father is no longer with us.

  2. Anyone know any quality voice changing software or hardware? I'm looking for something more that could change your voice on the fly, so I'd assume it would be hardware.

    If you only know software, still comment and recommend it please - I would like to hear thoughts and experiences. I'm looking for something that would sound real, not automated, or obviously altered. I want it to be believable.

  3. I was just curious if anyone here would be interested in remixed Dragonball Z tracks - I'm still an amateur when it comes to using FL Studio and I don't really put in the effort I should to learn more. That said, I'd love to have someone help me remix (or even recreate, in some cases) songs from Dragonball Z - specifically the soundtrack composed by Bruce Faulconer (not the original Japanese one).

    There are a few tracks in particular which are really meaningful to me, simply because I grew up with them and to have them remixed by someone who knows their stuff (i.e., not me) would be an awesome thing. I'd be willing to pay a small amount as well, if that's what it takes.

    Anyway, this is a bit of an odd request I think, but I feel I came to the right place, so if anyone here is interested, feel free to PM me. Thanks. :)

  4. I'm trying to make use of Heavyocity's Evolve and Evolve Mutations bundles in FL Studio, via Kontakt 4. The issue I'm having is as follows:

    I open a new channel with Kontakt 4. It opens in the Fruity Wrapper, and I scroll down to Evolve to select something. I choose multis. I'm using Your Worst Nightmare. I the Your Worst Nightmare.nkm file. It opens. I have all of the eight samples in that multi on the right at my disposal.

    Here is where my problem comes in. If I send the channel to piano roll to play around with it, only the first sample listed (in this case "APT Getting Scared) gives me anything. Do I need to open up a Kontakt 4 channel for EACH of the eight samples in the "Your Worst Nightmare" multi in order to put them all into a piano roll? I would think NOT, because the purpose of the Kontakt player seems to be having a bunch of samples packed together (hence the multis that are present) and using them all on a single channel.

    I'm not sure if anyone followed me up until now, but hopefully they did. I do realize, by the way, that if I change the Midi Ch to [A] 1 for any of the samples, then that's the one the piano roll detects, and if I set a bunch of them to [A] 1 then they all play at once, but is there any way I can call to each one of them separately, when I want them?

  5. Sonar is actually a little inconvenient on my dual monitor arrangement because my second monitor is in portrait orientation. Sonar contains all of the panels (but not plug-in displays, fortunately) within a single master window, so I either have to waste space on the portrait monitor or resize the master window so that the status bar along the bottom (which includes the save/load progress bar and the global mute/solo status) is off-screen on the main monitor. I really wish everything was free-floating.

    I should add, I personally have only one monitor right now, but I've worked in a friends studio where he had a tri setup, and I've also had dual-monitors for gaming in the past.

    That does sound like a nuisance, though. I used FL Studio on the multi-monitor setup and it seemed fine.

  6. Yeah, true that, i've seen how FL Studio evolved from version 2.7 to now, and the transformation is absolutely amazing, though certain design changes helped my decision to move to Renoise, I think FL Studio is a solid DAW that has just as much capability as Cubase, and honestly it's a lot easier to get into.

    The main problem I have with FL or most other DAWs is the way everything's hidden in right click menus [anything requiring context menus is just bad design imo, as it disrupts workflow], and how annoying it is to manage all those windows when the project starts piling up instruments and effects... In renoise, everything is in front of you and accessible with hotkeys. :nicework: Though if you're not used to the tracker interface, you're going to be confused for a while.

    I don't even know what a "tracker" is nor have I ever heard of Renoise. I'll check it out, just 'cause I like expanding my knowledge base with this stuff.

    Regarding all the windows, though - dual or tri-monitor setups make that a non-issue. :)

  7. Ableton's got a pretty nice fully functional trial version that'll give you 2 weeks with no strings attached.

    Big fan of Live here; but pick a DAW that suits you, not because it's popular or something.

    Cool, I'll check that out.

    By Live you mean Ableton, right?

    I'm not picking based on popularity, though the more popular ones usually become so for a reason. As of now, I'm familiar with FL Studio, but I want to give them all a good run to really figure out where I belong. :)

  8. I'm just curious what everyone here prefers to use. I've tried out FL Studio, Reason, and Sonar. I'm a PC user, but I've also tried Logic on my girlfriend's Macbook. I'm thinking of checking out Cubase and Ableton, as they seem to be the big hitters right now. Reason, I'm not a fan of at all. Sonar seems nice, but I didn't have much of a chance to toy with it.

    What do you all prefer to use as your DAW?

  9. There are alot of good possibilitys out there...

    Nexus - a pretty high Quality Synth Plugin, the negative part is the hardcore stereo room it uses

    Melodyne - one of the Best Plugins to edit Vocal records

    Ozone Izotope - pretty amazing Mastering tool

    Eldirol - mid to high-quality Plugin for Orchestration

    Garritan Virtual Instruments - like the Cello or Stradivari

    ...but you pocket will suffer from all of them massively T_T

    Btw.. there was an official free Version of EWQL Silver with amazing Quality (Strings, Brass...)

    Hey, finally a reply! Thanks.

    Yeah, I got the EWQL free version - it's amazing. As soon as I get enough money saved, I'm purchasing their gold version.

    Another few companies I realized had a lot of products were Propellerhead (the Reason people), Cakewalk (the Sonar people), Camelaudio, and Spectrasonics. I dunno how I missed all of these big guys, but now my problem is trying to choose which products to use from which companies! There are so many to choose from.

  10. I'm curious as to what companies/products all of you typically use or are particularly fond of. There's a lot of stuff out there, but I want to get a feel for what everyone digs the most. As of now, my list consists of:

    EWQL - pretty much everything they make is legit; just expensive

    Native Instruments - same as EWQL, but cheaper; I'm a fan Absynth, Battery, FM8, Massive, and Reaktor, though I haven't quite mastered the use of these yet.

    XNL - Addictive Drums

    I have BFD's old v1.5 drum pack also, which is a decent addition. I've also heard good things about Camel Audio stuff, like the camelcrusher, but have yet to use that.

    Aside from the software sample packs and synths, I mainly hover around using FL Studio, but I've kinda been curious to experiment with Sonar, Reason, and Cubase, though I'm not sure which. I've also used my girlfriend's Macbook and played with Logic.

    I know this is very open-ended, but I just figured it could bring up interesting discussion regarding the various resources out there, since there are so many.

  11. Squidfont and Cadenza Strings.



    Two great free reverbs IMO.



    Also try to find midi files of different movie scores or famous orchestral songs for some nice compositional references.

    Also I second OA and Wiesty on some type of monitors.

    What's the difference between monitors and headphones?

  12. All sample packs will have demos of their content, so just give them a listen. Keep in mind that it will take some work before you can get the same quality as the demos, but at least you know what is basically possible with the set.

    There are plenty of good orchestral sample libraries out there, and they're getting less expensive. Garritan Personal Orchestra is pretty cheap for what it offers, and it's meant for amateur use. It's a starting point, as Garritan himself will admit. A lot of people praise EWQLSO for the "epic" sound, though only the Silver version is affordable, and it isn't too great. Kirk Hunter's Emerald Symphony is around $200. And if that seems like a lot of money, those are basically the "bottom" end of these things. Orchestral libraries can get pretty expensive.

    What OA says about not expecting to be awesome right away is correct. Even if you have this great library in front of you, it doesn't mean much if you haven't dedicated enough time to learn how to compose correctly. Composing (good) orchestral music is hard and takes a lot of skill.

    Thanks, I'll look into all of those. Is that the main thing that makes video game music sound epic? The orchestra parts?

    I know you can't build a house on sand, so I still need to work on getting better with this stuff. The thing is, I have NO orchestral samples on my computer at all, really.

    Anyone want to point me towards some good freeware orchestral and maybe synth guitar stuff online that I can download to get me started?

  13. My suggestion for your very first purchase would be a good set of headphones. check this thread for everything you might want to read on that. You can have the sweetest samples and programs around, but if you can't accurately hear what is going on, it's not going to do you any good.

    Try downloading demo copies of all the different programs you might want to try and see what fits you the best. There are some helpful links here.

    Don't expect to be awesome overnight; there are a ton of nuances to learn, and getting them all down takes some time. Composing music is one thing, but composing plus producing is another completely.

    A great (and fun!)way to develop your ear is to listen to and review remixes. Not only do you get to hear some great music, but by reviewing it, you are forcing yourself to think critically of everything that is going on in each mix and how it relates to each other. An even bigger bonus, is you are giving feedback to the mixers who worked so hard on those mixes.

    Posting your mixes and critiquing in the WIP forums is also a good way to develop your ear, and get constant feedback on your progress.

    Alright, I'll do the headphone thing at some point as well. Just sunk money in on an Axiom-61 so I have my first MIDI controller. Hopefully, I made a good purchase.

    Still, what software would you recommend? I'm partial to using FL right now. I guess I was more wondering what software synths and sample packs are worth buying. There are SO many, and I don't know which give the sounds I want.

  14. I don't know if I'd call QL Colossus a "starting purchase"........

    So are you mainly wanting to do epic-orchestral kind of stuff?

    Yes. If you've heard Zircon's original game music "Ragnarok," that's a perfect example. Any of the typical RPG battle soundtracks, the decisive boss battles and final bosses. All that intense kind've stuff.

    What would I need for that?

  15. For a person who wants to make music similar to that used in video games (battle themes in RPGs, let's say), what software would you recommend?

    FLStudio with some good drum samples, Absynth, QL Colossus, and some guitar and woodwind samples or what?

    What kind of instruments are used in those sorts of songs?

  16. Here's an example that's hopefully helpful:

    excerpt from original - Jurassic Park, SNES, "Ocean" track




    Notice what happened? I left some bits away, chose different instruments, and altered parts of the melody a bit.

    Yeah, I see it. I was just curious about certain things, such as vocals. Guess the track just had to be ripped.

    It's cool how this is all done, though. Hopefully I can remix my own songs one day.

  17. That's the opposite of what most people do here. The "remixes" on this site are basically original arrangements and material based off of themes from video games and such. To me, it's the same as writing an original piece except now instead of thinking of new ideas to start with, you already know what you're going to be building on and what you're working with. If you try to emulate the original versions, it probably won't get accepted.

    By using samples of chorus and chanting. There are free soundfonts of chorus singing and such but if you want to get expensive there's sample libraries like Symphonic Choirs where you can actually build words out of different syllables, sounds quite realistic.

    Yeah, but it's not just some generic chorus sample that sounds similar. It's the exact track used in FF7.

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