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Legion Kreinak

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Posts posted by Legion Kreinak

  1. You guys convinced me - 61-key it is. I can't see myself using a full 88-key that often. I just want it for step editting, basically.

    When you guys use MIDI controllers in FL, do you use live recording mode, or step editting?

    When I do step editting with a keyboard, since they're velocity sensitive, does that mean if I tap the key lightly, it will automatically make the volume for that sound low?

  2. Alright, they both sound good. I'll try them out at a music store one day soon, and see what I like more.

    I finally realized how to record live in FL. It's kind've odd. I have to keep up with the cursor to place beats where I want, because you need to set the tempo beforehand.

    I was hoping I just could play the keys, and whatever speed I went, the beat would be recorded at. Is there a way to do that? You know, play and have it take down YOUR tempo, not a preset one?

  3. Ah, I got Superwave - didn't realize it was a synthesizer. I have no idea how to really use these things yet to make my own sounds. I thought it was a pack with numerous premade sounds for me to pick from.

    EDIT: Ah, nevermind. I see that I have to click the upper left corner of the synth and pull up the presets there. Is there a way I can view the synths presets in the browser to make it easier?

  4. Well, you don't really need any of that stuff yet.

    Just WRITE SOMETHING with what you have, RIGHT NOW, or you'll never understand how the higher-end stuff works. You don't need the cream of the crop right now. The first thing you gotta do is... understand the difference between synthesized sounds and samples :(

    Lol I've made a few random little songs. Still don't know quite what I'm doing, but I don't think they sound terrible.

    Do you have AIM, by chance? Or a way I could chat easier than typing back and forth on forums? And a way I could possibly let you sample my newbie songs, to see if they're decent or terrible?

    EDIT: I see your AIM name is already up there. If you're free for the moment, I could send you the two songs to hear your opinion.

  5. Modern VG music? If you want American, you need Quantum Leap Symphonic Orchestra, Vienna Symphonic Libraries, and Absynth 4. Japanese VG music? Look for a 10 year old Roland synthesizer.

    I'm thinking modern VG (and hell, even anime music). Can I download those off the net, or do they cost something?

    I like music from the Final Fantasy games, Xenogears, Tales of The Abyss, et. al.

  6. That's kind of sad. Don't worry, eventually you'll become accustomed to what is real and what is fake.

    Good news for the guys behind Sytrus though, I guess.

    FL Studio 7 is out. It improves on everything.

    I'm a music n00b. I love listening, but I don't pay attention to the source - as long as it sounds good.

    FL7? Damnnn, I don't want to spend tons of money again. Would the XXL or Producer editions be best? Or do I not need those?

  7. Hell yes. Google Superwave P8, it's free and you get decent trance pads and leads right in the presets. FL comes with okay dance drums, though you might wanna get that huge pack of drums Zircon has. I have no idea if he still has it anywhere for download, but I got this huge pack of oneshot drums separated by bass/kick, snare, and hat/cymbal. Probably some duplicates in there and the samples are a varying quality but there's some OK stuff there. Ask him :3

    Alright, so Superwave P8 and Zircon's drum pack.

    What about stuff for video game-esque music? Any packs for that sort've thing?

    Thanks guys!

  8. Yes this is possible. All you have to do is align the midi port channel with the one your MIDI controller is using. The midi port channel is that digital-display number you see in the upper right-hand corner of the channel box (for example, click on a sample channel, it will become obvious what I am talking about.)

    I'll try to find what you're talking about. I just discovered the "step editor" button, where I can press keys on my keyboard (not MIDI keyboard, acutal keyboard) to record sounds. Problem is, it records as I press. Is there a way to get it to scroll and let me hit the keys and put in sounds where I see fit?

  9. uuuuuupgraaaaaade

    Also, those Sytrus sounds are just the presets. Those sounds are, in fact, the synthesizer with premade settings. I'm... not really sure what you're trying to ask. Why do you want to make sounds just like them when you already have the presets for them?

    What version is out now? I didn't know I was that behind. What am I missing out on?

    I wanted to know if all I needed was a synth to make all those nifty sounds. It sounds like a real bell, drum, and brass in a lot of those. I wasn't sure if they were synthed, or actually recorded instruments.

  10. In all seriousness I would suggest the keytar. It's got enough keys that you can set it down and play it traditionally, it's not much more expensive than the other controllers being detailed here, it's (by its nature) extremely light and portable, and when it comes time to play a live show...


    I don't play live shows, and that doesn't appeal to me. Thanks, but not my thing.

  11. Sorry for another thread, but I wanted to ask two quick questions.

    If you go to FL (I use FL5), go to packs, then Sytrus, you have all catergories of instruments. Arp, Bass, Bell, Brass, Chromatics, etc. When you open these, a Sytrus window pops up with piano keys at the bottom and all sorts of options.

    Question One: Are those just made with Synthesizers? Can I create sounds like that, just the same?

    Question Two: When I use a MIDI controller, can I just play up and down the keyboard rather than click each of those piano keys to record the sound? Or do I have to open another screen to start recording? What I'm hoping I can do is, click "record" or "play", then as the cursor scrolls the measures, play the keyboard and have it record all of what I play, then stop at the end.

    Is this possible?

  12. The M-Audio Axiom 61 is quite good, and yes, it is cheaper than the Keystation Pro 88. If you use Froogle you will find that lots of 61 key controllers are cheaper.

    In terms of action, it feels good. It is not like a real piano, but is SIGNIFICANTLY better than my previous controller, an Edirol PCR-30 that was not weighted. I use it with an M-Audio SP2 Sustain Pedal (I believe that's the model) - playing "real" pieces feels pretty natural. However it is very large, and heavy. I also don't need all the knobs, buttons, and faders. But in terms of functioning as a controller, it is great, and you won't find anything else as good for $400.

    Does the Axiom allow one to switch octaves, to get the full range, if needed?

    It's $100 less, so that's nice. I guess it'll be between that and the Keystation Pro 88. For $100 I get an extra 17 keys, extra knobs/sliders, and that's it?

  13. Fair enough, I just meant generally speaking if you want a MIDI controller... to get a "real" one. I don't consider the Prodikeys to be a real controller. :)

    A few things. First of all, even full range, weighted MIDI controllers sit in the $400-$600 range. I don't think I've seen any for $1,000. The stuff in that range includes *synthesizers* and workstations, not MIDI controllers which are solely dedicated to sending MIDI data. A synthesizer or workstation has a lot more going on internally. That said, generally speaking, the more you pay, the better quality builds you will find - more accurate simulation of the feel of a real piano for example.

    Personally I don't think 88 keys is worth it. I thought it would be useful when I got my Keystation Pro 88, but I was wrong. I rarely use the full 88. At most, 76. I could have probably done fine with 61, and a lot less knobs + sliders.

    Yeah, see, I'm afraid I'll need to use 88 keys, but I don't know much about this, which is why I'm asking. What would you recommend that's a quality buy, with 61 keys, then? I mean, provided it's cheaper than the Keystation 88. If it's around the same, I might as well have the extra keys just in case, right?

    Also, how do you feel about your Keystation? Very good piece? Not so good? A little review would be helpful. :)

    And finally, would you mind elaborating on what else is going on internally in the workstations?

  14. I know the sticky at the top of the thread that has links to places to download or buy synths, samples or effects. My question is a bit more specific: Are there any "packs" designed for creating trance or anything like that? You know, commonly used sounds? The stuff that comes with FL is strange.

    If not, are there any particular recommendations for what I'm looking for? Perhaps quality bass hits or drums, piano, etc?

    And finally, are things like this generally free?

  15. If you want a *good* MIDI controller, get a dedicated one. Edirol, M-Audio, and Novation are good brands.

    What do you mean by "dedicated"?

    I'm not necessarily looking to get the Prodikeys. My friend knows I was looking into controllers, saw it, and figured he'd show me. It seemed cool, and cheap, so I asked around here.

    If it's common for people to switch to the highest and lowest octaves, then I'll probably want that. As I said, originally I was looking at this: http://www.zzounds.com/item--MDOKEYSTAT88

    If I got that (the Keystation 88 Pro), would I be missing out on anything for not getting a more expensive board? I mean, that one has full key, tons of knobs and sliders, is velocity sensitive, and a bunch of other features. What do those $1,000+ keyboards have that this one does not?

  16. So that's a yes, it's good? Just seems so cheap. I'm surprised it's only $45. Does it work like any other MIDI controller, basically? It looks like it's working as a keyboard there, not a MIDI controller. I don't see him hooked to a PC or anything.

    I know I was looking at the Keystation 88 Pro awhile back when I joined here, but that's $400 or so.

    The original reason for that was because I wanted all 88 to be able to hit all octaves at once. Now I'm starting to think you rarely need to scale all the way up and down octaves like that so quickly. Am I correct in thinking that?

    Sorry for the million questions, I just want to get this all right.

  17. Long time since I posted. I never bought a MIDI controller yet. Had so much going on. Still planning to do it, though. I'm nervous about buying that Keystation Pro 88 I was talking about. I just don't like when I hear negative reviews. Then again, I only use FL right now, and there are positive things said as well.

  18. Atelier Iris is one of my favorite games for PS2. Not just cause of it's extremely sexy hand-drawn graphics and retro-style RPG gameplay, but the music is *absolutely* phenomenal. HIGHLY RECOMMEND a purchase of the soundtrack. I second the motion for Atelier Iris ReMixes :)

    Oh yeah, Legion Kreinak, have you heard the Atelier Iris Arranged Tracks Deceitful Wings soundtrack? There is an arrangement of Horned Enigma on there. Once again, a highly recommended soundtrack.

    Yeah, I have the soundtrack. I love Deceitful Wings as well.

    I guess no one remixed this stuff yet, huh? I better get going with my mixing practice so I can get it done. :)

  19. I wouldn't be so sure about getting any kind of Keystation as I've heard pretty bad things about them (once again, what you pay for is what you get). Unless you're a hardcore piano player and you NEED all 88 keys, I reccomend getting an Novation (which, by the way, has MUCH better MIDI mapping support than the Keystation/Oxygen series), Korg, or M-Audio Axiom MIDI controller instead.

    Well I figured the 88-keys things was good so I can go through all the octaves in songs, or at least have that option. You don't think that's beneficial? Or will I not be doing that as much as I'm thinking?

    What's MIDI Mapping support?

    Ahhh, being a newbie sucks.

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