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Everything posted by salaxzar
Before u can say 'Oh,but ive already finished my half matches" - i officially challenge kamoh to half matches D=
I'll be on waiting for u tonite.its 7 pm EST-ill be here till 2-3 am mostly workin on my report. Pm me if u logon to AIM. Edit: 2 wins each against dama and margy. ( yea, finally got to play him! ) + 2 half wins against jd. Had an interesting 2nd game with dama ;Title: Yahoo! Chess Game ;White: damathacus ;Black: uranus_4444 ;Date: Mon Jan 22 04:09:47 GMT 2007 1. d2-d4 g7-g6 2. e2-e4 f8-g7 3. g1-f3 d7-d6 4. c2-c3 g8-f6 5. f1-b5+ c7-c6 6. b5-d3 o-o 7. o-o h7-h6 8. c1-f4 b8-d7 9. b1-d2 g8-h8 10. d3-c4 g6-g5 11. f4-g3 d6-d5 12. c4-d3 d5xe4 13. d2xe4 f6-g8 14. d1-b3 f7-f5 15. e4xg5 h6xg5 16. f3xg5 f5-f4 17. g3-h4 d7-c5 18. g5-f7+ f8xf7 19. b3xf7 c5xd3 20. f7-h5+ g7-h6 21. h5-e2 c8-f5 22. g2-g4 f4-g3 23. h2xg3 d8-d5 24. h4xe7 f5-h3 25. f2-f3 h3xf1 26. a1xf1 g8xe7 27. e2xe7 a8-g8 28. e7-h4 d5-d6 29. g1-h2 g8xg3 30. f3-f4 g3-g6 31. f1-g1 d6xf4+ 32. h4xf4 h6xf4+
OOO, happy birthday - wheres za pahty?
I'll catch up =D. Dama, im or pm me when u have time to play. I'll finish up my game with Margy soon enough. Anyone up for a half-match?
mememe. Would love to arbiter as well. As for captaining, not sure right now - busy few weeks up ahead at school.
Whats so nice? /curses :@ i cant find my 3rd opponent . Whine, whine whine. Jessica,Rainman, where ARE you guys? =P metzgerism (3:56:32 AM): if rainman comes online play him metzgerism (3:56:34 AM): if not... metzgerism (3:56:40 AM): you'll get some points from jessica metzgerism (4:48:17 AM): I find my opponents atulkaranth (4:48:19 AM): waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa atulkaranth (4:48:34 AM):IF NEMI had played me , 1st week and i get an opponent now ... atulkaranth (4:48:36 AM): if only , atulkaranth (4:48:48 AM): if... atulkaranth (4:48:51 AM): ifssssssssss metzgerism (4:49:01 AM): i think you're a little high and 134340'd yourself too much
im or pm me too rainy boy- bypassed jessica cuz she isnt coming on. Wb margy- we all missed u. *hug*
Reporting 2-0 half match results against Fire. Didnt save the 1st game. Heres the 2nd. ;Title: Yahoo! Chess Game ;White: cpt1337 ;Black: uranus_4444 ;Date: Wed Jan 10 23:43:47 GMT 2007 1. g1-f3 d7-d5 2. d2-d4 c7-c5 3. d4xc5 e7-e6 4. b2-b4 a7-a5 5. c2-c3 a5xb4 6. c3xb4 d8-f6 7. d1-d4 f6xd4 8. f3xd4 b7-b6 9. e2-e4 b6xc5 10. b4xc5 f8xc5 11. d4-b5 b8-a6 12. e4-e5 c8-d7 13. b5-d6+ c5xd6 14. e5xd6 a6-b4 15. e1-d1 g8-f6 16. b1-c3 o-o 17. c3-b5 f6-e4 18. c1-e3 d7xb5 19. f1xb5 e4xd6 20. a1-b1 b4xa2 21. e3-d2 d6xb5 22. b1xb5 f8-c8 23. d1-e2 a2-c3+ 24. d2xc3 c8xc3 25. h1-b1 a8-a2+ 26. e2-e1 g7-g6 27. b5-b2 c3-c1+ 28. b1xc1 a2xb2 29. g2-g4 g8-g7 30. h2-h4 b2-b4 31. f2-f3 h7-h5 32. e1-f2 h5xg4 33. f3xg4 b4xg4 34. c1-h1 e6-e5 35. h4-h5 g6xh5 36. h1xh5 g7-f6 37. f2-f3 g4-g5 38. h5-h6+ f6-f5 39. f3-e3 f7-f6 40. h6-h4 d5-d4+ 41. e3-f3 e5-e4+ 42. h4xe4 g5-g3+ 43. f3xg3 f5xe4 44. g3-f2 f6-f5 45. f2-e2 f5-f4 46. e2-d1 e4-e3 47. d1-e1 d4-d3 48. e1-f1 f4-f3 49. f1-e1 f3-f2+ 50. e1-f1 d3-d2 51. f1-g2 e3-e2 52. g2-g3 f2-f1 53. g3-g4 d2-d1 54. g4-g5 d1-a4 55. g5-h5 f1-f4 56. h5-g6 a4-a5 57. g6-g7 f4-d6 58. g7-g8 a5-c7 59. g8-h8 d6-d8++
Keegan and i had 2 tough games. 1.5-0.5 Game # 1,[Me as white] he kept the position quite closed and came up with Nb6 on the blacks side of the catalan on move 9. Game went along and the struggle for space ensued. Im not quite sure yet where he went wrong.Im too tired to fully analyze it from move #46 although i can say for sure that i think black missed Bxh4 on move 50 followed by 2 menacing passed pawns on the king side.IF someone has a powerful chess program like fritz 9 or 10 and is willing to analyze this game with me, ill be real happy.Too tired right now. After forcing a queen exchange,i was quite confident then. Game #2,[as black]an 'atypical' kings indian position. He never quite let me realize blacks plan to attack on the king side. I made careless positional errors of developing quite strangely i think and never quite breaking the center early on.I had no counterplay whatsoever and barely managed to hold onto a draw.Funny thing was my knight on d5 looked nice but was infact quite dormant,almost all my play in the midgame was centered around my pawns on c6 & b6.lol. Very well played.gg ;Title: Yahoo! Chess Game ;White: uranus_4444 ;Black: keegan_the_fox ;Date: Mon Jan 08 18:12:44 GMT 2007 1. d2-d4 g8-f6 2. g2-g3 d7-d5 3. f1-g2 c8-f5 4. c2-c4 e7-e6 5. b1-c3 f8-b4 6. g1-f3 o-o 7. o-o b8-c6 8. c4xd5 f6xd5 9. c1-d2 d5-b6 10. a2-a3 b4-e7 11. e2-e4 f5-g4 12. d2-e3 g4-h5 13. a1-c1 f7-f5 14. e4-e5 d8-d7 15. c3-e2 b6-d5 16. d1-d2 a8-b8 17. f1-d1 f8-d8 18. h2-h3 b7-b5 19. d2-c2 b8-b6 20. e2-f4 d5xf4 21. g3xf4 b6-a6 22. c2-d3 c6-a5 23. a3-a4 c7-c6 24. a4xb5 c6xb5 25. c1-a1 d7-b7 26. f3-g5 b7-c8 27. d1-c1 a5-c4 28. a1xa6 c8xa6 29. b2-b3 c4xe3 30. f2xe3 h7-h6 31. g5-f3 e7-b4 32. d3-c2 a6-a5 33. c2-c6 a5-a3 34. c1-b1 d8-e8 35. c6-c2 a3-a6 36. b1-c1 a6-a5 37. g1-f2 e8-d8 38. g2-f1 a7-a6 39. f1-e2 h5-e8 40. f3-e1 b4-d2 41. c1-d1 d2-c3 42. e1-d3 d8-c8 43. d3-c5 c3-b4 44. e2-f3 a5-b6 45. d1-c1 a6-a5 46. c2-b2 c8-c7 47. h3-h4 c7-c8 48. c5-d3 c8xc1 49. b2xc1 b4-e7 50. c1-c8 g8-f8 51. h4-h5 a5-a4 52. b3-b4 e7-h4+ 53. f2-e2 f8-e7 54. d3-c5 a4-a3 55. c8-a8 h4-g3 56. a8xa3 g3-h4 57. a3-a5 b6xa5 58. b4xa5 b5-b4 59. a5-a6 e8-b5+ 60. e2-d2 b5xa6 61. c5xa6 b4-b3 62. d2-c3 h4-f2 63. a6-c5 f2xe3 64. c5xb3 e3xf4 65. c3-c4 f4-h2 66. b3-c5 h2-g3 67. f3-c6 g3-h4 68. c5-d3 h4-g5 69. d4-d5 e6xd5+ 70. c4xd5 g5-d2 71. e5-e6 d2-c3 72. c6-d7 c3-f6 73. d3-f4 e7-d8 74. d5-d6 f6-e7+ 75. d6-e5 e7-c5 76. e5xf5 d8-e7 77. f5-g6 c5-d6 78. f4-d5+ e7-f8 79. d5-e3 d6-e7 80. e3-f5 e7-f6 81. f5xh6 f6-d8 82. h6-f5 d8-e7 83. f5xe7 f8xe7 84. g6xg7 e7-d6 85. h5-h6 d6-e7 86. h6-h7 e7-d6 87. h7-h8 d6-d5 88. h8-h5+ d5-e4 89. d7-c6+ e4-d3 90. h5-g4 d3-c2 91. g4-g3 c2-b1 92. g3-f2 b1-c1 93. c6-e4 c1-d1 94. e4-f3+ d1-c1 95. f2-e2 c1-b1 96. f3-e4+ b1-a1 97. e4-d5 a1-b1 98. e2-h2 b1-c1 99. g7-f6 c1-b1 100. d5-f3 b1-a1 101. h2-e2 a1-b1 102. e2-d2 b1-a1 103. f3-d5 a1-b1 104. f6-f5 b1-a1 105. d2-a2++ ;Title: Yahoo! Chess Game ;White: keegan_the_fox ;Black: uranus_4444 ;Date: Mon Jan 08 19:31:22 GMT 2007 1. g1-f3 g7-g6 2. c2-c4 f8-g7 3. b1-c3 g8-f6 4. e2-e4 d7-d6 5. d2-d4 b8-d7 6. f1-e2 o-o 7. o-o c7-c6 8. h2-h3 h7-h6 9. e4-e5 f6-e8 10. c1-f4 g8-h7 11. d1-d2 d6xe5 12. d4xe5 e8-c7 13. f4-g3 b7-b6 14. f1-d1 c7-e6 15. c3-e4 d8-c7 16. d2-e3 c8-b7 17. e4-f6+ e7xf6 18. e5xf6 c7-c8 19. f6xg7 e6xg7 20. e3-d2 d7-f6 21. g3-e5 c8-e6 22. b2-b4 g7-f5 23. g2-g4 f5-g7 24. d2-b2 g7-e8 25. c4-c5 f6-d5 26. e2-d3 a8-d8 27. a1-c1 e6-d7 28. c5xb6 a7xb6 29. e5-g3 d7-e7 30. a2-a3 e7-f6 31. b2xf6 e8xf6 32. f3-e5 d8-a8 33. e5-c4 a8-a7 34. d3-b1 f8-d8 35. g3-h2 d8-d7 36. b1-d3 a7-a8 37. h2-e5 d7-e7 38. e5-b2 e7-e6 39. d1-e1 a8-e8 40. e1xe6 e8xe6 41. c1-d1 h7-g7 42. b2-d4 c6-c5 43. b4xc5 b6xc5 44. d4xc5 d5-f4 45. d3-f1 e6-c6 46. c5-d4 f4xh3+ 47. f1xh3 c6xc4 48. f2-f4 b7-f3 49. d1-d3 f3-e4 50. d3-d2 c4-c1+ 51. h3-f1 g6-g5 52. d2-f2 c1-d1 53. d4-c3 g7-g6 54. f4-f5+ g6-g7 55. a3-a4 d1-c1 56. c3-b2 c1-b1 57. a4-a5 e4-d3 58. b2-c3 b1-c1 59. c3-e5 c1-e1 1/2-1/2
*bump* wtf i couldnt even find this thread. ooo, i thought i reported nemo for game 2,or maybe not. hmm nvm. gl for week 2.
/nods his head and dutifully *bumps* the thread.
Games against dama are worth going over again. Hopeless position in the 2nd one until he blundered. Im not pretending to be humble but i should've resigned the 2nd one as i really didnt feel like playing it after my mistake. ;Title: Yahoo! Chess Game ;White: uranus_4444 ;Black: damathacus ;Date: Sat Jan 06 05:42:11 GMT 2007 1. d2-d4 d7-d5 2. g2-g3 c7-c5 3. f1-g2 c5xd4 4. g1-f3 g8-f6 5. o-o b8-c6 6. f3xd4 e7-e5 7. d4xc6 b7xc6 8. c2-c4 f8-c5 9. b1-c3 c8-e6 10. c1-g5 e5-e4 11. d1-a4 e6-d7 12. a1-d1 o-o 13. c4xd5 d8-b6 14. g5xf6 g7xf6 15. a4xe4 a8-e8 16. e4-f3 c6xd5 17. c3xd5 b6xb2 18. d5xf6+ g8-h8 19. d1xd7 e8xe2 20. f3-f5 c5xf2+ 21. g1-h1 b2-c2 22. g2-e4 e2xe4 23. f5xh7++ ;Title: Yahoo! Chess Game ;White: damathacus ;Black: uranus_4444 ;Date: Sat Jan 06 06:17:44 GMT 2007 1. d2-d4 g7-g6 2. e2-e4 f8-g7 3. g1-f3 d7-d6 4. c1-g5 g8-f6 5. c2-c4 f6xe4 6. f1-d3 e4xf2 7. e1xf2 o-o 8. h1-e1 h7-h6 9. g5xe7 d8-d7 10. e7xf8 g8xf8 11. b1-c3 b8-c6 12. e1-e4 f8-g8 13. d1-e2 g8-h7 14. a2-a3 f7-f5 15. e4-f4 d7-f7 16. h2-h4 c8-d7 17. a1-e1 a8-e8 18. e2-d2 c6-e5 19. f3xe5 d6xe5 20. d4xe5 g7xe5 21. f4-f3 f7-e7 22. f3-e3 e7xh4+ 23. f2-g1 h4-h2+ 24. g1-f1 h2-h1+ 25. f1-e2 h1-h5+ 26. e3-f3 e5xc3+ 27. e2-d1 c3xd2 28. d1xd2 h5-g5+ 29. f3-e3 g5xg2+ 30. e1-e2 g2-c6 31. e3-e7+ e8xe7 32. e2xe7+ h7-g8 33. b2-b4 f5-f4 34. c4-c5 a7-a5 35. d3-c4+ g8-f8 36. e7-f7+ f8-e8 37. f7-h7 c6-g2+ 38. d2-c3 f4-f3 39. c4-f7+ e8-f8 40. f7-d5 d7-c6 41. h7-f7+ f8-e8 0-1
vs Nemitor 1-0: Game # 2 will be played later. Both of us were in a shitty mood and staring at the board wondering if we remembered how the pieces moved. ;Title: Yahoo! Chess Game ;White: uranus_4444 ;Black: nemitor_atimen ;Date: Sat Jan 06 03:45:16 GMT 2007 1. d2-d4 e7-e6 2. g2-g3 g8-f6 3. c2-c4 f6-g4 4. h2-h3 f8-b4+ 5. c1-d2 b4xd2+ 6. d1xd2 g4-f6 7. b1-c3 d7-d5 8. f1-g2 d5xc4 9. a2-a4 o-o 10. g1-f3 b8-c6 11. o-o-o e6-e5 12. f3xe5 d8-e8 13. e5xc4 a7-a6 14. h3-h4 b7-b5 15. a4xb5 a6xb5 16. c3xb5 c8-f5 17. b5-a3 h7-h6 18. f2-f3 c6xd4 19. d2xd4 e8xe2 20. g3-g4 f8-d8 21. d4xd8+ a8xd8 22. d1xd8+ f6-e8 23. g4xf5 e2xg2 24. d8xe8+ g8-h7 25. h1-e1 g2xf3 26. e8-e7 f3-f4+ 27. c4-d2 f4xf5 28. e7xc7 f5-a5 29. c7xf7 a5-c5+ 30. c1-b1 c5-h5 31. e1-e7 h5-g6+ 32. b1-a2 g6-c2 33. f7xg7+ h7-h8 34. a3xc2 h6-h5 35. g7-h7+ h8-g8 36. e7-g7+ g8-f8 37. d2-e4 f8-e8 38. h7-h8++
lol, it was u who introduced this vote thingy kamoh, liar.=D Neway, i retract my vote for myself and vote for ya. Majority winss eh.
ooo, im waiting for her to go 1)e4 e5 2)Qh5/Qf3 on me. muahaha *evil-laugh*
I report Nemitor. ZzzZz - shit, need zleep. Ack ack !
Played 2 interesting games against grayfox 0-2 - who was a pleasure to play with. ;Title: Yahoo! Chess Game ;White: uranus_4444 ;Black: gray_fox9996 ;Date: Tue Jan 02 03:16:34 GMT 2007 1. e2-e4 g8-f6 2. e4-e5 f6-d5 3. d2-d4 d7-d6 4. c2-c4 d5-b6 5. e5xd6 c7xd6 6. g1-f3 d6-d5 7. c4-c5 b6-d7 8. b1-c3 e7-e6 9. f1-b5 b8-c6 10. o-o a7-a6 11. d1-a4 d7-f6 12. b5xc6+ b7xc6 13. a4xc6+ c8-d7 14. c6-b7 a8-b8 15. b7xa6 d8-c7 16. f3-e5 d7-c8 17. c3-b5 c7-b7 18. a6xb7 b8xb7 19. a2-a4 b7-b8 20. b2-b4 f6-e4 21. b5-c7+ e8-e7 22. f2-f3 f7-f6 23. f3xe4 f6xe5 24. c1-g5+ e7-d7 25. f1-f7+ d7-c6 26. b4-b5+ c6-b7 27. c5-c6+ b7-b6 28. c7-a8+ b8xa8 29. g5-d8++ ;Title: Yahoo! Chess Game ;White: gray_fox9996 ;Black: uranus_4444 ;Date: Tue Jan 02 03:37:47 GMT 2007 1. e2-e4 h7-h6 2. d1-f3 g7-g6 3. f1-c4 e7-e6 4. g1-h3 d7-d6 5. h3-f4 c7-c6 6. b1-c3 b7-b6 7. c3-a4 a7-a6 8. f3-e3 c6-c5 9. e3-b3 b6-b5 10. f4xe6 b5xc4 11. e6xd8 c4xb3 12. a4-b6 e8xd8 13. b6xa8 c8-b7 14. a8-b6 b3xc2 15. b6-c4 b7xe4 16. c4-e3 g8-f6 17. f2-f3 e4-d3 18. a2-a4 b8-c6 19. a1-a3 c5-c4 20. b2-b3 d6-d5 21. c1-b2 d5-d4 22. e3-g4 f8xa3 23. b2xa3 h8-e8+ 24. e1-f2 e8-e2+ 25. f2-f1 e2xd2+ 26. f1-e1 d2-d1+ 27. e1-f2 f6xg4+ 28. f2-g3 d1xh1 29. g3xg4 c2-c1 30. a3xc1 h1xc1 31. b3xc4 d3xc4 32. h2-h4 d4-d3 33. a4-a5 d3-d2 34. h4-h5 d2-d1 35. h5xg6 f7xg6 36. g2-g3 d1-d4+ 37. f3-f4 h6-h5+ 38. g4-f3 c1-g1 39. f4-f5 c6-e5++ Now, to hunt down nemitor who i think is never(?) online.
eh wtf... i pmd u like a million times after u pmd me roughly at 7:20 pm est ... god, not fair .. nuuuuuuuuuuuuuu /bangs his desk like a 10 yr old I vote for me.
uh, report+counter report -> this might end up with each of you getting a point each ... Just wanted to share a game i played against some guy in advanced lounge (yahoo chess). He had a rating of 2400 - and i was absolutely sure he was using some chess program (W:200~ L:2 D:10) making moves in exact 5 second intervals-even tho some moves which should take just 2-3 seconds and some require much more.(even though he said he was an IM at the end,meh). As you have it with conventional chess programs(assuming), they dont know the meaning of maintaining an initiative. The following game illustrates that.I've played this line a lot in my school days. Typical thoroughly analyzed nimzo-indian, offbeat b5 variation.Pretty much all the starting 11 moves are forced here.White only hopes for a good endgame in this. For the majority of the game i was trying to prevent the 'a' pawn push. Analysis of this game follows after the moves. ;Title: Yahoo! Chess Game ;White: uranus_4444 ;Black: ruylopez428 ;Date: Thu Dec 28 01:41:37 GMT 2006 1. d2-d4 d7-d5 2. c2-c4 e7-e6 3. b1-c3 f8-b4 4. g1-f3 d5xc4 5. e2-e3 b7-b5 6. a2-a4 c7-c6 7. c1-d2 g8-f6 8. a4xb5 b4xc3 9. d2xc3 c6xb5 10. b2-b3 f6-e4 11. c3-a5 d8-d5 12. b3xc4 b5xc4 13. f3-e5 e4-d6 14. a5-c7 b8-c6 15. c7xd6 d5xd6 16. e5xc4 d6-b4+ 17. c4-d2 c8-d7 18. a1-b1 b4-e7 19. f1-b5 o-o 20. d1-f3 a8-c8 21. o-o f8-d8 22. d2-e4 a7-a5 23. e4-c5 d7-e8 24. f3-e4 c6-b4 25. b5xe8 e7xe8 26. f2-f4 c8-a8 27. b1-b3 e8-c6 28. e4xc6 b4xc6 29. g1-f2 h7-h6 30. f1-c1 c6-b4 31. f2-f3 g8-h7 32. b3-a3 d8-c8 33. g2-g4 g7-g5 34. f4-f5 e6xf5 35. g4xf5 h6-h5 36. e3-e4 c8-d8 37. c1-c4 b4-c6 38. f3-e3 c6-b4 39. e4-e5 b4-d5+ 40. e3-e4 d5-b6 41. c4-c3 a5-a4 42. c5-b7 d8-d7 43. b7-d6 d7-e7 44. f5-f6 e7-a7 45. e4-f5 h7-h6 46. c3-c6 b6-d5 47. f5-e4 d5-b4 48. c6-c4 a8-b8 49. e4-f5 a7-d7 50. a3xa4 b4-d3 51. a4-a6 h5-h4 52. a6-b6 b8-g8 53. c4-c3 d3-f4 54. c3-a3 f4-h5 55. b6-b7 d7xb7 56. d6xb7 g5-g4 57. b7-d6 g8-g5+ 58. f5-e4 h6-g6 59. a3-a8 h5xf6+ 60. e5xf6 g4-g3 61. h2xg3 h4xg3 62. e4-f4 g5-d5 63. d6-e4 d5xd4 64. a8-g8+ g6-h6 65. g8xg3 Ok- so in the beginning - Following the KISS (Keep it simple stupid) principle. Knight on d6 had to go asap,I was just lookin to recapture the pawn on c4. I wouldve agreed to a draw around move 30 but i had a nagging suspicion that if my opponent was using a chess prog. he wouldnt aware of the fact that whites central pawns are crucial. Watch move no. 33 where he seals his fate by g5!? clearing the path for my d and e pawns. The ensuing battle was more for space,i actually spent 2 min thinking about move # 52. Rb6!(threatening a backrank mate-Ne4 etc.)-this forces a rook exchange later on simplifying the position. Must say one of the most satisfying games ive had whole month.
ur offline right now :PP
uranus here [thought the name change was in order-so i wouldnt be the butt of kamoh's 134340s] .. had 2 nice games with setz. Heres the 2nd one. Lil black ants Title: Yahoo! Chess Game ;White: setzer_mason ;Black: uranus_4444 ;Date: Sat Dec 30 00:47:07 GMT 2006 1. e2-e4 e7-e6 2. g1-f3 d7-d5 3. e4-e5 c7-c5 4. d2-d4 b8-c6 5. d4xc5 f8xc5 6. c1-g5 d8-b6 7. g5-e3 c5xe3 8. f2xe3 b6xe3+ 9. d1-e2 e3-c1+ 10. e2-d1 c1xb2 11. b1-d2 c6xe5 12. f3xe5 b2xe5+ 13. f1-e2 e5-e3 14. d2-f3 e3-c3+ 15. f3-d2 g8-f6 16. o-o o-o 17. f1-f3 c3-d4+ 18. g1-h1 e6-e5 19. d2-b3 d4xd1+ 20. a1xd1 c8-e6 21. b3-c5 b7-b6 22. c5xe6 f7xe6 23. a2-a4 a8-c8 24. c2-c3 f6-e4 25. f3xf8+ g8xf8 26. e2-d3 e4xc3 27. d1-f1+ f8-e7 28. d3xh7 c3xa4 29. h2-h4 c8-h8 30. h7-c2 h8xh4+ 31. h1-g1 a4-c3 32. c2-d3 a7-a5 33. f1-c1 d5-d4 34. g1-f2 a5-a4 35. c1-a1 e7-d6 36. g2-g3 h4-h2+ 37. f2-f3 d6-d5 38. g3-g4 e5-e4+ 39. d3xe4+ c3xe4 40. a1xa4 h2-f2++
*bump* again, too bad my group was mia most of the time. Merri christmas everyone.
whoa! he took the poisoned pawn !! ouch.
ayoo, ive been 'stooging' away in ychess - god i hate it when u cant convert saved games into pgn format- so stupid. I just played a 120+ move game against some stupid 3000+ rated cheat. the engame was hilarious and he didnt know what to do , i lost it eventually after my retardo rook sac. God, im so jobless, cant wait to go to Orlando for christmas. catch ya when i can.
count me in, thanks.