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Posts posted by HideousBeing

  1. if you notice, the large levels are red

    all the red levels have multiple paths

    why they made a select few with larger spaces in specific though i have no idea

    Really? You mean there are no yellow colored large levels?
  2. This isn't exactly the right place for this, but I shouldn't create a new thread to ask this. My sister just walked in my room and began to ask me a question about Super Mario World. I prepared to shoot an answer right back at her, like I always have since she showed an interest in gaming. This time though, she asks, "(HideousBeing), on the world map, how come some of the level spaces are big, and the other ones are small?" Needless to say, I could not answer. I never let my sister down, so I'm asking any Super Mario World players: Is there a reason for this size difference? Thanks for any help in advance.

  3. I am a Zelda player myself and I like to think of Zelda and Sheik as one character: Zelda. When I say I play as Zelda, it means I use all of her moves, including transforming into and playing as Sheik. I change halfway between all of my fights from Zelda to Sheik, an effective method because your opponent is suddenly now facing a much faster, different foe. I also sometimes change from one or the other to return to the stage. I change to Zelda if Sheik can't make the distance, and I change to Sheik because she's better at avoiding spiking off the edge. I once attended a tournament, and the Sheik players I saw would not transform to save themselves. I say that there is 25 characters in Melee, not 26, so I have sharpened my skills with both of Zelda's aspects. Oh, and also, I like the idea of Zelda using her TP weapons.

  4. I've been watching the second trailer for SSBB, and I keep noticing this: Zero Suit Samus seems to be a clone of Sheik. There's one part where she performs three of Sheik's moves in a row on Link. First the down power, then the forward power, then the down smash. I also notice that her second jump looks much like Sheiks. Another thing I saw was she seems to be very vertically and not so horizontally oriented in her air movement, just like Sheik. Maybe Sheik will still be in the game, or maybe Zero Suit Samus will replace her? It makes sense: Zero Suit Samus has a whip that could be like Sheik's chain. Her gun may replace Sheik's needle storm. Of course, I expect that she will have more than one attack with each aspect of her weapon, but it seems that she will be largely derived from the move set of Sheik.

  5. you say that like you were planning on getting one.

    I have to get at least two. one to play, and another to keep safe so when something tragic happens to the other one I can keep playing.... at which point Ill go get another one. duh.

    Wow, I've never practiced that conservative game keeping. Seems like a sensible idea though. I guess I really have never had problems losing one of my games.
  6. Seriously, if you've used your second jump, you should know. If not, learn to focus.
    Probably right. BTW, what is the castle stage where there are flaming arrows being shot on Brawl supposed to be? I'll note that Hyrule Castle looks little like that.

    Edit: I just read that Pichu and Captain Falcon have two taunts each. Does anyone know how that is done?

  7. There is one thing I would like put into Brawl considering mechanics. There needs to be a way to tell if your character has used his second jump. I have always had problems forgetting that I have used my air jump, after being juggled for a bit. A good player knows what kind of mistakes this can lead to. This is a common problem for me, so it would be cool if something could tell you if you've used your second jump. Maybe a different falling animation could denote, "Hey, watch out: You have no jumps left!" Anyone else have this problem?

    Edit: Characters like Kirby and Jigglypuff (also Pit and Meta Knight in Brawl) would only be shown as having no jumps left when they have used all of their "puffs", or "flaps."

  8. I completely forgot about Norfair. That seriously would be cool. Norfair fully orchestrated would just sound awsome. I also like the idea a lot about having multiple BGMs for each stage. Only about 3 or 4 (correct me if I am wrong) stages had multiple themes. I would also like every one of the series in game to be represented with a stage. Fire Emblem didn't have a stage in Melee. Can't think of any others at this time which is good meaning only one series didn't have stage last year. More Metroid Stages would be nice as well.
    The thing is, hidden characters don't have stages in SSB. It's always been that way.
  9. thats a good question. and what if you're still waiting to unlock all the secret characters and someone busts out with Samurai Goroh during online play. might ruin the suprise for some people. or maybe the online features wont be available on release day. that would suck
    This is not the website to be posting on or reading posts on if you are the type that doesn't want the suprise ruined, lol. You can be guarranteed that as soon as the game is released, the forums will be filled with critical analyzations of all the hidden characters. I know that I would rather find out the hidden characters for myself -it's so much cooler when you unlock them and are suprised- rather than check a website to know what to expect (which I unfortunately did for Melee). I will stop posting and reading posts here for this reason when the game is released. OverClocked Remix Forums is no anti-spoiler site.
  10. I wonder if in Brawl, you'll need to unlock the characters and stages before you can have access to them in online play. If not, would they just allow you to play on any stage there is, or prevent you from playing on those stages (or with those characters) that you have not unlocked?

  11. I believe in SSB, Kirby and Ness were among the most imbalanced characters. That game was great and I loved it when I began to play it, but after taking it to the next level, I realized the game needed some fine-tuning. I will always love that game though. It was the beginning of a legend. Even now, I foresee sequels to Brawl in the future. If no more games come, it hardly matters; the replay value of each is priceless, 100%.

  12. Wasn't there supposed to be like 40 or somethin?

    No one knows yet how many there will be. There is currently 10 characters that have been anounced and we know will appear on the game. The rest of the original characters we can only guess, as well as the promising hidden characters.

  13. Too much development time to match up players by skill? That seems a bit bogus. Though it might be somewhat difficult to match players up by skill initially, once done the same system could be done with little modificaiton for a wide variety of games. Hell, they could probably sub-contract some bored college kids to build a system that's quite reliable.
    Seriously. Nintendo is not inexperienced in this field. Take Metroid Prime: Hunters. That has a rating system doesn't it? What I don't know, not having a DS myself, is if they match players according to rank on Hunters.
  14. O.K. I'd like to hear some speculation about the nature of Brawl when it is put on the Wi-Fi. Does anyone have any insight on how they may organize the system?

    Here's what I'm wondering:

    -Will there be ratings (i.e. stats)?

    -If there are ratings, will the more skilled players be pitted against the more skilled players, and the less skilled players be pitted against the less skilled players? Basically, will players compete against players of their difficulty level?

    -Will you be able to choose the games you play in? (Like StarCraft allows)?

    -Or will you be able to only specify the settings and stages you would like (Like WarCraft III allows)?

    -Will you be able to play ladder?

    -Will there be tournaments that can be played online?

    -Will Nintendo be able to add patches to fix bugs via the Wi-Fi?

    I'm dying of anticipation here, so hopefully we'll know more soon. Anyway, what does everyone think about this? How will this be set up? Please post your thoughts or more questions that we may be wondering about.

  15. Mario, Link, Pikachu, Kirby, Samus, Fox, Snake, Wario, Pit, MetaKnight.

    Luigi will probably be a hidden character again in Brawl. Even though he is Mario's closest counterpart, he is -since the first game- a hidden character always. All of the hidden characters that were on SSB showed up as unhidden characters in SSBM, except for Luigi.

    Or do you have to unlock Jigglypuff? I can't remember it was so long ago that I unlocked all the characters...

  16. *sigh* I tried playing SSBM again but for some reason I can't get into it anymore...at all! It's effing frustrating. Maybe it's cause I'm just so tired and I get easily irritated but I really get the feeling that the cpu AI is horribly unfair.

    They know they have to grab me the second before I even know I'm going to use the shield and all cpu attacks are always faster than mine 0_0. Maybe I'm just looking for excuses as to why I suck so bad at the game now, but it sure aint what it used to be.

    I don't know how them pro-people do it. Maybe it's just some kind of talent you need to have which I don't.

    *sigh again*

    Games haven't been fun for me lately, I don't know why. DBZ Wii was a horrible let down.

    I'm just getting too old for this crap ;_; give me a good game again!

    If you're referring to having difficulty taking computer players. All it takes is hours of practice. You start to recognize patterns soon and in time, the computer players will be extremely predictable. Practice, practice, practice.
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