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Everything posted by Xbob42
Nostalgia isn't a plague people, don't be afraid of it. Accept it! It's a good feeling that you should appreciate, not mock. Ocarina of Time gives me tons of nostalgic feelings as when I first played it (At a relative's house I didn't know very well, he was playing it, I saw it, he set the controller down to get some water, and I simply couldn't resist. It simply amazed me and I HAD to play it, HAD to control it.) I was in love with it. The game still provides me with tons of fun and I really enjoy the game as a whole, and can say while nostalgia definitely enhances (not detracts from!) the experience, it's just an all-around well balanced and fun game for me. I still love gaining each new item and positively aglow every time I pick up the Master Sword. That said, I do believe Wind Waker kicked the crap out of Ocarina of Time, at least for me, it felt much more epic and I think I was one of the four people on the planet who could sail for quite a while and just enjoy it, relax and love exploring. Then along came Twilight Princess and destroyed them both. A deeper story, a darker plot and the BALL AND CHAIN BABY. My favorite weapon EVER. If they changed the Master Sword to the Ball and Chain I would cheer from atop the highest mountain. I'm glad I've liked each new Zelda a bit more (Or a lot more) than the last. I've never disliked any, except for maybe Zelda II, which struck me as pretty boring. And CGI Zeldas don't count as video games, let alone real Zelda titles. Not being able to enjoy new titles... hmm... I can't think of a series that really applies to for me, and I suppose I'm glad for it. New games take long enough as is! Dismissing one as "not as good as the last" sounds like a sad way to enjoy your favorite hobby. I even like the new Sonic Games! I really liked the Adventure Aspect of Sonic Adventure 1 and 2. Sonic Riders was fairly decent too, hardly excellent, but I admit I got addicted to it. Didn't get a chance with "Sonic the Hedgehog" (PS3/Xbox 360) but I do like Sonic and the Secret Rings, although sadly here, is one case where I liked the previous game, Sonic Adventure 2, better. The game is fast and fun, don't get me wrong, but Sonic just doesn't respond fast enough. Plus, they killed his Spin Attack. What's wrong with you, Sonic Team? And Galaxy just plain rules by the way. Which, in my babbling, brings me to Super Paper Mario, which sadly I did not enjoy as much as The Thousand Year Door or the very excellent Mario & Luigi games. I did find it fun, but after a while, the combat just seemed one-sided and far too easy. Miyamoto or Iwata needs to really think about adding some difficulty levels in! I'm all for grandpa playing, hell, MY grandpa has a Wii (Although he's been a Nintendo/Zelda fan as long as I have...) but don't forget those of us who DON'T find a challenge in killing the final boss with three attacks! (Seriously, c'mon! 130 HP was it? With my Bowser doing 65 per fire breath?? That was way too easy!) Anyway, don't have as much time for forums these days. So once I get on one, I tend to ramble a bit to make up for lost time. In short: To each his own. You don't have to like anything, but it wouldn't hurt if you did.
I had just logged on to OCR before going to bed to check for new mixes when this thread caught my interest on the front page. It struck me as a very familiar name... Then someone posted a link saying that the song on that link seemed fitting, I clicked it and it was a song that had just finished playing in iTunes on my computer, Shenmue - Reflections, which has been one of my favorite remixes on this site for a few years now. Aside from a bad case of goosebumps, it deeply saddened me to read this story. As has been said in the thread several times, our thoughts and prayers go out to Mr. Kee, his family and friends and his fellows lost in the waters with him as well as their family and friends. A very sad event indeed.
Finally someone got some decent shots up! http://forum.swordofthenewworld.com/index.php?showtopic=72&st=20&start=20 That man is a pimp, I shall dress like him.
Funny, I'm the same with anime.
While I don't know about most of that, I can tell you for certain that "AFK leveling" gets you very little experience and you'll have to set it for a very long time to gain levels. So yes, you can "play" while AFK, but don't expect to progress much. The lack of loot will seriously hinder you as well, as you'll be making 0 cash while still gaining levels. You can't AFK kill in dungeons, where the real exp is made, because certain boxes when attacked unleash very powerful enemies that will zerg you, and if you're not there to fight them yourself, you're just going to die over and over. AFK leveling is actually near impossible after level 50, when you need reagents to resurrect, so you better be somewhere you're guaranteed not to die, which pretty much means no exp. AFK leveling in the field, your only other option, also let's people duel you. If you don't decline the duel, it automatically accepts, so you can be killed by other players that don't like seeing AFK levelers or just want an easy target. All in all, the feature is mainly if you have to go AFK a few minutes or just want to continue gaining exp as you take care of something else. It's hardly a viable option past the newbie levels. Also, if you have a problem with it, why were you using it? Seems illogical, captain. Not that I think it should be in there in the first place, but it has severe limitations that newbies will think get them to level 100 with no effort. Not gonna happen.
Well the only guaranteed way to get it a key is to pre-order, how's that for marketing? Heh. Though if you put in your e-mail now for the non-pre-order keys, you stand a fairly good chance at getting one I'd say. And a computer and time, like I said, shouldn't be too big of a factor. If you want to, you can level very quickly in the game due to the constant battling (Which from beta testers of the Singapore version, is apparently pretty fun considering the speed of the battles, I have yet to try it) so you don't have to be on for hours at a time. Also, since you control 3 characters, you don't NEED to be in a party, though I'd imagine a party would be better at a certain point. The first guy to hit level 100 did so pretty quickly on his own I think. He was crazy though. The game scales, so unless you've got a real pile, the game should be playable at a pretty comfortable speed. I'd imagine the only thing that would really hold you back is your internet speed. Dial-up users won't be able to handle the game. (They can play, but they don't they get no guarantees on quality.)
Err.. no, you don't have to pre-order to play beta. If you pre-order, you get a guaranteed spot in beta, as opposed to simply submitting your e-mail, which puts you on the list to get a beta key. And yeah, 3 characters definitely raises my interest for it, cause they focus on fast paced combat with lots of monsters, rather than slow based combat with monsters that have large amounts of health. Also, while I love the character design, there's not all that much customization as of yet, I'm hoping they add some before it goes live. I'm just hoping a talented mixer likes the music, I'm still waiting for Ragnarok mixes, haha.
*Shill mode, cause apparently I type like I'm selling the thing* The game actually scales from what I hear, so even on older machines (Some say machines 8 years old, I find that kind of hard to believe myself... but I know it does scale to some extent) the game should run fine. Won't look as purdy, but hey, beta's free and all, so easy chance to find out I suppose. I'm in it for two reasons, the great music and the very fast combat. I liked games like FFXI, but man, the combat was so slow, as PLD I didn't have the benefit of relaxing either, constant vigilance!
Not quite, but I could pass for one in a heartbeat.
Hey all, there's this new MMO coming out from Korea called Sword of the New World (www.swordofthenewworld.com for the English site.) and the English beta is coming out fairly soon, in fact that site just got revamped and forums added. But I came here because I love the game's musical score. There's over 126 tracks to the game, and I really enjoy the majority of them. http://www.megaupload.com/de/?d=N5877W50 (Yeah I'm not a big fan of megaupload myself, but I didn't make the link.) there's a link to one of the CDs (out of 4) from the OST. No worries, it was okay'd by the official K2 staff at the forums. Heh. I was just posting this in the hopes that a remixer here would notice this game and maybe give it a shot. (The music, that is.) http://game.sa20.com/bbs/standalone/ge/images2/xz/yy/odyssey.mp3 and http://suganet.org/~kocsi/ge/granado_espada-kubota_osamu-odyssey.mp3 are some quick examples of the dungeon music. Some people love it, like me, and some people not so much, but I figure someone's bound to enjoy it. So that's pretty much it, I've been going to this site for years and love it when great scores are remixed to be even better, I haven't posted on these forums much except a few Wii/Zelda discussions, so yeah, that's all I really needed to say. Thanks for reading folks. Hopefully someday someone will mix these great tracks.
Zelda timeline theories, for your inner geek!
Xbob42 replied to Xbob42's topic in General Discussion
Then why bother even replying? Don't click thread you aren't interested in. Geez. -
Well, the posted by Predmid in the Twilight Princess thread got me thinking, what do you think the whole timeline is, and why?The 12 minute long featurette basically gave their idea of how the Minish Cap came first, what followed and why. Some theories since Twilight Princess on there may have been proven or disproven due to various facts about the game. And hopefully we'll have even more insight once the Phantom Hourglass comes out. What do I believe? I'm not sure exactly, and I have yet to completely beat Link's Adventure (I'm sorry, but it never felt like Zelda to me and remains the only Nintendo Zelda I have never beaten. It's so hard to play through it when it bores you so.) but what I do believe is that the original Legend of Zelda probably doesn't fit too well anywhere in the timeline, at least from a technical standpoint. This is of course because the game came out long before anyone knew it would be a long franchise and Nintendo had probably simply planned a fun little adventure game, never suspecting it would swell into the monstrous series it is today. That leads me to the conclusion of that, and of the lack of any REAL story behind the original, it is not really designed for the timeline. Oh, and personally, I like to think Link's Awakening happened after Majora's Mask, but not before the original as the video implies. It seems to me that this Link is the one that never returns and is mentioned in the beginning of the Wind Waker, the Hero of Time, and that Wind Waker is not part of the "split theory," which I don't think too much of myself. Well, let's hear some wacky theories! P.S. If Kirby sucked up Link, Ganondorf and Zelda at the same time, would the Tri-Force grant him a wish?
Not at all, but I like how you think.
The Zelda series as a whole. I don't care what anyone says, each one continually claims my all time favorite Zelda game. I loved Wind Waker more than OoT, but I guess I owe it to the fact that I was like, one out of the five people in the universe who absolutely adored the Great Sea. I found sailing to be epic and awesome. Shut up. I liked it. Then came Twilight Princess and stole that away from me and made Zelda even more awesome. And although it was close, Wind Waker still holds my favorite boss battle (and boss battle finisher) of all time for any game. Though for actual ending, the original Kingom Hearts still wins there. But KH2 is definitely better than the first for me. Here are my sequels that do beat their predecessors: Zelda > Zelda before it. Kingdom Hearts 2 > Kingdom Hearts Resident Evil 4 > Resident Evil (Remake, 0 and 3) Though I disagree with everyone about the tank controls being bad. I love those controls in the old REs, the ACTION is what made RE4 better, not the controls. Again, shut up. (I said shut up!) Pikmin 2 > Pikmin Final Fantasy XI and XII > X and X-2, but not IX. Though none of them best 2/3 (American 2/3. I don't give a shit what the real numbers are, the first Japanese 3 were boring as hell anyway.) Super Smash Bros. Melee > Super Smash Bros. Super Mario 64 > Super Mario World Super Mario Sunshine > Super Mario 64 (Once again, shut up! I thought Sunshine did everything right and loved F.L.U.D.D. Jetpack > All.) Girls Gone Wild: Slutty Prom Whores > Girls Gone Wild: Slutty Whore Migets
" ... so, does Purdy ever actually talk?" Stand in front of Purdy's cage and wait. Wait. NOW! You'll see what I mean. And keep trying it!