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Alpine Flame

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Posts posted by Alpine Flame

  1. god damn 10 character limit...

    is it beyond human comprehension to get rid of the 10 character minimum requirement?

    I think you can go back and whittle it down to your original curse words. Haven't tried it yet tho.

    Also : DS is Trash has started a food fight. I am now hiding under a table listening to my sony walkman. with Kansas tape.

  2. Foo Fighters is an awesome band and wrote my favourite rock song of the 1990's - "Everlong."

    Deal with it.

    I'm more of an 80's hair metal fan. But I do like the Foo Fighters. They defined (pop) rock in the later part of the nineties.

  3. I, for one, am glad - I had a terrible premonition that this mode would be omitted for some reason (being too outdated or something.) And - not like it was a question in the first place - this means Master Hand's almost definitely returning. (Hey, I'll take whatever confirmation I can get!)

    Whoa. Maybe alittle (a few months) behind the times! Every mode in this game is made of epic win. Including one player. ALSO Raphael Raven for Brawl! Or a Belmont. Both would make me strak through the streets in crazed happiness. (Raphel as an assist)

  4. various10_071029b-l.jpg

    Who called it? ANSWER: ME.

    Bramble stage is next. Or Missingno.

    I did not call that. But I cried when the music started playing for the bramble stages.(I was slightly not sober and it was LATE.) So that would be epic. As would a gangplank galleon stage.

  5. oh yeah well at least you didn't buy sonic heroes for 2.50-- that was a terrible buy

    Hey. Hey. Sonic Heroes was.... erm... not the best... but two or three of the tracks were nice. I mean I liked the one that was titled something like "lemme show you what im made of" and come on! How could you not like the nasal sonic heroes theme? Definitely not a high point in sonic music history.

  6. Actually, I believe it uses the PS1 version of SotN as a base, and then had the Saturn extras added to it. I doubt they used the Saturn version, seeing as it suffers from noticeably fewer special effects.

    I nver said they didn't add special effects (which they probly did) Does anyone know if they have the extra japanese familiars in there? If so, that would be worth going into debt for this awesomeness.

  7. Actually I think it's pretty likely that a metroid will be an assist trophy. I'm thinking more like...a swarm of metroids though. And yeah, it should definitely leech life like that.

    And all we need now is Ganondorf with a new moveset and the villain roster will be complete!

    I foresee adventure mode for the "villains" being different than the normal one, where the normal bosses are replaced with the good guys. That is all. Please elaborate illustrious community of OCR.

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