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Alpine Flame

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Posts posted by Alpine Flame

  1. I would totally jump on the band-wagon for this one. I enjoy the new songs, but having a copy of all this really awesome work would be a great addition to my listening pleasure. If only we could work out a way where people can order these two dvd's... hrm.....

  2. I feel obligated to post here.... Im pretty young... I was around when the NES came out though. After a while with have a SNES and Genesis and all that jazz, right about when the Playstation first came out, I moved to Nevada, and for about a year, all I had to play with was an old IBM and a Commodore 64. I really didnt know how the damnable thing worked, but I messed with it until I realized the power that was "*". After that, the only thing I couldnt get to work was that crystal caves game.... but I had a blast and still play Donkey Kong from time to time, just to reminisce.

  3. Personally, for regular composers, I like Rachmaninoff. His music has an epic feel to it. The only time I really get to listen to some good classical guitar is on sundays, when the local classical station plays it for an hour. You might want to check out Gaspar Sanz, Fernando Sor, Andres Segovia, and Heitor Villa-Lobos. I'm not too sure on anything modernish though. If you have any groups that you like to listen to, please recommend them.

  4. I just wanted to say: Yipee! I always thought classical guitar was kind of an undergound culture thing (I don't get out much, as you can tell) but I love listening to it, and I congratulate you on dedicating yourself to such a wonderufl thing. Thank you.

  5. Is anyone else getting their butt kicked horribly on puzzle fighter? I played through hard mode twice for a warm-up, and then was smashed by the first person I played. I seriously think I'm doing something wrong.

  6. I'm starting to think i should have rented Bioshock. I beat it and it was pretty cool but i think I'm going to trade it in for $30 at EB Stop. I only paid like 26 bucks for it cuz i traded in a bunch of DS games, apparently Animal Crossing on the DS was worth 16 bucks.

    I can't believe that Halo is so close to release, I'm couldn't be less excited for some reason. I'm still going to midnight launch and buying the stupid cat helmet, but I'm on Halo sensory overload or something. I can't take a shit without seeing the Master Chief (kidding). Also Mountain Dew Game Fuel tastes like cough syrup mixed with ass, but not the good kind of ass.

    I did the whole "bring in five games, get more credit" shebang they had going on, and I got somewhere in the ballpark of $250 in store credit. Im still jazzed about that. I tried that new mountain dew stuff too. It burned my toungue and throat on the way down, and on the way out (I know, TMI). I'm also shocked that you too see Master Chief in the toilet bowl.

  7. Freedom is exclusive to the Government of the United States and you are not allowed to have it unless it is provided to you by the US.

    But Microsoft bought the rights to it a while back... so, in a roundabout way, by owning a microsoft-based platform, I, in essence, own my own little piece of freedom.

  8. Shh. that's what the entire OS market is about. And MS wants to make sure no one can rip off what they ripped off!

    But I like Windows, OSX, and Linux.... in addition to liking both Mario and Sonic. Am I a traitor to all camps? Man, I like my freedom.

  9. I'll be grabbing the full version of puzzle fighter along with plenty of other games once I get my paycheck at the end of the month.

    Holy crap, I can't believe I'm gonna be putting close to a grand if not more on stuff for this system by the middle of next year alone.

    Eternal Sonata

    Halo 3


    Ace Combat 6(possibly with flight stick)

    Call of Duty 4

    Beautiful Katamari

    DDR Universe(with dance pad)

    TESIV: Oblivion GoTY Edition

    Project Gotham Racing 4

    Halo Wars

    Grand Theft Auto IV

    Resident Evil 5


    Mass Effect(maybe)

    Assassin's Creed(maybe)

    Not to mention Live Arcade games like Castlevania: SoTN, Bomberman Live, Spyglass Boardgames, Puzzle Fighter, Metal Slug(if it ever comes out), Pacman C.E., Assault Heroes, etc.

    That's not even counting shit that's coming out eventually like Fallout 3, DOA: Code Chronus, Ninja Gaiden 2, and Silent Hill 5

    So fucking glad I bought this system.

    What, no Devil May Cry or Soul Calibur? But I feel you on the greatness of the games coming out.

  10. wow bomberman live rocks

    Okay, Im sold. I now have to put some more monies into xbox live (I originally only got SotN) so that I can experience the Bomberman goodness with fellow OCR peoples. Ill also be getting Puzzle Fighter, so, if anyone wants to smack me around, my gamertag is Alpine Flame (real original, right?)

  11. If you can find a copy of monster hunter (they are hard to find now) I believe they still have some active servers. Nothing beats sitting down for three hours with four other guys online and trying to bring down a gargantuan black dragon... aahhh. Anyway, great game if you have the time to invest, and a whole lot of perseverence.

  12. I don't have the wireless adapter for the 360, so it'd just be two laptops and my DS going wireless. I'm probably just gonna have the 360 going through the same outlet in the wall while everything is connected to the router in my room.

    You have more than one outlet? My router is going to be attached to my computer (i currently cant do that... damnable wireless laws where I live....) but when I move, it should be all sorts of wireless goodness. I don't have a problem with WEP or anything of that sort... its kinda part of my job. Thanks for the help though, I forgot about the DS's hatred of anything stronger than WEP.

  13. That's funny, because I just got a wireless router myself. Im going to try to go wireless with all my systems and such, wireless router + DS + 360 + Wii = All sorts of goodness. Its bound to be rife with possibilities for network problems....

  14. I don't think it's an issue being that I generally have my internet disabled on the comp while I'm using the 360.

    I don't have a router being that this is connected directly to a wall outlet.

    Any advice?

    Usually you can just unplug the wire from the back of the cpu and thatll help you out. Because, thanks to the almighty Mr. Gates, if theres a wire attached to the box, windows will use whether you tell it to or not. Let me know if that helps, because I have the same setup.

  15. I have a Tauros and could breed one up real quick for you. Hit me up.

    AArgh. Stole my thunder right out from under me. Cool though, you uber trainers are whats saving the WiFi trading network from being flooded with total crap. (such as lvl 1 bidoofs up for trade for lvl 100 whatnot)

  16. Yeah, Ive had some problems, with Ventrilo too. I dont run a Vista machine, but I did have the whole push to talk thing problem. I know just do it in regular mode, I dont know if thats possible for you or not. May I ask if you use a controller for said game? Im guessing wow. Sometimes a controller will overrride the keyboard and the game absorbs all keypresses, resulting in Ventrilo being left out in the cold and thinking your not talking. If that helped any, lemme know.

  17. Remember that we have updates going to the games release (hopefully) which will be in December. Thats about 100 days with updates between now and then. Thats alot of room. Anyway, I like Ike. Or any of FE characters. Now I just keep praying for someone to show up with something other than a sword for a main weapon.

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