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Theory of N

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Everything posted by Theory of N

  1. Is today Friday or Saturday in Japan? Cuz the site says "weekdays" so I don't want to keep looking for it if there's not an update
  2. I'm actually glad I fell asleep last night instead of staying up for that update...incredibly useless...except the trajectory thing. But that's not worth staying up for.
  3. You could play terrorist with it. Stick one on yourself and enter any large well-known landmark and/or public building screaming "JIHAD AMERICA".
  4. This is a nice soundtrack. I'm very surprised at the lack of interest in this project. I'll see if I can whip something up in the next couple days.
  5. I love the way the thing looks. It doesn't look like a glitchy ball inside of Wario (like in Melee, if you got two characters really close, how they're inside each other.) It looks like there's actually something there.
  6. I'm also starting to see a pattern in these updates. I think they're trying to get some info on every aspect of the game in first so I'm expecting some news on game modes tomorrow.
  7. Also, is it just me or does it seem like the characters interact with each other more. Like, they look almost directly at the character they're attacking. In that second picture of the Gooey Bomb entry, Mario is looking back as he's running away and in the fourth one, mario looks all dejected. I wonder if that's going to be part of gameplay or if they're just images.
  8. Awesome! Wasn't expecting anything new this early, but... GOOEY BOMB! Apparently it's a motion sensor bomb that can stick to people. If you run into/next to someone it will be transferred to them and explode...pretty sweet stuff. I want one.
  9. Not really... I think the lighting makes it look browner. If you look at the art and stuff (not gameplay) you'll see it's pretty blonde. And what do you mean more human? The shield is what gets me. The Brawl version of it just seems to pop out, when the TP one doesn't as much. If you look close enough it looks about the same but it's much more accentuated in Brawl.
  10. lol, we're never going to anywhere. Just gonna be posting lots of ideas and never agree... but uh... Black History Month owait...
  11. Yeah, and that's only 10. Unless they want to take a step back from melee, there's going to be at least 12. Well, not necessarily, but it makes a lot of sense.
  12. I would love to check out the source tunes for this and maybe audition or something, but I'm having trouble w/ chiptunes. I don'tknow what's wrong with it, I've tried uninstalling/reinstalling winamp AND chiptunes and still nothing...
  13. I doubt they'd put in any secret unlockable things. I just want to know the starting lineup of characters.
  14. in time... but, boy, was I wrong. It was even worse than I said it was going to be lol. They're going to drag this out as looooooooooooooooooong as they can...
  15. Man, it sucks to have no life. I'm probably going to up until 2 am again waiting for the page to update... Of course they're probably only going to put in Zero Suit Samus, Wario, Pit, Meta Knight, Snake, Pikachu, Link, Mario, and Kirby in the character section and leave it at that.
  16. NiGHTS had a cameo in Sonic Adventure which was released on the GCN.
  17. [sarcasm] yes! Uematsu! Maybe they'll put Cloud or Sephiroth in the game! [/sarcasm]
  18. Sakurai is supposedly updating the site everyday. Unfortunately, it's probably around the same time everyday...4 PM Japan Time
  19. haha, your playlist in your sig is filled with "menu1".
  20. lol, the point of that was to show that Nintendo's done it before. If you wanted to play multiplayer on FF: CC, you had to go out and buy GCN - GBA cables and if you didn't have one, a GBA as well.
  21. and why not? They did something similar with Crystal Chronicles. http://www.vgcats.com/comics/?strip_id=86 Besides, at the risk of sounding like a dick(which I don't mean to be), your info is dated and by someone in the production team. This info is hot and by someone on the DEV team. Even if they don't market the GCN controllers again, I'm pretty sure they'll be making it primarily for GCN controllers. Besides, most people who have a wii, more than likely have a GCN and people who get Brawl more than likely got into it from Melee, so they're not really forcing most people to go buy new controllers.
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