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Theory of N

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Everything posted by Theory of N

  1. lol...didn't think of that as an acronym for a sec...
  2. I'm lookin forward to playing as Zero Suit Samus so I can kick ass and be hawt at the same time :3
  3. damn dude, I care. I've been having problems w/ AIM though, so I haven't been able to get a hold of anyone to play. I'm completely re-dling and installing so I'm hoping that'll work.
  4. Agreed. What's the point of posting for feedback if you have most (if not all) of it right there?
  5. ha, do you not remember me from the last snes tourney? AIM-magic22man115 and it's *nonexistenece lol
  6. Well, I give up for now Maybe it'll work next Thursday...
  7. lol, I guess I'm not on there because I responded too quickly (?)
  8. really? I'm still getting nothing...what are you playing it in? EDIT: owait, you're on irc...
  9. well, damn The stream doesn't seem to be working for me...I think it's something on my comp. Can someone, like, record the stream or something? >.> I reeally want to hear it
  10. The stream is having technical difficulties...will this be fixed by 11:00?
  11. whoah, this sounds totally different. Doesn't even sound like the same wip anymrore. That clicky kick is kind of annoying. Still sounds really empty. Fill it up more. Put in some lower background parts or something. Yeah, it sounds better because it has rythm now, but my biggest beef is the fact that there's nothing but melody and there's no arrangement whatsoever here. It's just the original in different keys.
  12. That format sounds great to me. I'm with dPaladin
  13. I wonder where the team is in development of this game right about now...
  14. Whoo! Definitely in on this one. I've played bomberman before, but not this one. Fun, fun
  15. lol at... "Hey, I've got one. It's called 'Hide and go *boing* yourself'"
  16. 11:00 p.m. cst? damn...I'll probably have to miss it ...of course, that's what I should say, but if my dad doesn't shut the internet off that night and I'm reeeeaaally sneaky, I may or may not be able to catch the awesomeness of another VG radio show.
  17. ok so, there's these forums that tell pretty much everything that's known, and speculated about KHIII. They kick ass. Try there for some answers. http://www.kingdomhearts3.org
  18. put in moar bg sounds. like, a bass synth, or some chords in the background. That would add a bit of melodic content >.>
  19. So has anyone else been able to preorder/reserve a copy of this yet? My EB Games still won't let me.
  20. HA! I love the MSPaint logo/button.
  21. Link me up to the stream and what time and dates will it broadcast? I want to listen :3
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