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Theory of N

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Everything posted by Theory of N

  1. yes, but that's like a 75 hour drive (slight exaggeration) and it would be hell to even try and convince my parents to let me go to that one...
  2. from what I know, the FM games are not spinoffs. They're basically the same game w/ extended scenes and lots of bonus stuff that wasn't in the original. Pretty much a way to get more money w/o having to be original.
  3. Lol yeah, I want to know the reason behind the millions of keyblades too... so what's the difference between KHII and KHII:FM?
  4. No because the keychains transformed the keyblades. Meaning that even though there were 10 (just a random number) keychains, there were still only 3 keyblades. So those are all actually keyblades.
  5. Really? My EB Games won't let me put money down for Brawl yet... First thing I thought when I read this was Mario Party... Oh god no... "WHO IZ TEH BESTEST!!! U CAN BE TEH SUPASTAH!" Mario, Luigi, DK, Peach, Yoshi, Wario: "Yahoo!" Roy, Fox, Samus, Link and pretty much everyone else just stares stupidly: "wtf?"
  6. No, those were just Keychains that (I think) transformed the Keyblade into a more powerful keyblade. Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong.
  7. yeah! That way, the game would never get old . Keep adding new levels and game modes and it'll always be different. Kickass
  8. Update: same link. Using different sound layered with piano for bg chords. Extended vibe solo at the beginning. EQ'd a bit more. May be a couple other things that I forgot about...
  9. nowai! Does this mean that if I win, you'll allow me to drink underage?! Shame...but I'll take it
  10. um...yeah...yeah, I had that pretty backwards... I donno though. It just seems like it fits more on the Wii (even though he is "Wight" handed lol). I guess it just comes down to personal opinion. It may have been meant for GC but I've played them both and the Wii version is just...better imo. Anyway, yeah, let's get back on the SSBB subject
  11. Yeah, there were about 3 or 4 waiting to be judged the last time I checked.
  12. I'm pretty sure that TP was meant to played on the wii. They probably altered gameplay so that it would work on GC because they had originally announced it to be for GC and they didn't want to disappoint anyone. Also because the wii was brand new when TP was released and not everyone had one and they were really hard to get. Had to make it more avaliable.
  13. Don't know how much I'll be able to do but go ahead and sign me up. I can just drop out if things don't work out, right?
  14. blech...I'm not big into sports games. At least not professional sports games. NBA Street was cool though.
  15. I'm pretty sure there's a whole Pokemon project going on right now. Don't know how close it is to being finished though.
  16. Man, I would get so pwnt if it was Gundam Wing...the only fighting game I'm good at is SSB.
  17. Zelda: TP is for GC too. and uh... LOL
  18. Never said they couldn't...I'm just saying that everyone's talking about them putting in Zelda's TP weapons when there was really only one that she actually used in TP. Didn't say anything about them putting weapons that weren't in TP on her. That would be kind of weird though. I could see her using that sword, but only cinematically. I couldn't see her using it in Smash Bros. proficiently.
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