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Everything posted by Ace-Of-War

  1. I have to let off a little steam because the game has thrown me a curveball at about 20 hours. Without spoiling anything my party has just made it back to Rabanastre after what happened to the Leviathian Dreadnaught for those keeping score at home. The story is getting so damn complex, I'm finding it very difficult to follow where is where and who is who. They all talk in old english and the names all blend together. They talk of nations that used to exist and counsels and organizations and governments so seemlessly that it just gets all mixed together. I understood the war aspect, but now with Ashe telling everyone about these stones and her family... I'm having a hard time following. I'm still not really sure what I'm going to do next, I just know the map tells me to go there. Also, maybe it's just me but damned if I can't get any serious gil without spending hours on hunts and battling. I mean I literally went on a 120 combo run just so I could feel content with my wallet for a few hours, but it turns out I couldn't even afford decent armor for everyone with the chicken feed I made killing all those midget Star Wars guys. There's too much to buy! Just making sure I'm stocked on my items breaks my bank if I don't go earn more. Hunts are getting old quick and I'm already sick of the battle system. Gambits didn't turn out as nice as I had hoped for, it just seems like I don't get rewarded enough for the effort I put in. Oh well.
  2. I'm sure there is, and for those that can stomache it, more power to you. It's just that a world where math can actually be fun and creative instead of the execise in repetition that I know it to be only exists for people who like doing it to begin with.
  3. In the same boat, except this is my second time taking College Algebra. I had to withdraw a couple of semesters ago because I just couldn't keep up. Like linkspast said, our high school teachers basically gave us a calculator and showed us how to get it to think for us. I'm just not a math kind of guy either. When I see math, I see the same problem people have done for hundreds of years, meaningless numbers that have been solved countless times. It's so much different from writing a paper or reading about an issue or event, you don't really get anything out of it. You figure out x and you throw the paper away. The next kid figures it out, does the exact same thing, and he throws it away. I can't get over that mindset, that it is just the same thing over and over again.
  4. Women belong in the kitchen not the judges panel!
  5. XXXL? Damn you people are fat.
  6. ... An early gift! Edit: I'm kind of in the mood to type some, so I think I'll tell a story here. I remember when I bought Breath of Fire III it was the first RPG that I really owned (At least the first one in a traditional sense.. SMRPG I had gotten that previous year I believe) When I popped it in for the first time, I played the hell out of it, I fell in love with the characters and to me it was truely a remarkable game. The first time I had beat it I just went back and started a new game, played it over again. That time I had purchased the Strategy Guide so I could find all the hidden chests I missed. Either way, I had some friends across the street, two brothers. I had known the older one pretty much since 1st grade, and his brother was pretty cool too. Anyways, I had mentioned I got into this Breath of Fire III RPG, and they wanted to know if they could borrow it. Sure enough I let them borrow it, they were trustworthy enough. (For those of you guessing the ending, your not going to get it, it has a lame ending but I felt like taking a stroll down memory lane in text form for all of you too see) So they had it for a couple of weeks, naturally they were hooked too, it being the great game it is and all. They both had there own save files but the younger brother could never get far because when Rei was in his party, all he used him for was pilfering. He literally sat there and pilfered at 1 HP. He feel in love with the word for a while too, Screaming out PEEL-FUR at random. He did it in the MarioKart 64 voice, if you've played the game you know what I'm talking about. I can still hear him screaming it out at people in cars and shit. He would run around throwing his fists and calling pilfer as his special move when we played our games. . . He grew out of that phase after a few days though. I got my game back, it's sitting right here in my Playstation game holder dealy awaiting to be played again. As we come around to present day, I haven't talked to either of them for a while... the occasional wave as acknowledgement to each others existance is the level relationship I have with both of them now. The older brother goes to a different high school (A new one had opened up and only let certain age levels in... another story) and the younger brother was a few years behind. Ah, but good times nonetheless.
  7. Aye, but I no longer contribute, I just... I can't seem to find anymore.
  8. And I haven't even shown the games yet! Not you Smoke, I love you. I just do my three-dot post to initiate my new signature. Check previous pages, I've done it many a time.
  9. www.hostmysig.com They have a free section but.... I strongly suggest sticking with .txt, not only are the free requirements shitty, but the servers themselves aren't very reliable. I ditched them sometime ago.
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