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Everything posted by mjanzen128

  1. To be honest, I think I have completed it, but I wouldn't mind some opinions on that. What needs work, what's good / what's bad. Y'know, the basic stuff of what this forum category is all about. Have at it! Throw those punches! Let's hear 'em!
  2. I use After Effects for that. There's a built in audio visualising plugin in that program. I'm not sure if there would be something for any of the Sony products, but I'm sure there is something somewhere. I'm a born and bred Adobe guy, so I'll admit I don't know much about the other products. Used to use Final Cut Pro till version 10 came along.
  3. I know, it's a lame title... I couldn't figure out a way to incorporate both Skyrim and Legend of Zelda Skyward Sword into the name... Anyways, that's beside the point of this thread, so imagine this: You're trudging around in the land of Skyrim, and you're suddenly greeted by some sort of machine you've never seen before. A robot. An ancient robot with a captains hat on. You've never seen the likes of this in the land of Skyrim before. But wait! There's a sign! "Welcome to Hyrule" Huh, how'd I get here in Ancient Hyrule. At the most southern tip of Skyrim, it connects the Ancient Hyrule's Lanayru Sand Sea, which used to be a vast lake, but now, is a ... well ... sea of sand in which robots used to roam the caverns mining for certain valuable stones. This is the moment you realize that Skyrim and Hyrule are connected in so many ways. So many way's that you thought you'd never, ever imagine.
  4. I always loved the mysteriousness of Mr. L from the Super Paper Mario game. Everyone knew who it really was the whole time, but still, it gave Luigi some much deserved attention. Not many people know that Mr. L was the one who destroyed Sammer Guy's Kingdom, but before that ever happened, the Sammer's had a tradition. This ancient tradition was a 100-Man battle, attempted by many, failed by more, and the final man to make it almost a quarter way through this tradition was none other than Mario. The main inspiration was the mysteriousness of this world. Somehow, they knew the world would eventually be destroyed, yet, they all continued life during the hard times before the world was destroyed, as if nothing was wrong. Mr. L failed his mission of fear. This 100 Sammer Guy Salute is the upbeat to remember those who were lost in the destroying of Sammer Guy's Kingdom. This was their song.
  5. When you see an abandoned house in your hometown, what's your first instinct? Drug dealers? Escaped convicts? Could even be old cat women. The fact of the matter is, no matter what, it's a house that should technically never be entered. That, unless, you've lost something, perhaps a loved one or cherished object, in that house. Even if you did enter, there is no saying what will happen to you, or you loved one, in that house, no matter what it is inhabited by. Even so, you may discover that it could be a haunted house of sorts. If this is the case, this is not a song that should be listened to before entering that said haunted house, because chances are, you'll wake up the bigger ones. Yes, you will awaken the Big Boo! This remix includes songs from both the original Super Mario Bros. as well as Super Mario World. Remix: Sources Ghost House: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vfChDMigpKw shadow Mario: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h1cK2rzftz8
  6. Yeah, sorry, I linked and named the wrong Kakariko cause i was listening to that one when i was posting this. My bad I'll fix it.
  7. I sent in this remix a LONG time ago, and never got any replies to it. Probably sent it to the wrong email, but I'm impatient when it comes to the judging process, even though its a well worked out process... Anyhoo, the remix... Everyone knows where Kakariko is. East side of the land of Hyrule (west side if your playing backwards on the Wii version, but every other game the Village is in, its in the East side) just waiting for us to discover it! Anyone who's been there knows that the people who live there are lovable and cannot be hated whatsoever, but through the ages and centuries, Kakariko became a ghost town of sorts. Long before that though, a young boy in green showed up to a party the village was having. This is the song that started that party. The Party Down in Kakariko! Remix Party Down in Kakariko Sources Ocarina of Time: Kakariko Village (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lkFhCZL6qp4) CORRECTION: THIS IS ACTUALLY FROM OCARINA OF TIME, NOT TWILIGHT PRINCESS. I WAS JUMPING THE GUN THERE CAUSE I WAS LISTENING TO MULTIPLE VERSIONS AT THE TIME OF POSTING.
  8. I could not think of another way to end it, the ending is the reason why I haven't posted it as a "finished" remix yet cause i just wasn't sure about it. Thanks for the input!
  9. It's been just about a year since I first started this one (10 months actually) but I think I finally got it right. There are 3 different LoZ songs in here. Most of it is based from Twilight Princess, and the last one, I'm pretty sure, is a generic LoZ song. Correct me if I am wrong on this one. Remix Secret Challenge of The Gerudo Sources Twilight Princess: Gerudo Desert (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1QqdlXtTIjE) Twilight Princess: Hidden Village (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EVpHPh_4uhs) Legend of Zelda: Overworld (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ajYFOBWOBKs)
  10. yeah, I was looking forward to hearing it... hopefully its back up soon.
  11. Wow... I didn't know it was possible, but I guess you can make great remixes using Garageband. Yeah, I can tell with the style and instruments that its GB. To tell you the truth, this remix has given me new light, and I'm gonna go back to my GB and try and make one as good as this.
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