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Everything posted by bmhedgehog

  1. um scratch that request guys I've got dancing monkey and gorilla auto step generator.
  2. i think this should help you http://www.stepmania.com/wiki/Create_Your_Own_Songs
  3. hey if any of you guys aren't really busy doing anything could anyone please create beginner, basic, difficult and expert steps (prefer basic over any other difficulty so ya wouldn't over exert yourself) for the following: Final Fantasy Battle Megamix Final Fantasy Battle 5-X Still More Fighting (NES Mix)
  4. Thanks for the help Doc.
  5. can someone please tell me where i can find Let the beat hit 'em and Put your Faith in me? Ive already checked out bemanistyle's and absolutly no dice there. Thanks in Advance
  6. I really cant wait to play Sakura no Keshi this would be a perfect remix to add to the DDR games. say has anyone tried out my Tube Panic (Knuckles' Choatix Special Stage)?
  7. I do, right now im trying to go through and make chances/updates to it.
  8. ok ive already have the theme for SM. so i'll have to located the song list then ill add the songs then bing bang boom ive got DDR extreme without buying any imports
  9. QQ is the theme of the jap version similar to the arcade version?
  10. hi everyone, Im bmhedgehog and new here. Ive been a fan of DDR for the last couple of yrs, just recently i got DDR Ultramix 4 (xbox) and DDR Universe (360). I have all of the DDR home games evermade. PS1: DDR DDR Disney Mix (yes i do have Disney Mix) DDR Konamix (or 4th mix if you perfer) PS2: DDR Max DDR Max 2 DDR Extreme DDR Extreme 2 DDR Supernova Xbox: DDR Ultramix 1-4 Game Cube: DDR Mario Mix I do have SM on my laptop and i try to put in songs from the DDR games, also i have one sim file ive done for it http://www.bemanistyle.com/sims/simfile.php?id=6983 the song is called Tube Panic (Knuckles Chaotix Special Stage) its a 1 footer 71bpm (you might need to adjust speed to 1.5 in order for the song to sync (still trying to figure that out) Ive had ITG, but im sorry to say that it was total crap was glad to get rid of it, has anyone have Dance Factory for ps2? its a bit of a change in pace from tradtional DDR though the up and down step zones have been switched L,U,D,R as opposed to L,D,U,R. The only bad thing i can say about the home versions of DDR is that the most recent ones on ps2 and xbox/360 is the crappy dance master/quest mode in order to unlock new songs, heck Mario Mix had a better setup, rather than the old get new song after every 5th song you play. I just hope that when Supernova 2 comes out they have better put in a better dance master mode (ala mario mix) or go back to the new song after every 5th song. Sorry for the long post gang had to get alot off my mind, ill post my fave songs another time.
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