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  1. wow. just wow. you are gifted man - thank you for sharing.
  2. Hey Vagrance, didn't read your post before my last one, while the tune was re-upping. Thanks for the listen and comments - very much appreciated. I feel where you're coming from for sure. I really admire almost all the mixes I hear here because they're original and refreshing. That said, you're right -> I don't currently have the composition skills to really make innovative remixes. With my own work, I feel I've been able to create some worthwhile pieces, but using a MIDI presents certain challenges. I feel I can arrange sections and create progressions ok to a certain extent, but if I need to play a piece from scratch, or come up with more then a few original notes, then I fall flat. But! The whole reason I actually got into writing/remixing/building a studio was because of game music, and partially because of OCR. It's been a few years, but I feel like I've come a long way, and I know that if I keep trying and learning (more theory, chords, etc.) then I'll have a shot at doing more original remix work. Perhaps I could help write drums for someone that's more melodically inclined, haha! (oh, and I think that a proper deep dubstep remix of the theme could be done... this one's really on the more obvious side of dubstep.. if you could call it that. A nice ambient bit with some bumping drums and a smooth sub could be quite nice... maybe when I get my skills up -> I'm thinking my next tunes will be on the deeper note [/end rant] Respect!
  3. Ok here's the revised piece. I left the drum intro and outro in because I think this is the last time I'll probably post it, unless I can figure out any more groundbreaking changes.. In the last week, I've probably worked far too much on it; the melody is ingrained in my brain, haha. Time to start new tunes! I changed the first synth, cut out some sfx, added some phrases to the middle, did some more drum edits, general EQing, some synth pitching, and cut the hi-bass in the very middle run. Big thanks to everyone, esp. Opterion for contributing a flute section that I felt helped give the tune a slightly more organic feel in the middle, as well as some appropriate progression. Take another listen if you so desire. Cheers
  4. Cheers for the listen and feedback, Rozovian, Opterion, and MrSneak. Rozovian: I was going for the "primitive type" synth for the classic feel, though I've changed the first synth slightly, and the intro melody. Perhaps for the best? I also cut as much of the low-mids on the bass as I could without it sounding wimpy. Opterion: I've taken out some of the xylophone at the beginning, and I think, toned down some of the SFX. I originally had much more, but was advised by a friend to minimize the use (makes it to obvious its a videogame remix for those that don't know he said, haha.) The melody that plays with the bass was put up 2 octives I believe, so its not in conflict with the bass. At first I didn't feel it because I thought it was too high pitched, but now I'm feelin it a bit more. Appreciate that Opterion. So my problem is I'm not that good at music composition haha! I know what you all mean by more of a deviation from the source.. and I'm trying (though I come from DJing and not a musicaly trained background.) I can manipulate MIDIs to a certain extent "arrangement wise", though actually changing the content is challenging to me. I guess the thing is that the big electro-bass is mostly the hook (atleast till the full xylo comes in), and loses it effectiveness if placed in the background. I know it's tough to give advice, but any tips for interpretation / progression? If I can make more improvements - I'll repost it (ps - cheers and thanks again - this is one of the most helpful forums I've ever been on - you guys should be proud.)
  5. spectacular song -I see this getting some play at home the only thing that stood out was that the drum track was too quiet, even a few more dB's in relation to the rest of the mix could do wonders. when the sub bass kicked in, imo, I could tell the rest of the song was mixed down well, but throughout the song, the drums are just slightly out of balance. cheers and great work!
  6. thx for the listen Spakku. perhaps it's cause the bass is so upfront and continuous, though I can't quite think of any way to have another instrument cut through, or be more dominant right now... much appreciated!
  7. I've posted up a few tunes here, and I think I'm getting closer and closer, haha. It's kind of designed for dj's to mix. You might think it's a bit repetitive, but I felt the progression is enough to drive it along. I did cut out the extended melody-less beat intro and outro I put in for mixing. The contained file is pretty-much as much as I can think of doing with it. I really enjoy workin on these tunes, and if you'd like - hit me a link and I'll give you feedback aswell. Take a peak! Feedback is appreciated! http://www.mediafire.com/?nzzmjtilozn Thank you and respect Update: revised, full length track:
  8. yes!. yes yes yes yes yes! loving this one. what kind of music do you usu listen to. this sounds very dub-steppish (imo) and I just can't get enough of it. would *love* a 320 when you're done. respect and keep up the good work.
  9. If i'm not mistaken, what I did was revrse the drum loop, and do an automated low pass filter (to quickly reduce the high frequencies). I guess it kinda sounds like a record being played backwards while turning the volume down. I know what you mean about the drum beat. As timegoes on, I am using more and more drum beaks in my work. It may get played on the radio tomorrow, haha
  10. Thank you for taking a listen to a drum and bass remix I did of the "Chaos Temple" from Final Fantasy 1. Its now finished. so I won't be working on it anymore. I enjoyed making it, take a listen here: http://www.chainsawsound.com/dubs/Chaos%20Theory%20Dub%20-%20Rhythmicon%20(ChainsawSound.com).mp3 or here: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=FXKPCHS8 Lemme know what you think! Rhythmicon djrhythmicon@hotmail.com
  11. here you go. http://www.megaupload.com/?d=PCV4KKGV it's temp again, but I'll be permanantly hosting it soon. thx for your listen bro cheers
  12. thank you Legion303 i appreciate the input. i know what you're talking about on th panning of the hats. its a break im using that basically has 2 breaks hard panned together. maybe I can reduce the stereo field a bit. in regards to the 6 mins reference, I guess its because some people i give this out to may mix it with other tunes, so it would probably stay a little more fresh. but i do know what you mean... maybe a longer intro w/o pads would do. thanx for your eartime
  13. almost 50 views........did anyone listen?
  14. soooooo excited to hear this!
  15. Hello all! Im working on a jungle remix of "Spirit of the Night" from Secret of Mana. Its turned out to be more upbeat than the original, and has got a bit of a trance flavour to it aswell. Even if its not going to make judging, Ive really enjoyed making this, and I would really appreciate some constructive feedback on it. I am still doing work on the drums, and if anything akward stands out in the mixdown, dont hesitate to mention. Thx, guys. http://www.megaupload.com/?d=5CVPGRW4 Rhythmicon (Quinn D.)
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